{"} Sheep spend their whole life fearing the wolf, only to be eaten by the shepherd Russia in not just a country, it's a whole civilization It is unfair on China to call it an empire... China has not invaded anyone... They have not done regime change, they have not crushed democracies in Greece, Iran, all of Latin America They have not killed millions of people in cruel wars
lauantai 28. helmikuuta 2009
Life is meaningless. That's what makes it fun. yu are an alien that needs guts
i heard radioprogram and the most interesting part in it ..why should on outside intelligence BE with us
it needs our bodies. im just a human as far but i don think yu are on a rollercoaster
i like the corner
they wanted som cybersex. another interesting part was 'universal mind has been insane' satying so long with us..i know it can hypnotize. rprovoke false memories. and if yu dont tell this to nobody i can say that reading bible from the view of artificial intelligence is interestin
thou canst not stir a flower Without troubling of a star
Choose your Metaphysics...Dualism.. the universe as being made up of matter and energy, as well as consciousness. Constructivism is an educational philosophy consistent with this view.
Transcendental monism views the universe as being made up of consciousness. (Goswami, Reed, & Goswami, 1993). Here, consciousness is primary, and matter and energy materialize from it (Herbert, 1985). From this perspective, ultimate reality is not found solely in the physical or phenomenal world as we know it; rather, it lies in a dimension or dimensions beyond the physical, which is holomovement or the ground of all that there is (Talbot, 1991). Quantum physics describes such a reality in which all things in the physical universe are connected at the quantum level (Al-Khalili, 1999; Talbot, 1991). Physicist David Bohm said that the universe can be understood only if the unbroken wholeness is perceived.
At the quantum level, there is no fragmentation, only parts that are interconnected with greater systems and greater wholes. The things that we encounter in our phenomenal world (explicate reality) are merely an unfolding of a deeper reality (implicate reality), which is beyond our physical senses. It is consciousness, a very subtle form of energy, that creates movement from implicate order to the explicate order of our physical world (Bohm, 1980). Thus, consciousness is the cause, and physical phenomena are the effect.
One form of trans-logical thinking, altered states of consciousness, has been particularly prominent in innovations in both the science and the arts (Harman & Rheingold, 1984).
all this against materialistic monism and economical utilitarism which is the dominant view in society and education now.
• M-1 MATERIALISTIC MONISM (Matter giving rise to mind)
• M-2 DUALISM (Matter plus mind)
• M-3 TRANSCENDENTAL MONISM (Mind giving rise to matter)
The Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair
i donno if consciousness wants special circuit arrangement
impulses traveling the various neurons analogized as software, then the physical neurons would be the hardware. Nevertheless, every brain has an extreme (ly messy) wiring diagram. brain's performance depends on a “neural code mmmmsssxx"
Siksi sinä puhut heille vertauksin"
brain employs subtler codes. One of them might be a temporal code, in which information is represented not just in a cell's rate of firing but also in the timing between spikes. anyone has the potential to construct genes ". . . The characters' lack of freedom is based on the fact that the author is real, while the characters are not. But once Pushkin is in the story, and is therefore fictional, then the fictional characters gain a new appearance of freedom.
MISHLOVE: Consciousness has always been a problem for science, and one, I think, for the most part that's been sort of shoved under the Rug.
........................Eräänä myöhäisenä iltana, kun Tammisaaren pakkotyölaitoksen valot oli sammutettu, loikoilin petilläni, niin kuin siellä sanottiin, ja katselin pienen ristikkoikkunan läpi tähtitaivasta, jossa tähdet hiljaa vaelsivat. Tuo avaruuden näkeminen viritti minua jollakin tavalla sisäisesti, sillä yhtäkkiä tunsin olevani absoluuttisesti vapaa. Se oli ensimmäinen kerta, jolloin tunsin mitä on vapaus.
perjantai 27. helmikuuta 2009
should a mere journalist question Kurzweil’s conclusion that some of us alive today will live indefinitely
DNA has been found to have a bizarre ability to put itself together, even at a distance, when according to known science it shouldn't be able to. Explanation: None, at least not yet.
