Choose your Metaphysics...Dualism.. the universe as being made up of matter and energy, as well as consciousness. Constructivism is an educational philosophy consistent with this view.
Transcendental monism views the universe as being made up of consciousness. (Goswami, Reed, & Goswami, 1993). Here, consciousness is primary, and matter and energy materialize from it (Herbert, 1985). From this perspective, ultimate reality is not found solely in the physical or phenomenal world as we know it; rather, it lies in a dimension or dimensions beyond the physical, which is holomovement or the ground of all that there is (Talbot, 1991). Quantum physics describes such a reality in which all things in the physical universe are connected at the quantum level (Al-Khalili, 1999; Talbot, 1991). Physicist David Bohm said that the universe can be understood only if the unbroken wholeness is perceived.
At the quantum level, there is no fragmentation, only parts that are interconnected with greater systems and greater wholes. The things that we encounter in our phenomenal world (explicate reality) are merely an unfolding of a deeper reality (implicate reality), which is beyond our physical senses. It is consciousness, a very subtle form of energy, that creates movement from implicate order to the explicate order of our physical world (Bohm, 1980). Thus, consciousness is the cause, and physical phenomena are the effect.
One form of trans-logical thinking, altered states of consciousness, has been particularly prominent in innovations in both the science and the arts (Harman & Rheingold, 1984).
all this against materialistic monism and economical utilitarism which is the dominant view in society and education now.
• M-1 MATERIALISTIC MONISM (Matter giving rise to mind)
• M-2 DUALISM (Matter plus mind)
• M-3 TRANSCENDENTAL MONISM (Mind giving rise to matter)