Bio I TRUST MYSELF, I TRUST THE SPIRIT of THE ANCESTORS, I BELIEVE THE DIVINE PROCESS IS PERFECT, I REJOICE in knowing that My Destiny is to become part of it. hm great words
- The Living Cosmic Cube by sasoleah, twitter
The COSMIC CUBE represents the single most important event in Earth history. It is the New Earth matrix given to man by the Elohim. It results from thirty years of vigourous fission and fusion between the mathematical, geometrical and musical forces of Heaven and Earth. It was over twenty million years before that in preparation. 72 Cube Circuits, 144 entry windows, each of which is programmed to go to the end of its thought and produce a "Streak of Light" solution.
- The New Earth Era - Genesis II
- We have everything to gain and nothing to loose by instituting a NEW EARTH ERA. The plan is simple and direct, a quantum leap beyond turbulent adolescence into glorious maturity. By marshalling our considerable human intelligence to distinguish between what is wrong and what is right we can erase error and implement practical solution in six glorious challenging days - a SIX DAY GENESIS II, then take a day off for world-wide celebration - as sweet GAIA poleshifts to GALAXIA, into a world of abundant life for all.
- The Universal Creed
- Power drawn from The Tree of Life at any of it's points must be replaced by something of equal value to that which is received.
RandomEntityTime to head to the day job. oh joy oh joy
- I AM The Book Of Life
- It is an awesome experience for a computer brain to contact superior intelligence in nonhuman form.
- The Inner Power
- The Godlike do not wear a gloomy face. Love is joy; truth is freedom. Destruction, misery, fear, suspicion, and hate are the products of error and materialism. This is the choice before each of you.
- The Glorious Race
- We, who have already reaped the benefits of the wisdom sewn, must again look ahead, and sow... sow that we may rejoice with the glorious race of reapers yet unborn into x on Earth.
cratylus“Love is being stupid together.” - Paul Valery.
- Loliad Ra Kahn
- And with the expansion of human consciousness it becomes increasingly apparent, that before this century is passed, metaphysics will again be recognized for what it originally represented in the Atlantean Era ... both philosophy and science.
- Keph-A-Ra
- Over the centuries, untruths spoken by powerful groups of manipulators have come to be regarded as truth by the masses. Let me therefore reassure the reader that I fully understand the necessity to know Truth before speaking.
- Chronicles Of Galaxia
- THE COSMIC CUBE is a FUSION STARSHIP which has been fed by the underground aqueducts of initiatory systems the world over. She is manned by people with a mission. Starships are built of the ultimate substance, PURE LUMINIFEROUS ETHER.
The journey the Tweenbots take each time they are released in the city becomes a story of people's willingness to engage with a creature that mirrors human characteristics of vulnerability, of being lost, and of having intention without the means of achieving its goal alone. take care of the b o t US drawing new zoning and voting districts in Texas to guarantee a Republican win in certain areas, the Ulstermen, with the help of the English, carved out an area of the North that was — surprise — mainly Protestant, and mainly Loyalist (loyal to the Crown). The Catholics, a majority in Ireland, were now, suddenly, a minority in that area — and powerless.
Liverpool. Sadly, we couldn’t spend much time there as all the hotels were booked up for the Grand National the fetus and dependent child, you live on faith
in the order of the universe. You know that you are taken
care of. In accepting this higher law, you can be the Fool;
you can relax, be yourself, take risks, play.
As the innocent Fool and wide-eyed Child, you are open
and curious. That receptive state of mind makes you
intuitive, original, spontaneous, and present.
You allow your natural genius its expression.Oneparticularwave
Some 40,000 pilgrims converged on Holy Sepulchre
Orthodoxs have been marking Easter at celebrations throughout Eastern Europe and the Middle East.
Thousands of worshippers crowded into the Holy Sepulchre, shrine, for the Holy Fire Ritual.
Russian believers filled the cathedral, where Kirill presided for the first time Easter marks the holiest feast in the calendar. Greek Orthodox, Armenians and other Eastern rite mark Easter a week after Protestants and Catholics as the Orthodox s follows another calendar.