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Published in Russian, IICA Transactions, Volume 4, 1997
Professor of Geology and Mineralogy, and Chief Scientific Member,
United Institute of Geology, Geophysics, and Mineralogy,
Siberian Department of Russian Academy of Sciences.
Expert on Global Ecology, and Fast -Processing Earth Events.
Russian to English Translation and Editing:
by A. N. Dmitriev, Andrew Tetenov, and Earl L. Crockett
Current PlanetoPhysical alterations of the Earth are becoming irreversible. Strong evidence exists that these transformations are being caused by highly charged material and energetic non-uniformity's in anisotropic interstellar space which have broken into the interplanetary area of our Solar System. This "donation" of energy is producing hybrid processes and excited energy states in all planets, as well as the Sun. Effects here on Earth are to be found in the acceleration of the magnetic pole shift, in the vertical and horizontal ozone content distribution, and in the increased frequency and magnitude of significant catastrophic climatic events.
There is growing probability that we are moving into a rapid temperature instability period similar to the one that took place 10,000 years ago. The adaptive responses of the biosphere, and humanity, to these new conditions may lead to a total global revision of the range of species and life on Earth. It is only through a deep understanding of the fundamental changes taking place in the natural environment surrounding us that politicians, and citizens a like, will be able to achieve balance with the renewing flow of PlanetoPhysical states and processes.
Current, in process, geological, geophysical, and climatical alterations of the Earth are becoming more, and more, irreversible. At the present time researchers are revealing some of the causes which are leading to a general reorganization of the electro-magnetosphere (the electromagnetic skeleton) of our planet, and of its climatic machinery. A greater number of specialists in climatology, geophysics, planetophysics, and heliophysics are tending towards a cosmic causative sequence version for what is happening. Indeed, events of the last decade give strong evidence of unusually significant heliospheric and planetophysic transformations [1,2]. Given the quality, quantity, and scale of these transformations we may say that:
The climatic and biosphere processes here on Earth (through a tightly connected feedback system) are directly impacted by, and linked back to, the general overall transformational processes taking place in our Solar System. We must begin to organize our attention and thinking to understand that climatic changes on Earth are only one part, or link, in a whole chain of events taking place in our Heliosphere.
These deep physical processes, these new qualities of our physical and geological environment, will impose special adaptive challenges and requirements for all life forms on Earth. Considering the problems of adaptation our biosphere will have with these new physical conditions on Earth, we need to distinguish the general tendency and nature of the changes. As we will show below, these tendencies may be traced in the direction of planet energy capacity growth (capacitance), which is leading to a highly excited or charged state of some of Earth's systems.
The most intense transformations are taking place in the planetary gas-plasma envelopes to which the productive possibilities of our biosphere are timed. Currently this new scenario of excess energy run-off is being formed, and observed:
In the ionosphere by plasma generation
In the magnetosphere by magnetic storms
In the atmosphere by cyclones
This high-energy atmospheric phenomena, which was rare in the past, is now becoming more frequent, intense, and changed in its nature. The material composition of the gas-plasma envelope is also being transformed.
It is quite natural for the whole biota of the Earth to be subjected to these changing conditions of the electromagnetic field, and to the significant deep alterations of Earth's climatic machinery. These fundamental processes of change create a demand within all of Earth's life organisms for new forms of adaptation. The natural development of these new forms may lead to a total global revision of the range of species, and life, on Earth .
γνωρίζει κάτι αδιαμφισβήτητα για την πιο περίπλοκη και απατηλή καταγωγή του ανθρώπινου είδους?
New deeper qualities of life itself may come forth, bringing the new physical state of the Earth to an equilibrium with the new organismic possibilities of development, reproduction, and perfection. In this sense it is evident that we are faced with a problem of the adaptation of humanity to this new state of the Earth; new conditions on Earth whose biospheric qualities are varying, and non-uniformly distributed.
Therefore the current period of transformation is transient, and the transition of life's representatives to the future may take place only after a deep evaluation of what it will take to comply with these new Earthly biospheric conditions. Each living representative on Earth will be getting a thorough "examination," or "quality control inspection," to determine it's ability to comply with these new conditions.