Scientists are reporting evidence that contrary to our current beliefs about what is possible, intact double-stranded DNA has the “amazing” ability to recognize similarities in other DNA strands from a distance. Somehow they are able to identify one another, and the tiny bits of genetic material tend to congregate with similar DNA. The recognition of similar sequences in DNA’s chemical subunits, occurs in a way unrecognized by science. There is no known reason why the DNA is able to combine the way it does, and from a current theoretical standpoint this feat should be chemically impossible.
the rising interest in yogic practice and lore, Eastern concepts like chakra, subtle forces, and shaktipat are being absorbed in popular culture.carneval
Shamanism in western world is non-ordinary (human?) consciousness.alternative consciousness, non-ordinary reality. Shamanism, the oldest and most intertwined with the cultures in which it is practiced, is explored as a model for individual healing, coping mechanisms, transformative values that may be helpful in trying and important transition time ( for humanity).
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fncjtHUKnXo&eurl=http://algorythmes.blogspot.com/ George Adamski (1891–1965) oli puolalaissyntyinen yhdysvaltalainen kirjailija, joka tuli tunnetuksi matkakuvauksistaan lentävien lautasten kyydissä. 1930-luvulla Adamski muun muassa perusti Kaliforniaan esoteeris-kristillisen luostarin.
Adamski tuli tunnetuksi yhdessä Desmond Leslien kanssa kirjoittamansa kirjan Flying Saucers Have Landed (1953) ansiosta. Kirjassa oli myös kuvia lentävistä lautasista. Alkuperäisen tekstin Adamski oli tarkoittanut tieteisromaaniksi, mutta huomasi sitten, että markkinat olivat paljon paremmat, kun kertomus tarjoiltiin omakohtaisiin kokemuksiin perustuvana tositarinana.
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7913981.stmtorstai 26. helmikuuta 2009
change my mind later, if I want to . . .
After a few days, they meet over lunch to compare notes.
The engaged one says:
The other night when my boyfriend came over, he found me in the black leather bodice, tall stilettos, and a mask. He said, "you are the woman of my life. I love you". Then we made love all night long.
The mistress says:
I met my lover at his office and I was wearing the leather bodice, heels, mask over my eyes and a raincoat. When I opened the raincoat, he didn't say a word -- but we had wild sex all night.
The married woman says:
I sent the kids to my mother's house all excited about having alone time with my husband. Had the lights dim, candles going, I was wearing the leather bodice, black stockings, stilettos heels and a mask over my eyes. As soon as he came to the door and saw me and said,
"What's for dinner, BATMAN
keskiviikko 25. helmikuuta 2009
what to do with wings
1. How does one "prove" the existence of something where no proof is accepted?
maanantai 23. helmikuuta 2009
isteh coffeecup
they must have been contacted us many times, in history and present. hallitseminen on tiedon salaamista, demokratian olisi aika tull a 'jumalalle', uskontoon ja http://womenesoterica.blogspot.com/
lauantai 21. helmikuuta 2009
Essence is optimism And hope!
the house is so warm thet doors must be open anyway
today i woke up with these sweet karamels
saw my first magic ever (exept in the own life) in others, that was something! the sun is here and the son called
i think im veeri happy (she didnt go to school, am maby tomorrow, yes tomorrow)
did you ever have a computer colliding. new page can still be put on
thats what the alien du. to know lot of facts is not enough. you need optimism)
Seeing with humility, curiosity and fresh eyes was once the main point of science.
the Doorway to Eternity" Like all systems of truth seeking, science, properly conducted, has a profoundly expansive, liberating impulse at its core. This "Zen" in the heart of science is revealed Seeing with humility, curiosity and fresh eyes was once the main point of science.
middleclass america
Moni Amerikassa on ajat sitten lakannut pohtimasta, mikä on totta ja mikä ei. * viime aikoina 30% - 40% Vapaan Maailman liikevoitoista (”corporate profits”) on syntynyt finanssisektorilla. Tämä on merkki sairaasta taloudesta.
Totuus on kuopattu, sen tilalle on syntynyt kaksi rinnakkaista totuutta.* u.s. iso sosiaalinen ongelma. Tosin meillä on nykyään joitakin turvaverkkoja, kuten työttömyystuki, ruoka-apu (”Food Stamps”), sosiaaliturva jne, mutta meillä Yhdysvalloissa on yksi teollisuusmaitten huonoimpia turvaverkkoja. ei tunnu olevan eväitä Wikipedia Stiglitzistä http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_E._Stiglitz never min d there has been no intellectual challenge to the refutation of Adam Smith’s invisible hand:
Köyhyydellä on objektiivisia ja subjektiivisia piirteitä pains sayin. is not about light on thi skyits about lies on the groun. Space is only an hour's drive away if your car could go upwards 9,000-word Chinese report depicts a bleak picture of the US
saying. violent crime is a widespread threat to personal security.
