d continue..Emyli Murray - u do kno tht there is junior high stu. on here rite?24. helmikuuta
Stuyvesant Parker - u do kno tht children's net use shld be montrrd by adlts rite?24. helmikuuta
Stuyvesant Parker - Also yay boobies! I saw a lot of these in junior high.24. helmikuuta
Emyli Murray - ok whatever im just saying since im in junior high tht just 2 be careful u shouldnt post things like this24. helmikuuta
Stuyvesant Parker - Maybe you should tell your mom and let her monitor your internet access if you are so concerned? That would be the grown up thing to do.24. helmikuuta
Emyli Murray - she already knows she doesnt care so just drop it its all good24. helmikuuta
jeff B - what do you mean, she doesn't care? does she think you can't get in any trouble on line?24. helmikuuta
Emyli Murray - what d u mean24. helmikuuta
jeff B - I thought you said your mom doesn't care, what doesn't she care about?24. helmikuuta
Emyli Murray - she doesnt care about the sites i go on24. helmikuuta
Emyli Murray - just as long as she sees them to24. helmikuuta
jeff B - well if she has seen this site why has she let you stay on it?24. helmikuuta
Emyli Murray - cuz she doesnt mind like i said24. helmikuuta
jeff B - oh, well that's ok then, enjoy the porn peddlers when they find you, and you might want to change your contact settings so that any 'creepers' you might talk to don't get your email address. sorry being for harsh but your mom hasn't checked this site that well!24. helmikuuta
Emyli Murray - yeah its ok24. helmikuuta
jeff B - pffft!24. helmikuuta
Emyli Murray - ok24. helmikuuta
jeff B - lol24. helmikuuta
Emyli Murray - haha i hate realationships24. helmikuuta
Emyli Murray - so complicated24. helmikuuta
jeff B - haha you wish ;) now stop stalking me!24. helmikuuta
Emyli Murray - lol ok24. helmikuuta
jeff B - creeper!24. helmikuuta
Emyli Murray - k u can stop talking now24. helmikuuta
Stuyvesant Parker - i'll take his place. aren't you a little young to be talking about relationships? just wait until you're older and sex gets involved. a little advice! don't take sex too seriously. high school girls like to get all uptight about sex but by the time you're 27 you're going to be having sex constantly and you're going to think it's no big deal at all. so just jump to that, not the having sex all the time part, but the thinking it's no big deal, 'cause it's not, unless you get pregnant, so be sure to get on birth control before you have sex, 'cause you can't trust guys to always have condoms and you can't trust yourself to always want to use condoms, so just preemptively get on birth control even before you lose your virginity. that's really the best thing you can do for yourself and for any boy you sleep with, 'cause let me tell you having a kid is NO FUN. not when you're young anyway. you'll want to go to parties but you can't 'cause no one will watch the kid and you can't get a babysitter 'cause the baby daddy doesn't make enough money, and your friends will be like 'oh no we will always be your friends even after the baby is born' but they're lying. once you have that kid none of your friends will ever want to hang out with you because kids are annoying as shit.
this is the best sex education you will EVER get and i don't know why they don't teach kids this in school.24. helmikuuta
Emyli Murray - same here and well i guess not a relationship but dating sucks24. helmikuuta
Stuyvesant Parker - Boys are dumb. Don't get too invested in any of them. You won't have a relationship that is worth getting attached to until you're in your mid-20's. Just have fun until then. Otherwise your heart will get broken.
In short: if you're not always happy, dump whoever you're with. Life is way too short to hang around someone who doesn't make you 100% happy! Seriously. Even 5% unhappy is TOO UNHAPPY. And anyone who is willing to break your heart isn't someone you'd want to be with anyway! It took me nearly 23 years to realize that! 23 years of heartbreak!24. helmikuuta
Kyle Wright - Technically, though, this isn't sledding in the buff. Being in the buff is being completely naked. No exceptions.24. helmikuuta
Emyli Murray - well like if i do break up with him i will totally break his heart and i really dont want to do tht24. helmikuuta
Stuyvesant Parker - He'll get over it! Don't put someone else's feelings above your own.. and besides, to stay with him just to keep from hurting him is to lie to him. If you don't want to hurt him, obviously you care enough about him to want him to find someone who really likes/loves him, and if you hide your true feelings from him you're only going to keep him from finding that person. It's impossible to make him understand this but he'll realize it later on and respect you for it... course he'll probably insult you and tell all his friends you suck but that is part of being young.24. helmikuuta
Emyli Murray - yea thts what ive been telling myself over and over but my freinds reccomend i shouldnt do it24. helmikuuta
Emyli Murray - cuz then our friendship wont be the same and my friends want us to stay togehter24. helmikuuta