These evolutionary challenges always require effort, or endurance, be it individual organisms, species, or communities. Therefore, it is not only the climate that is becoming new, but we as human beings are experiencing a global change in the vital processes of living organisms, or life itself; which is yet another link in the total process. We cannot treat such things separately, or individually.
We will list the recent large-scale events in the Solar System in order to fully understand, and comprehend, the PlanetoPhysical transformations taking place. This development of events, as it has become clear in the last few years, is being caused by material and energetic non-uniformity's in anisotropic interstellar space [2,3,4]. In its travel through interstellar space, the Heliosphere travels in the direction of the Solar Apex in the Hercules Constellation. On its way it has met (1960's) non-homogeneities of matter and energy containing ions of Hydrogen, Helium, and Hydroxyl in addition to other elements and combinations.
This kind of interstellar space dispersed plasma is presented by magnetized strip structures and striations. The Heliosphere [solar system - click image right] transition through this structure has led to an increase of the shock wave in front of the Solar System from 3 to 4 AU, to 40 AU, or more. This shock wave thickening has caused the formation of a collusive plasma in a parietal layer, which has led to a plasma overdraft around the Solar System, and then to its breakthrough into interplanetary domains [5,6].
This breakthrough constitutes a kind of matter and energy donation made by interplanetary space to our Solar System.
In response to this "donation of energy/matter," we have observed a number of large scale events:
A series of large PlanetoPhysical transformations.
A change in the quality of interplanetary space in the direction of an increase in its interplanetary, and solar-planetary transmitting properties.
The appearance of new states, and activity regimes, of the Sun.
1.1 A Series of Large PlanetoPhysical Transformations.
The following processes are taking place on the distant planets of our Solar System. But they are, essentially speaking, operationally driving the whole System.
Here are examples of these events:
1.1.1 A growth of dark spots on Pluto [7].
1.1.2 Reporting of auroras on Saturn [8].
1.1.3 Reporting of Uranus and Neptune polar shifts (They are magnetically conjugate planets), and the abrupt large-scale growth of Uranus' magnetosphere intensity.
1.1.4 A change in light intensity and light spot dynamics on Neptune [9,10].
1.1.5 The doubling of the magnetic field intensity on Jupiter (based upon 1992 data), and a series of new states and processes observed on this planet as an aftermath of a series of explosions in July 1994 [caused by "Comet" SL-9] [12]. That is, a relaxation of a plasmoid train [13,14] which excited the Jovian magnetosphere, thus inducing excessive plasma generation [12] and it's release in the same manner as Solar coronal holes [15] inducing an appearance of radiation belt brightening in decimeter band (13.2 and 36 cm), and the appearance of large auroral anomalies and a change of the Jupiter - Io system of currents [12, 14].
Update Note From A.N.D Nov. 1997:
A stream of ionized hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, etc. is being directed to Jupiter from the volcanic areas of Io through a one million amperes flux tube. It is affecting the character of Jupiter's magnetic process and intensifying it's plasma genesis. {Z.I.Vselennaya "Earth and Universe" N3, 1997 plo-9 by NASA data}1.1.6 A series of Martian atmosphere transformations increasing its biosphere quality. In particularly, a cloudy growth in the equator area and an unusual growth of ozone concentration[16].
Update Note: In September 1997 the Mars Surveyor Satellite encountered an atmospheric density double that projected by NASA upon entering a Mars orbit. This greater density bent one of the solar array arms beyond the full and open stop. This combination of events has delayed the beginning of the scheduled photo mission for one year.
1.1.7 A first stage atmosphere generation on the Moon, where a growing natrium atmosphereis detected that reaches 9,000 km in height. [17].
1.1.8 Significant physical, chemical and optical changes observed on Venus; an inversion of dark and light spots detected for the first time, and a sharp decrease of sulfur-containing gases in its atmosphere [16].
1. 2 A Change in the Quality of Interplanetary Space Towards an Increase in Its Interplanetary and Solar-Planetary Transmitting Properties.
