All folks of life have their path to take..dreams to make. We may stumble but still
bi able det
naturliga inte kommer naturligt
maiso n communale, localized economiy..not yet...finance ministers are now putting in the IMF, which a few years ago seemed to running out of resources and searching for a role.
"""IMF reform"
thei made remarkably specific commitments to reform the IMF and World Bank, giving more weight and voting power to newer economic powers like China and India, and changing the informal agreement that has meant that the US and Europe always provide the leaders of the two institutions.
Under Gats in the EU, governments cannot limit the size or the value of the financial services operations. This prevents governments from intervening to ensure that a financial service company does not become "too big
The EU requests were clearly based on specific demands from the financial industry, who had easy access to the negotiation documents and EU negotiators.
By contrast, only after strong insistence were Dutch parliamentarians allowed to look at those hundred of pages of requests in a small room - and they were prohibited from taking notes!
new governance structures US? will ensure that the financial sector is no longer allowed to fuel ever more speculative finance without serving the economy, society, or solutions to the food, energy and climate crises which the world is confronting
Societies must invent new forms of property ownership and common goods or perish. “My
Communism has to be reinvented,