so zpendin is the message but its no the answer. Every phase or epoch of capitalism has its own distinct geography, or what economic geographers call the “spatial fix” rahalle pitäisi
keksiä vähän toisenlainen ROOLI. bloggerguests g20
now lets see waht tina is sayin According to 'Tina' SETI is receiving regular Conceal and explicit signals (and has been doing so for at least seven years) from this race that state that they are returning to earth in around four years (2013) and have spacecraft Essentially mid-journey . The extra-terrestres trials will land openly and in a way that will conclusively prove their presence and are doing so unilaterally. They have given the U.S. government until then to prepare humanity for this event.
'Tina' alleges that some powerful security figures would like to thwart this open contact but are powerless to do so. Many figures associated with NASA and even the Pentagon are positive about the event and a conspiracy to hide the truth form the world's population is not unanimous.
What all parties agree on is that the best course of action is to leave any announcement of the event to the absolute latest possible time so as not to Fright people or harm the economy.
Major churches have been briefed on the matter and are being given time to shift their positions so as to accommodate this new reality. The U.S. Govt has been 'requested' to clean up and where Rivalries and conflicts in preparation and this extra-ordinary event and this is the primary reason for Barack Obama's peace gesture to Iran and indeed his very presidency. Barack Obama is in almost daily contact with SETI
It is believed that search engine algorithms are somewhat based on the form of telepathic communication )they use. now This ive been experienzin..