When speaking of new energetic and material qualities of interplanetary space, we must first point out the increase of the interplanetary domains energetic charge, and level of material saturation. This change of the typical mean state of interplanetary space has two main causes:
1.2.1 The supply/inflow of matter from interstellar space. (Radiation material, ionized elements, and combinations.) [19,20,21].
1.2.2 The after effects of Solar Cycle 22 activity, especially as a result of fast coronal mass ejection's [CME's] of magnetized solar plasmas. [22].
It is natural for both interstellar matter and intra-heliospheric mass redistribution's to create new structural units and processes in the interplanetary domains. They are mostly observed in the structured formation of extended systems of magnetic plasma clouds [23], and an increased frequency of the generation of shock waves; and their resulting effects [24].
A report already exists of two new populations of cosmic particles that were not expected to be found in the Van Allen radiation belts [25]; particularly an injection of a greater than 50 MeV dense electron sheaf into the inner magnetosphere during times of abrupt magnetic storms [CME's], and the emergence of a new belt consisting of ionic elements traditionally found in the composition of stars.
This newly changed quality of interplanetary space not only performs the function of a planetary interaction transmission mechanism, but it (this is most important) exerts stimulating and programming action upon the Solar activity both in it's maximal and minimal phases. The seismic effectiveness of the solar wind is also being observed [26,27].
1.3 The Appearance of New States and Activity Regimes of the Sun.
As far as the stellarphysical state of the Sun is concerned, we must first note the fact that significant modifications have occurred in the existing behavioral model of the central object of our solar system. This conclusion comes from observations and reporting of unusual forms, energetic powers, and activities in the Sun's functions [20,21], as well as modifications in it's basic fundamental properties [28].
Since the end of the Maunder minimum, a progressive growth of the Sun's general activity has been observed. This growth first revealed itself most definitely in the 22nd cycle; which posed a real problem for heliophysicists who were attempting to revise their main explanatory scenarios:
1.3.1 Concerning the velocity of reaching super-flash maximums.
1.3.2 Concerning the emissive power of separate flashes.
1.3.3 Concerning the energy of solar cosmic rays, etc.
Moreover, the Ulysses spacecraft, traversing high heliospheric latitudes, recorded the absence of the magnetic dipole, which drastically changed the general model of heliomagnetism, and further complicated the magnetologist's analytic presentations. The most important heliospheric role of coronal holes has now become clear; to regulate the magnetic saturation of interplanetary space. [28,30].
Additionally, they generate all large geomagnetic storms, and ejection's with a southerly directed magnetic field are geo-effective [22]. There is also existing substantiation favoring the solar winds effects upon Earth's atmospheric zone circulation, and lithospheric dynamics [31].
The 23rd cycle was initiated by a short series of sunspots in August 1995 [32], which allows us to predict the solar activity maximum in 1999. What is also remarkable, is that a series of class C flares has already happened in July 1996 . The specificity and energy of this cycle was discussed at the end of the 1980's. [23].
The increased frequency of X-Ray flux flares which occurred in the very beginning of this cycle provided evidence of the large-scale events to come; especially in relation to an increase in the frequency of super-flashes. The situation has become extremely serious due to the growth in the transmitting qualities of the interplanetary environment [2 3, 24] and the growth of Jupiter's systems heliospheric function; with Jupiter having the possibility of being shrouded by a plasmosphere extending over Io's orbit [13].
As a whole, all of the reporting and observation facilities give evidence to a growth in the velocity, quality, quantity, and energetic power of our Solar System's Heliospheric processes.
Update Note 1/8/98:
The unexpected high level of Sun activityin the later half of 1997, that is continuing into present time, provides strong substantiation of the above statement. There were three "X" level Goes 9 X-Ray Flux events in 1997 where one was forecasted; a 300% increase. The most dramatic of these, a X-9.1 coronal mass ejection on November 6, 1997, produced a proton event here on Earth of approximately 72 hours in duration. The character, scale, and magnitude of current Sun activity has increased to the point that one official government Sun satellite reporting station recently began their daily report by saying,
"Everything pretty much blew apart on the Sun today, Jan. 3,1998."