when u say it, its gone. each world (node) within another, without end..
a real futurist, resurrected from the dead.
@Wildcat2030 ‘People experience conscious will when they interpret their own thought as the cause of their action’ (Wegner 2002: 64) Brevity as the soul of 9twit
good to have my eyes on slightly god future
Alien nows the show business , rule numgero one..leave them wantin more. socalrocksDead, Therefore I Am.
...she made a real-deal effort to try and describe what she was feeling. She wanted to find the perfect word, and she actually got the dictionary out and looked up COMPELLED and IMPELLED in the hopes of better defining this feeling..from hiddenexperience.blogspot.com
daily bases
future and the gray air, future. usually speakin future is ones work
or politica. future could be somethin to wait like hollyday or the springtime. future iz something wii duu, conscoious or unconscious. its always in and personal. isit
stop first butterfly spotted