Stuyvesant Parker - Everything can be summed up by: life is too short to live by the whims of others. Friends who are true friends will get over it. Friends who suck and aren't really your friends wont. I have no more advice I can give you than that. Being young makes all this a lot harder because most young people cannot control their emotions or act with reason or thoughtfulness. Things get a lot more complicated as you get older but they also get A LOT easier. You have a lot to look forward to. (Just don't get pregnant because then you will have nothing to look forward to.) Good luck!24. helmikuuta
Emyli Murray - thanx24. helmikuuta
jeff B - @Stuyvesant Parker True!24. helmikuuta
Emyli Murray - yep24. helmikuuta
jeff B - uh huh!24. helmikuuta
Chelle 63 - @ Emily its not porn...this really happened in Germany, people here are not so prudish like in the USA...you have to be here to truely understand the concept. But in the end Germany is sure safer than the USA...go figure
@ SP good advise...I guess you speaking from experience.24. helmikuuta
Stuyvesant Parker - @Chelle I've made a lot of bad decisions. A lot of them. Tons, really. Way more than most people. I used to be a bad decision machine. If I had a dime for every bad decision I made in my life I would probably have a buttload of dimes, and that's just counting 'bad decisions involving relationships'.24. helmikuuta
Chelle 63 - @ SP...What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger... It takes guts to admit your mistakes so yea you’re looking ahead and I’m sure you will excel :)24. helmikuuta
Chinmoy Mandal - ok.... booking for tickets for Germany now :-)24. helmikuuta
Chelle 63 - @ Mandal ha ha you really should :)24. helmikuuta
Ryan Jones - This is a classic post, comments and all. :) Thanks for the laugh! Emyli, just enjoy it when you can. Boobs are just masses of flesh that happen to turn us on, no biggie. Love and accept em and you'll be a happier boy for it.24. helmikuuta
Stuyvesant Parker - @Ryan pretty sure Emyli is a girl. or at least I've been telling her not to get pregnant this whole time and she hasn't been fighting me on it.24. helmikuuta
Ryan Jones - @Stuyvesant Parker -- oh interesting.. a girl that can't see boobs?24. helmikuuta
Stuyvesant Parker - @Ryan and I quote you, "Emyli [...] you'll be a happier boy for it."24. helmikuuta
Ryan Jones - @Stuy -- yeah I thought she was a he... i'm just surprised SHE is not allowed to see boobs... she's a girl.24. helmikuuta
Ryan Jones - Maybe she was just trying to censor this thing for the boys that might be watching?24. helmikuuta
Stuyvesant Parker - I think she was just playing at being morally outraged, like, "Why are you posting boobs when Junior High School students are on here? THE NERVE! Oh, by the way, I am a junior high student so I am proof that there are, and I just saw boobs, aren't you concerned?"
And then when I called her the weirdness of it she admitted that her mother doesn't care what she looks at, so it was all kind of... off.24. helmikuuta
Ryan Jones - yeah, i saw that part... she loves the freedom of it and she knows it. And like Chelle 63 said, it's a lesson in the simple-minded, prudish US mindset. :) Or at least, that's a nice way to think of it, for me.24. helmikuuta
Emyli Murray - yes im a girl26. helmikuuta
jeff B - did you break up with him yet Emyli?26. helmikuuta
Stuyvesant Parker - Thank you for bumping this post jeff, I do love me some titties.26. helmikuuta
Ryan Jones - no bumping this during my work hours!26. helmikuuta
Stuyvesant Parker - I could use a little titty bumping right about now...26. helmikuuta
jeff B - this one could run and run.....surprise.....titties!26. helmikuuta
jeff B - Oh I looked up crystal meth and we don't have it in the uk, speed is just regular amphetamines here26. helmikuuta
Chelle 63 - Thats a good thing then that there's no meth in the UK...really bad shit it is!!26. helmikuuta
jeff B - We have got crack here, thats starting to be a big problem in some places. Feel like a bit of a chump admiting to doing meth on your other post....ah well, we live and learn lol26. helmikuuta
Stuyvesant Parker - FYI there is pretty much no difference between 'amphetamine' or 'methamphetamine'. the 'meth' part just means it is water soluble and thus it hits you quicker. Did a little research right now. So, in the UK... chances are if you did speed there's no way to know if you did methamphetamine or amphetamine (unless you were snorting Adderall), you wouldn't be able to tell. One or the other is not exclusively lacking in the UK. (To be clearer: when entered into the body methamphetamine simply turns into amphetamine, the meth part just makes this happen faster basically.)26. helmikuuta
Chelle 63 - How did this turn into a chemistry lesson I ask :/26. helmikuuta
jeff B - it's pretty unlikley as it was about 10 years ago.26. helmikuuta
Stuyvesant Parker - It's important to be informed! I don't want someone accidentally telling someone else "crystal meth doesn't exist in the UK", 'cause it does... The Germans gave it out to their forces in WWII under the name Pervitin.
And crack is basically compressed cocaine that you can smoke! Drugs are fun! This is a fun fact because there are people who do coke and criticize people who do crack, but there's a method of snorting coke called doing a "hot rail" where you get one end of a glass piece of pipe super hot, and then you snort the coke through that end, and the superheated glass vaporizes the cocaine... and then you're smoking crack! So if you've ever done a hot rail, you're a crackhead!
