impossible ideas are so sweet
useless and exception-free methodological rules must not govern the progress of science or the growth of knowledge. the idea that science can or should operate only according to universal and fixed rules is unrealistic, pernicious and detrimental to science itself
yritän puhua Hänelle järkeä. hi ses Thats just the way we roll!!!

"The galaxies just aren't uniform. They are scattered throughout the universe," he said. "What we find is that they tend to clump and cluster together. So you'll get galaxies clustering along nice delicate filamentary chains. You get some galaxies that will congregate in their clusters and you will get clusters of galaxies collecting in super clusters of galaxies, so the universe that we see is really quite structured
Ilmastokin on luonteeltaan muuttuva
To become a client, must register, listing useful things that can do for others (eg, grocery shopping, walking a dog, fixing cars) and those that he would like done unto him (eg, having a suit darned or windows cleaned). The “bank” — really an internet portal to allow the civic-minded to network altruistically with each other — will formally open for business in May. Professor Martin Seligman, a psychologist at the University of Pennsylvania, calls it “a creative idea, worth following closely”.
this was one of the first opportunities ever, in any medium, to legally observe the ordinary human sexual behavior of a complete stranger.
“We call it a bank because we want to bring forth a new set of values”, says Tiina Urm, a 26-year-old who helped to think up the idea and is the closest thing that the Bank of Happiness has to a manager. “At the moment we are glued to other people only through money. But that’s not how we evolved as a society. We used to work as a team.”
The recession, she suggests, means that money — and therefore social cohesion — is in decline.The time banking movement was set up Dr Edgar Cahn in America. Cahn’s view was that “the real work of society, which is caring, loving, being a citizen, a neighbour and a human being” was not addressed by market economics.