i've long had a similar notion. an intelligence could manifest itself or communicate by manipulating plasmas or other forms of matter and energy, or perhaps even conciousness itself
The universe can be understood as a computer that runs algorithms allowing for physical laws (see John Archibald Wheeler and Seth Lloyd). In our universe, the physical laws are such that they allow for the presence of life. What is life? Any discreet system that exists continuously (i.e. uninterruptedly) or replicates over time. In this context, even idea propagation can be considered life-like (i.e. memetics). If this is the case, since the physical laws exist over time, and because they exhibit systemic qualities, can the laws of the universe be regarded as life forms unto themselves (e.g. the law of gravity as life form)? Does that mean the universe is a life form? [By my broad definition, I suppose it has to.]
Sentient Developments