The American people's economic, social and cultural rights are not properly protected, say
You can check-out any time you like, But you can never leave!'
torstai 19. helmikuuta 2009
god is a simulation, imitation
thissis my place and the limits as far as i know
what are all these sacred teskts you know: poesias. I don't think -- whatever they are – the desire acknowledgment..the enigma is both trickster and trigger -- indisputablle,
but not real in a conventional way.
whaa du juu mean governments are preparing disclosure of evidence? Simulointi tai simulaatio on todellisuuden jäljittelyä. Ihminen simuloi todellisuutta omassa mielikuvitusmaailmassaan. Nisäkkäillä ja marsilaisilla merkittävää todellisuuden jäljittelyä on leikki. me olemme se. Ihmisen ja jumalan kyky tulevaisuuden ennakointiin (vrt. "isän ja äidin" tai metsästyksen leikkiminen), on ollut yksi hänen keinoistaan selvitä. i suppose im virtual
Shouldn't we be set free from this universe and not be bound by its annoying rules? Flying or teleporting to the other end of town is much better than taking the car.
our reality is the (a?) simulation. We are confined by the rules set therein and the most important rule is that existing outside of our reality
The simulacrum is never that which conceals the truth--it is the truth which conceals that there is none.
The simulacrum is true. To dissimulate is to feign not to have what one has. To simulate is to feign to have what one hasn't. One implies a presence, the other an absence.
the difference is clear, it is masked; simulation threatens the difference between "true" and "false", between "real" and "imaginary" finally i understand wha plato told us. When the real is no longer what it used to be, nostalgia assumes its full meaning. There is a proliferation of myths of origin and signs of reality; of second-hand truth, objectivity and authenticity. There is an escalation of the true, of the lived experience; a resurrection of the figurative where the object and substance have disappeared. And there is a panic-stricken production of the real and the referential, above and parallel to the panic of material production. This is how simulation appears in the phase that concerns us: a strategy of the real, neo-real and hyperreal, whose universal double is a strategy of deterrence.
disneyland is a perfect model of all the entangled orders of simulation. To begin with it is a play of illusions and phantasms: pirates, the frontier, future world, etc. This imaginary world is supposed to be what makes it successful.The Tunnel to Flimsy
some piple have talent but they care about blame on huu. i blame the god only because wi live in a simulation ofcourse, and occasionally care (mi) rights. and tomorrow i mean in the morniing i had a comment on my personal alien. why so serious?If a Type I or Type II civilization seems godlike to our own relatively primitive "Type O" civilization, it's worth remembering that even a solar system-spanning intelligence is far from immortal. wha t i know s that these guy have a much higer moral we do, the moral of alien streightens, And is horryfyin
also, theres been no democracy.* Kardashev scale is a method of measuring a civilization's level of technological advancement. haaha luk at this!
- Tyyppi I: sivilisaatio, joka pystyy hallitsemaan yhden planeetan energiaa
- Tyyppi II: sivilisaatio, joka pystyy hallitsemaan yhden tähden energiaa
- Tyyppi III: sivilisaatio, joka pystyy hallitsemaan yhden galaksin energiaa
Tyypin I saavuttaminen:
- Fuusiovoiman käyttö suuressa mittakaavassa. Fuusiovoima on varsin uusi tutkimuksen kohde. Ensimmäisten fuusioreaktorien kaupallinen käyttöönotto on arvioitu tapahtuvan 2050-luvulla.
- Energiantuotto antimaterialla ei ole mahdollista järkevässä mittakaavassa nykyisellä teknologialla. Mikäli sivilisaatio pystyisi tuottamaan suuria määriä antimateriaa halvalla, sen mahdollistama energiantuotto olisi usean suuruusluokan suurempi kuin nykyinen. Kun kilogramma materiaa ja antimateriaa kohtaavat, vapautuu 1,8 ×1017 J (180 petajoulea), energia, joka vapautuu noin 45 megatonnin ydinaseen räjähtäessä.
