lauantai 18. huhtikuuta 2009

"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one." -Einstein

mactonnies: RT @whitleystrieber: Thinking we are born into life, but also die into it. Maybe this IS the land of the dead.
Tänään tajusin, että asun Eurroopan rajalla. Tuolla toisella puolella ihmiset haluaisivat tulla sisään..ennen asuin suomessa, seoli kaukana"You have to face the fact that people born between 1946 and 1964 are a new species." --Dr. Timothy Leary. but reality is the resultant of the perpetual struggle between rival gangs of people who think they can define reality for everybody else." RAW Blade Runner was originally released in theatres with Deckard providing a voice-over track, and had a rather "uplifting" ending. However, Director Ridley Scott later released his "Director's Cut" of the film, which removed the voice-over, restored the original ending, and added the now famous "unicorn" vision which suggests Deckard himself may be a Replicant. The film was nominated for two Academy Awards and has since become a science fiction classic.

misunderstood in its day, "Blade Runner" actually established much of the aesthetic that defines cinematic sci-fi, from the movie's wet-streets, neon-and-steam look to the grim, pessimistic tone gleaned from Philip K. Dick's dystopian novel "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" "When they were test screening the film, the response was pretty confused and negative," explains Charles de Lauzirika, who produced the final cut. "The people who saw the film back then didn't really get it."

nuori naienen..Kun jätin pillerit pois, kuukautisistani on tullut kärsimystä. Kärsin kivuista ja huonosta olosta jo viikkoa ennen vuodon alkamista. Napostelen särkynappeja ja kiukuttelen. Pihtaan. Ja kun vuoto sitten alkaa, oksentelen ja kiukuttelen lisää.

Ainut hyvä puoli pillerittömyydessä on se, että välillä himottaa eläimellisesti. Mutta sitä kestää vain reilun viikon, hyvällä tuurilla jopa kaksi. Kun puolet kuusta on tuskaa sekä itselle että muille, palaan mieluummin takaisin hieman hennomman kiiman aikaan...

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