It really hurts the field, and it gets a lot of people trained in methods that don't work.In the civilian community at large, there are a lot of people who have made themselves self-appointed experts. They come up with new ideas, and immediately start charging people to learn them.
lite svenska
Jag har pratat en del med Johan Lindström (-2007) vetenskapsteoretiker vid Göteborgs universitet. Han menar att skeptikerna helt medvetet, och antar jag, TV omedvetet blandar ihop världsåskådning med vetenskap. Kulturfolk menar å sin sida att vetenskap är blott en kulturyttring och att den inte står över någon annan kulturyttring i samhället. Världsåskådning och vetenskap och andra kulturella yttringar är alla lika mycket värda och viktiga, enligt dem.
Vi måste slutligen komma ihåg att medvetandeforskning binder samman naturvetenskap/kvantfysik med kosmologi/världsåskådning, vilket gör området till kanske det mest intressanta forskningsfält som existerar. Vi kan förslagsvis kalla det för "Medvetenskap".
Torbjörn Sassersson, fil kand naturvetenskap (Biologisk Geovetenskaplig linje). Kommunikationskonsult
method called "ARV", which stands for "Associative Remote Viewing". It is a standardized protocol, developed along with CRV, at Stanford Research International. In it, a person associates something easy to view with something hard to view, to make the viewing easier. For example, the basic human sensory impressions are easy to view. But numbers are very difficult. Therefore, I can make a list of, say, ten identifiably different tasting foods and associate each with the digits 0 through 9. Then, I set up a future event which will definitely happen. Let's say that I will meet you at 9 PM and give you a piece of the food which is associated with whatever number comes up on the first lottery ball at 7:30 PM.
That is a future event which we will make happen, no matter what. In such a circumstance, it is very easy for me to ask you early that morning what you will taste at 9 PM that evening. If you say, for example, "mint", then I look on my list and see that the number 5 is associated with the flavor of mint. In order for you to taste a mint at 9 PM, the number 5 will have to come up on the lottery at 7:30. Therefore, by telling me the flavor, you have just told me the lottery number.
This method works excellently for any question about the future which has a limited number of possible outcomes. There are several other standardized protocols, developed during this time frame, which are used for other specialized purposes.
But what the government had actually been using was something different. It was a new science, developed in the laboratory, called "Controlled Remote Viewing". It is a science based on a type of martial art, where a person trains the body to react to actual detailed information in the subconscious mind. It learns a physical language to translate the subconscious mind's information to consciously accessible thought.
Once the martial art is developed, the person has a way to interview the subconscious and find out what it knows about the universe. As it turns out, the subconscious knows just about everything.
And, with this science, it is all available under totally controlled conditions. So, there are actually enormous differences between "remote viewing" and "Controlled Remote Viewing".
But, that didn't answer your question.
The limits of psychic functioning are well known, and have been known for centuries. The most important one is that the psychic is rarely ever in control of the talent. While Controlled Remote Viewing has conquered that problem, it is now uncovering other problems.
One of the most important is that Controlled Remote Viewers, or CRVers, have real problems getting information about numbers or letters. Other than that, the limitations are extremely few, and easily bypassed using new discoveries in the field.
It is extremely easy to protect a person, place, or thing from being viewed by a "remote viewing" but
governments and military leaders around the world are not ignorant of the dangers of psychic spying.real stuff