letssee if remember any english words. if foudn a nice englishspeakin blogger. how was mi day well granmather provoked..went to the other house to calm. never been there before.20 years. 500 videos. Pornography & feminism & culture. Religious ecstasy & sexual ecstasy. Spirituality & belonging. Pair bonding & monogamy. Joy. Friction. The deep deep deep unspoken unknown shame and pain about sexuality.
"Our best chance
of finding God
is to look
in the place
where we left him."
Meister Eckhart
didnt see anybody but imagined some. its a small house, very warm with aricondition in one ocrner. i was thinking about you. A fish may be barely aware of the medium in which it lives and swims; certainly it has no intellectual powers to comprehend that water consists of interlinked atoms of hydrogen and oxygen. The microstructure of empty space could, likewise, be far too complex for unaided human brains to graspoutside of 'Time' it appears that quantum computing provides a technological method of causal feedback: the fangs of the Ouroboros serpent and the apocalyptic religious visions seen by shamans/priests/saints/schizoids throughout human history could be primitive interpretations of seeing
Almost nothing is simply true or false in the way that abstract logic requires.
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What about me
who are you
“This was a Christianity I had never encountered before,” said Mr. Oren, 55, a marketing consultant in commercial construction. “I was frozen in my tracks. I felt like I was in the actual presence of God, almost as if I was in heaven. And I’m not the kind of person who gets all woo-hoo.”
The ineffable disclosure of that evening, a 15-minute glimpse into Byzantium, rattled everything certain in Mr. Oren
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