i donno if consciousness wants special circuit arrangement
impulses traveling the various neurons analogized as software, then the physical neurons would be the hardware. Nevertheless, every brain has an extreme (ly messy) wiring diagram. brain's performance depends on a “neural code mmmmsssxx"
Siksi sinä puhut heille vertauksin"
brain employs subtler codes. One of them might be a temporal code, in which information is represented not just in a cell's rate of firing but also in the timing between spikes. anyone has the potential to construct genes ". . . The characters' lack of freedom is based on the fact that the author is real, while the characters are not. But once Pushkin is in the story, and is therefore fictional, then the fictional characters gain a new appearance of freedom.
MISHLOVE: Consciousness has always been a problem for science, and one, I think, for the most part that's been sort of shoved under the Rug.
........................Eräänä myöhäisenä iltana, kun Tammisaaren pakkotyölaitoksen valot oli sammutettu, loikoilin petilläni, niin kuin siellä sanottiin, ja katselin pienen ristikkoikkunan läpi tähtitaivasta, jossa tähdet hiljaa vaelsivat. Tuo avaruuden näkeminen viritti minua jollakin tavalla sisäisesti, sillä yhtäkkiä tunsin olevani absoluuttisesti vapaa. Se oli ensimmäinen kerta, jolloin tunsin mitä on vapaus.