lauantai 14. maaliskuuta 2009


Ihminen ei tarvitsee rahaa elääkseen. kuka sanoi että me tarvitsemme rahataloutta. Settembrini, people's needs are created by environment

Settembrini represents the active and positive ideal of human rights. He often finds Castorp in the dark and switches on the light before their conversations. He compares himself to Prometheus of Greek mythology, who brought of fire and enlightenment to Man. His own mentor Carducci has even written a hymn to another lightbringer: to Lucifer, "la forza vindice della ragione." His ethics are those of bourgeois values and labour. He tries to counter Castorp's morbid fascination and warns him against Madame Chauchat, tries to demonstrate a positive outlook on life. But how du yu connect human rights with labour? yu canot put human rights and the revolution on opposite sides. man will be free from labour.

Base and Superstructure are the economic and political constituent elements of the synthetic conceptual-pair that is explicitly and implicitly common Georg Lukács's famous History and Class Consciousness (1920), is opposed to any psychological conception of consciousness, which forms the basis

antagonist Naphta describes him as "Zivilisationsliterat". Mann originally constructed Settembrini as a caricature of the liberal-democratic novelist, represented for example by his own brother Heinrich Mann.

Settembrini's physical characteristics are reminiscent of the Italian composer Ruggiero Leoncavallo.

Naphta: Radicalism

Naphta represents radicalism. His perspective combines several heterogeneous aspects includin communism. With brilliant intelligence he aims to unmask Settembrini's values and ethics and leads them ad absurdum,"

In Mann's original draft, Naphta was not planned but was added , while the Weimar Republic was threatened by radical ideologies from all sides. Hans Castorp decides that Naphta was a Revolutionär der Erhaltung (revolutionist of conservation). This apparent oxymoron alludes to a movement. Naphta himself is conceived as a contradiction in terms: Jewish Jesuit, anti-capitalist, anarchic and theocratic. Possible inspirations for Naphta are Leon Trotsky and Georg Lukács.Labour and communism.

we have labour the computers.

theres food for everyone, we can be free from labour and money

w e c a n b e f r e e f r o m l a b o u r a nn d m o n e y! a n d criminality becaouse there will be nothing to steel in a society where everything is free. Suomesta puuttuu avoin, kriittinen ja laajaa yleisöä huomioiva keskustelukulttuuri

However, building a consensus on regulation is a long-term aim. It is still not clear which body will emerge as the super regulator for the new system, with the US backing the F*inancial S*tability Forum fff. Capitalism is, incapable of resolving the biggest challenges of the day: environmental catastrophe and the abuse of information technology, intellectual property rights and biogenetics.

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