Anyone who has spent time online in China can testify that the Internet community there is easily one of the most dynamic and vibrant on Earth. On any issue, there are passionate debates and opinions across the ideological spectrum. Maoists, Hayekians and Confucians trade barbs with insults and zealotry. Blogs by serious intellectuals attract audiences unimaginable in the West. China's market for ideas is enormous. Last month, the Chinese premier, Wen Jiabao, went online and personally answered netizens' questions, even some that, by Chinese standards, were rather blunt. (One answer Wen gave on the real estate market prompted a blogger in China to post all the past statements Wen had made on controlling real estate prices -- alongside an index of rising prices.) Topology (from the Greek τόπος, “place”, and λόγος, “study”) is a major area of mathematics concerned with spatial properties that are preserved under continuous deformations of objects, for example, deformations that involve stretching, but no tearing or gluing. It emerged through the development of concepts from geometry and set theory, such as space, dimension, and transformation.
the present
تجربه زیسته - کاسپین ماکان،محمدالدوره، ندا و قانون شباهت قطب های به ظاهرمتضاد* -
۱. محمد الدوره را حتما به خاطر دارید.کودک فلسطینی ای که در سال ۲۰۰۰ در منطقه نتساریم نوار غزه ،در حالیکه کنار پدرش پشت سنگی سنگر گرفته بود، توسط سربازان اسرائیلی کشته شد.فیلم طلال ابو رحمان از این رخداد تکاندهنده ، ثبت واقعه ای بود از هزاران فاجعه ثبت نشده یا گم شده.تصاویر ویدئویی، آنچنان در جهان اثرگذار بود که دولت اسرائیل را به موضع گیری مجبور کرد. دولت اسرائیل پس از چندی اعلام کرد:کارشنا...
listed on the top business thinkers of the future of the names on the international Thinkers 50 website slow-life ideology.
the abundance in the middle is now time to invest in quality. and...divercity in handmade
- Our economy allows for almost everything. Ylitehostunut economy will no longer sit on the spirit.
- So far the recession has affected, but also has ecological effects, related to the aging and the energy and nature of questions.
Slow Life is a provocation
- Finnish economic policy is pathetic. Here are the officials who only play with the politicians, not bold bets on the line to hear the business side, no.
Often we talk about it, just imagine what the people want to hear.
A good example of this is his view of the importance of ecology or the mantras of Nokia's success story alvariinsa referring to.
- Economic transition should be pönöttämisestä speech and preaching the late rut.
- Turkulaisena wonder, of course, the shipyard industry to look ahead. The yard could see the dreams and experiences and not a builder of industrial property as a new bottle. Vesitietotaidossahan and Finland is the leading country in the world!
Slow-life ideology Alf Rehn review primarily at the level of provocation and the concept.
to slow down the pace
In the bay and the slower the better life opportunities for the design and well-being discussed in Slow Life Conference, which is part of OLO.MUOTO '10 event.
ok i can come to see u. if you want
”Mieheni murhattiin lastemme edessä” – Wagner-ryhmä tuhoaa afrikkalaiskyliä
Kaksi kylää on kadonnut Venäjään yhdistetyn kaivostoiminnan tieltä.
Artikkeli ”Mieheni murhattiin lastemme edessä” – Wagner-ryhmä tuhoaa
1 tunti sitten
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