he is a man of rigorous intellectual honesty who, No pessimist ever discovered
the secret of the stars
We needed religions because gods purposes where no so holy
sailin an uncharted land, or openin a new doorway for the human spirit.on a recent journey to Texas, reported hearing evangelical mutterings about the advent of a "post-Christian" America...well. America, then,
is not a post-religious society—and cannot be as long as there are people in it, for faith is an intrinsic human impulse. The belief in an order or a reality beyond time and space is ancient and enduring. "All men," said Homer, "need the gods."
Simplexity is an emerging theory that proposes a possible complementary relationship between complexity and simplicity. The term draws from General Systems Theory, Dialectics (philosophy) and Design.
Religious doubt and diversity have, however, always been quintessentially American. Alexis de Tocqueville said that "the religious atmosphere of the country was the first thing that struck me on arrival in the United States," but he also discovered a depth of doub
The great thing here is everything can be made in advance...look While most governments' eyes are on the banking crisis, a bigger issue - the - is passing them by..environmental crisis. The American comunity is based on the British community. The structure and function of governance is the same. There is a Head of State (President/Queen), branches of Government, and so on.
Alas! Poor Yorick. I knew him well. A fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy; he hath borne me on his back a thousand times; and now, how abhorred in my afterimage he is!
Well… that’s what Hamlet would have said, had he been holding the vintage Pear’s Soap advertisement bearing Yorick’s skull in the accompanying slide, rather than a dug up and rotting Danish cranium. In this antique illusion, you can stare at the X in Yorick’s left eye socket for about 10 to 30 seconds, then look away at a flat surface such as a piece of paper, wall, ceiling or sky, and you will see Yorick’s afterimage as a ghostly apparition.2bii
When I understand myself as a machine i duu understand so many things. For me it is an explanation.