than it ever was
selittämistä vaikeuttaa usein se, että kuvittelen ymmärtäneeni asian hyvin
Bostrom has a background in physics, computational neuroscience, and mathematical logic as well as analytic philosophy. His research interests center on big picture questions for humanity, with a focus on issues in the foundations of probability theory, scientific methodology and rationality, human enhancement, global catastrophic risks, moral philosophy, and consequences of future technology.http://www.nytimes.com/2007/08/14/science/14tier.html
*Bostrom's simulation hypothesis is an example of a skeptical hypothesis, a proposal *concerning the nature of reality put forward to question beliefs, and as such, there is a long *history to the underlying thesis that reality is an illusion. This thesis can be dated back to *Plato, arguably underpins the Mind-Body Dualism of Descartes, and is closely related to *phenomenalism, a stance briefly adopted by Bertrand Russell. However, Bostrom has argued *that this is not the case, and there are empirical reasons why the 'Simulation Hypothesis' *might be valid. He suggests that if it is possible to simulate entire inhabited planets or even *entire universes on a computer, and that such simulated people can be fully conscious, then *the sheer number of such simulations likely to be produced by any sufficiently advanced *civilization (taken together with his Strong Self-Sampling Assumption) makes it extremely *likely that we are in fact currently living in such a simulation