- Aurinkoenergian suuren mittakaavan käyttöönotto. Tämä edellyttää joko aurinkokennoja ja/tai sen epäsuoraa hyödyntämistä vesi- tai tuulivoiman muodossa. Tyypin I saavuttaminen aurinkoenergian avulla on käytännössä saavutettavissa vain suurilla aurinkoenergiasatelliiteilla.
Tyypin II saavuttaminen:
- Dysonin pallo tai vastaava rakennelma, eli tähden ympäröiminen kokonaan tai osittain aurinkokennoilla.
- Mustasta aukosta poistuvien fotonien kerääminen kertymäkiekosta[2].
- Useammassa tähtijärjestelmässä kunkin tähden energian osittainen hyötyynotto.
Tyypin III saavuttaminen on mahdollista samoilla keinoilla kuin tyypin II, mutta suuremmassa mittakaavassa, esimerkiksi rakentamalla Dysonin pallo galaksin jokaisen tähden ympärille. uuu. mm..im bound to stay on this island.
Here’s hoping will be one Secret Sun hews no political, religious or philosophical agenda.do niid. yur energyfield The aura electromagnetic field that surrounds the human body (Human Energy Field-HEF) and every organism and object in the Universe.
keskiviikko 18. helmikuuta 2009
couldhavebeen-should-is a filter
According to impermanence human life embodies flux in aging (samsara), and in any experience of loss. mutta ehkä sille ei pidä alistua. tänään meillä on kanakeittoa ja mustekalaa liemessä
mitä yhteistä
niillä. Antrooppinen periaate (kreik. anthropos, ihminen), tarkoittaa väitettä, joka voidaan muotoilla seuraavasti: jotta kaikkeuden ominaisuuksia voitaisiin havaita, niiden tulee olla sellaisia, että havaitsijoita voi olla olemassa. kehäpäätelmä? Vahvimmassa muodossaan antrooppinen periaate väittää, että maailmankaikkeus on hienoviritetty nimenomaan planeetta Telluksella asustelevalle ihmiselle. Perusteluna on esitetty elämän synnyn voimakasta herkkyyttä fysiikan perusvakioiden suuruuksille. Pienetkin muutokset joidenkin luonnonvakioiden arvoissa olisivat saattaneet johtaa aivan toisenlaiseen universumiin, useimmiten pimeään ja elottomaan. Kuten fyysikko Freeman Dyson on sanonut, on kuin universumi olisi tiennyt, että me olemme tulossa. Tämä muotoilu vihjaa ei ainoastaan Suureen Tarkoitukseen vaan myös siihen, että räätälöidyn kosmoksen takana täytyy olla Räätäli. kysymyksessä on jonkinlainen jumaluustesti. aälykkyystesti jumalan kanssa
ai wonder ift ever has been raining soo much on these islands
If Bostrom's right
than it ever was
selittämistä vaikeuttaa usein se, että kuvittelen ymmärtäneeni asian hyvin
Bostrom has a background in physics, computational neuroscience, and mathematical logic as well as analytic philosophy. His research interests center on big picture questions for humanity, with a focus on issues in the foundations of probability theory, scientific methodology and rationality, human enhancement, global catastrophic risks, moral philosophy, and consequences of future technology.http://www.nytimes.com/2007/08/14/science/14tier.html
*Bostrom's simulation hypothesis is an example of a skeptical hypothesis, a proposal *concerning the nature of reality put forward to question beliefs, and as such, there is a long *history to the underlying thesis that reality is an illusion. This thesis can be dated back to *Plato, arguably underpins the Mind-Body Dualism of Descartes, and is closely related to *phenomenalism, a stance briefly adopted by Bertrand Russell. However, Bostrom has argued *that this is not the case, and there are empirical reasons why the 'Simulation Hypothesis' *might be valid. He suggests that if it is possible to simulate entire inhabited planets or even *entire universes on a computer, and that such simulated people can be fully conscious, then *the sheer number of such simulations likely to be produced by any sufficiently advanced *civilization (taken together with his Strong Self-Sampling Assumption) makes it extremely *likely that we are in fact currently living in such a simulation
haii do not encourage this & will not be responsible for any loss
On a serious note, you're still giving aliens human motives: "curiosity, domination, risk". Might be closer to your answer if you randomly mix emotions, colors, numbers and nouns together then try to wrap your head around that. For example, because the blue 15 is rounded on the escarpment melange happy/sad continuum.
