There are rumors spreading that the old sauna is kind of spooky. Things that are stored in there will never be the same anymore. The pair of shoes may miss the other shoe or they both may be left feet shoes. The tip of the skies may become topsy-turvy or the binding may get lose and lost. Even an iron bar may become knotted and all texts may appear to be written in some alien language. t'm'n kirjoittaja on isopeikko, suuri set'

no history of political cartoons in the Middle East.Kaikkien aikojen tärkein kirja ympäristökriisistä gaian kosto

"The pursuit of truth and beauty is a sphere of activity in which we are permitted to remain children all our lives."Tyhjiöllä on muun muassa energia ja siinä syntyy ja häivää "tyhjästä" koko ajan ns.virtuaalisia hiukkasia.