In mi garden orangeflowers are bloomin, in grandfathers garden iceflower
The point is that this kind zno ridiculous. Aristotle argues that tragic drama gives pleasure, arousing the emotions In troubled times there are plenty of people who want happy endings
people away from a movie experiencing the idea of the hero getting the girl
In a tragedy you have to have a terrible disaster
Shakespeares Winter's Tale - is the classic Hollywood happy ending to the nth degree. The play has a deus ex machina, where an ending is imposed from above, that featured so much in Greek drama. And it's still a feature
audience noooooo feeble. äI view the phenomenon extraterrestrial as a manifestation of consciousness that we have no way of fully understanding until we dispense with the misguided hope of remaining objective observers. In my opinion, the UFO phenomenon is but one facet of an overarching enigma with implications that promise to dwarf the question of ET visitation, perhaps even dealing a blow to the underpinnings of Western thought.ä this z
only happy endin is possible

AgroUrban Low density. There is substantial scientific and witness evidence for the existence of extra-terrestrial life forms in proximity to the earth