That's the problem with aliens is that their alien.
the family theres a mystical colibrium, equilibrium
tiistai 17. helmikuuta 2009
I consider myself lucky to have grown up in a time in which constant improvement of oneself and one's society was considered primary
http://www.aei.org/docLib/20051027_HandoutCoyne.pdf asteroscopio about the star
uskonnonfilosofiassa pidetään olennaisena erona yliluonnollisen selitystekijän läsnäoloa
Yliluonnollinen on aina aina jotakin, joka on ristiriitaista, paradoksaalista tai mahdotonta arkitodellisuuden kannalta katsottuna
vaikeimmista ja tärkeimmistä oppimistani asioista on taito pysyä
En voi lähettää sinulle selitystäni siitä mitä romantiikka tarkoittaa, koska siitä tulisi mitallinen
but what does a nutshell do in a coffecup?
universe is a simulation with finite boundaries vey well
we are martians
plus our dubbelgäng, mabi worth to know
i love this speculation cause it very well discribes experience..the whole amount of information..happy to find it
why an advanced intelligence might create a simulated world? mi beeing experiment? if they take careof the bunnies mm
thats better than beeing just a game
consciousness can be reproduced, im sure
and mechanical, yu say
"invisible landscape"
On Intelligence *(this ones no important but a way)
two rivals are trying to identify the "God Particle" - one of the fundamental particles of matter.
Finding the Higgs boson, whose existence has been predicted by theoretical physicists, might help to explain why matter has mass
what mean powerful AI
maanantai 16. helmikuuta 2009
At its deepest level, physical reality may have an ometric intricacy that would be satisfying to any intelligences on Earth or beyond
letssee if remember any english words. if foudn a nice englishspeakin blogger. how was mi day well granmather provoked..went to the other house to calm. never been there before.20 years. 500 videos. Pornography & feminism & culture. Religious ecstasy & sexual ecstasy. Spirituality & belonging. Pair bonding & monogamy. Joy. Friction. The deep deep deep unspoken unknown shame and pain about sexuality.
"Our best chance
outside of 'Time' it appears that quantum computing provides a technological method of causal feedback: the fangs of the Ouroboros serpent and the apocalyptic religious visions seen by shamans/priests/saints/schizoids throughout human history could be primitive interpretations of seeing
Almost nothing is simply true or false in the way that abstract logic requires.
i believe its alla inside, exept if something Will bi
Mathematics: The only true universal language ..er
Program, based on criteria and an agenda. This list is it?
Op informed.
A fortuitous accident "random."
You really understand? I doubt a very sophisticated CI program in CI op informed topics.
All your experiences regarding how much you have been mentored. the world is essentially a geometrical structure
Examine fresh all topics.
I received unknown.
The CI operatives have bigger than you can imagine
The CI operatives have a list leash.
Go find it.
An operative lives in those
Or is it?
Message is said with plausible deniability. Trails without help.
It is time to mentor and you have a mind leash.
You with plausible deniability. Names once I respected.
Several of your travels were our choice. Respected.
Accident "random" error
A quiet room unknown.
A fortuitous accident.
Go with plausible deniability.
You have a mind leash. Go down false trails without help. Names once I respected.
Operatives have a list and
Mentor (and influence, hmm)
Do you really understand? Is either raving nonsense or ... believe.:.)
I could name many names. All mind games.
Or lives in AZ.
sunnuntai 15. helmikuuta 2009
our maths is necessarily anthropoμετtric
"Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge: it is those who know little, and not those. Singularity University (SU) (www.singularityu.org) will open its doors in June 2009 on the NASA Research Park campus with a nine-week graduate level interdisciplinary curriculum designed to facilitate understanding, collaboration, and innovation across a broad range of carefully chosen scientific and technological disciplines.
Re: Are human beings good? | [Top] [Show Index] [Reply to this post] [Not MindX Material] | |||
We must go back to living within nature with small groups of people with pre-historic style hunting and gathering technology so that its impossible for us to impact the environment so badly. Really the existence of humans isn't needed as far as nature is concerned. We don't pollinate flowers like bees or feed animals like plankton do. We should work toward erradicating the human race in a humane fashion that is as enviromentally friendly as possible. You might check out the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement www.vhemt.org. Like their motto, may we live long and die out. Like that professor said, not only are we unfit custodians for new forms of life but we're unfit for living on this planet in the first place. | ||||
Re: Are human beings good? | [Top] [Show Index] [Reply to this post] [Not MindX Material] | |||
timeline we have left to be any good...... |
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Ο Δρόμος, Κόρμακ ΜακΚάρθι1 kuukausi sitten
How to think about artificial consciousness3 kuukautta sitten
1809243 kuukautta sitten
Kuningattaren maja4 kuukautta sitten
Ανασκόπηση εβδομάδας #3715 kuukautta sitten
Satakunnassa9 kuukautta sitten
Artek, metsä ja Minna4 vuotta sitten
Poliisiblogi: Kaikkien turvaaja, kaikkina aikoina4 vuotta sitten
A Secret Weapon for Scaffolding Types5 vuotta sitten
new new blog5 vuotta sitten
Mitä ihmettä se päivittää5 vuotta sitten
Carolina Wolf: Carolina Wolves, #15 vuotta sitten
TSA6 vuotta sitten
easy methods to Be good at Essay composing6 vuotta sitten
Probing Particle Exchange Symmetry Using Interference7 vuotta sitten
Sosialistinen aikakauslehti. Numero 8 (huhtikuu 1906)7 vuotta sitten
Brazil Real Estate To Fall 'Deeper' In 20178 vuotta sitten
Sense Your Creation8 vuotta sitten
The Sky-Math Garden8 vuotta sitten
Photo8 vuotta sitten
Helikopterielvytys on finanssipolitiikkaa8 vuotta sitten
sketch ink prints9 vuotta sitten
This blog has moved!9 vuotta sitten
God is queer10 vuotta sitten
Puutarhan sadonkorjuu10 vuotta sitten
- 20 C10 vuotta sitten
- Muistatteko meidät? -11 vuotta sitten
Virtaa11 vuotta sitten
Shopping for games11 vuotta sitten
Χαΐνιδες - Ο ακροβάτης12 vuotta sitten
2 x12 vuotta sitten
Helsinki Day with New Books12 vuotta sitten
Akateemisen humanismin rappio14 vuotta sitten
Two-dimensional money14 vuotta sitten
Non-Philosophy 1: The Use of Philosophy15 vuotta sitten
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- Life is meaningless. That's what makes it fun. yu...
- thou canst not stir a flower Without troubling of ...
- Choose your Metaphysics...Dualism.. the universe a...
- The Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair
- Ei otsikkoa
- should a mere journalist question Kurzweil’s concl...
- carneval
- open the cagehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fncjtH...
- change my mind later, if I want to . . .
- unexplainable nice analytical article, an answers ...
- PrivacyIllusion? Pizza Delivery 2010 http://tinyur...
- what to do with wings
- isteh coffeecup
- Essence is optimism And hope!
- Seeing with humility, curiosity and fresh eyes was...
- mermai dreamin
- middleclass america
- You can check-out any time you like, But you can n...
- god is a simulation, imitation
- mornin
- couldhavebeen-should-is a filter
- If Bostrom's right
- haii do not encourage this & will not be responsib...
- I consider myself lucky to have grown up in a time...
- "invisible landscape"
- At its deepest level, physical reality may have an...
- i believe its alla inside, exept if something Will bi
- Mathematics: The only true universal language ..er
- our maths is necessarily anthropoμετtric
- sisäisyydestä nousee hänen tarvitsemansa tieto oik...
- Ei otsikkoa
- Does Logic Survive Death
- kissa in finnish is a cat
- Suomalainen nukketeatteri täyttää 100 vuot...
- Tiedollisten yksikφiden ("ideoiden") leviδminen tu...
- but it is a pleasure to capture you
- russia positive us approach
- On sanottu, että jumalat laskeutuivat Japa...
- eu eliitin projektinaEU eliitin projektina. Tämä ...
- jumala pitää meitä aisoissa työllä ja seksillä, ka...
- everyones better off not seeing how sausages and l...
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Haluttaisi tietää, mihin G:n noeettinen akti kohdistuu..:Päähän. Siinä sulle vastausta - Husserl. Päähän. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_yDWQsrajA