Titties and drugs!!26. helmikuuta
Chelle 63 - Great weekend thread...you boys would agree :)26. helmikuuta
jeff B - @ stuy I did say that we don't really have it over here, excuse the pedantry;)26. helmikuuta
Emyli Murray - yeah i did27. helmikuuta
Jeffrey Scott Thomas - I dont mind the picture, however beware of Google... I have heard of Buzz accounts getting banned for some stupid reasons!27. helmikuuta
jeff B - @Emyli How did your friends take it?27. helmikuuta
Emyli Murray - ok28. helmikuuta
jeff B - how did the lad take it?28. helmikuuta
Emyli Murray - not so well he still really likes me but he forgives me so we're ok28. helmikuuta
jeff B - aww poor kid, you ok?28. helmikuuta
Emyli Murray - nope28. helmikuuta
jeff B - why?28. helmikuuta
Emyli Murray - cuz i just feel really bad28. helmikuuta
jeff B - don't feel bad, sounds to me like you did the right thing :)3. maaliskuuta
Amanda Lyyski - haha nice conversations emyli!!!!!!!!!!! love you3. maaliskuuta
Emyli Murray - thanx ikr!!!!!!lol love u 23. maaliskuuta
Amanda Lyyski - lol did you get some good advice?3. maaliskuuta
Emyli Murray - haha yea but.........nvm3. maaliskuuta
jeff B - are you dissing uncle stuy? lol.3. maaliskuuta
Emyli Murray - no i loved her advice its just tht i dont think i did the rite thing3. maaliskuuta
Amanda Lyyski - lol okay than3. maaliskuuta
jeff B - Why, you still in love with the guy? also stuy is a man btw lol.3. maaliskuuta
Emyli Murray - oh ok adn yea kinda3. maaliskuuta
jeff B - you not too sure how you feel?3. maaliskuuta
Emyli Murray - yea3. maaliskuuta
Amanda Lyyski - lol whos jeff b?3. maaliskuuta
Emyli Murray - idk3. maaliskuuta
Amanda Lyyski - REMEMBER EMYLI YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL JK3. maaliskuuta
Emyli Murray - ikr!!!!!!!3. maaliskuuta
Sean Hunt - √ i like!3. maaliskuuta
jeff B - funny lol3. maaliskuuta
Emyli Murray - ME 23. maaliskuuta
jeff B - ME 33. maaliskuuta
Amanda Lyyski - lalalala that picture is nasty3. maaliskuuta
Emyli Murray - it happens in germany3. maaliskuuta
Emyli Murray - lol jeff b3. maaliskuuta
jeff B - cheers hun :)3. maaliskuuta
Emyli Murray - lol3. maaliskuuta
jeff B - lol3. maaliskuuta
Amanda Lyyski - haha wow3. maaliskuuta
jeff B - k3. maaliskuuta
Amanda Lyyski - who are you?3. maaliskuuta
jeff B - who are you? lol3. maaliskuuta
Amanda Lyyski - a gurl3. maaliskuuta
jeff B - well then, that must make me a boy, lmao!3. maaliskuuta
Amanda Lyyski - lol how old are you im just curious3. maaliskuuta
jeff B - 75 now leave me alone creeper ;)3. maaliskuuta
Amanda Lyyski - wow sure whatever lier and im not a creeper:)3. maaliskuuta
jeff B - lol, 32 if you must know. And i know your not a creeper i was just kidding :)3. maaliskuuta
Emyli Murray - srry jeff my friedn amanda is wierd like tht but so am i and how old r u?3. maaliskuuta
Sean Hunt - Amanda...you are a bit of a creeper...lol3. maaliskuuta
jeff B - @ emyli no worries, im guessing you guys are about 13/14? lol3. maaliskuuta
Sean Hunt - Jeff...emyil is a creeper too!3. maaliskuuta
jeff B - @ sean i seen them totally trash this guy's post one time, calling him a creeper and that. the poor bastard didn't know what to do lol.3. maaliskuuta
Amanda Lyyski - THANKS FOR CALLING ME WEIRD EMYLI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! REALLY APPRICIATE IT3. maaliskuuta
jeff B - lol3. maaliskuuta
Sean Hunt - amanda...stop shouting with all the caps...lol3. maaliskuuta
Sean Hunt - jeff...my kinda girls...lol3. maaliskuuta
jeff B - creeper lol3. maaliskuuta
Amanda Lyyski - lol im sorry for yelling3. maaliskuuta
Amanda Lyyski - lol whatever3. maaliskuuta
Sean Hunt - amanda stop creeping on jeff b!3. maaliskuuta
Sean Hunt - He is my 74 year old boyfriend!3. maaliskuuta
jeff B - You want a piece of my sweet pensioner ass @sean?3. maaliskuuta
Amanda Lyyski - lol i dont like him i like someone else3. maaliskuuta
Sean Hunt - Jeff...is it saggy? That pension sounds nice!3. maaliskuuta
Sean Hunt - Amanda...you like Emyli?3. maaliskuuta
jeff B - lmao!3. maaliskuuta
Sean Hunt - Girls often kick the ones they love...lol3. maaliskuuta
Amanda Lyyski - shes my bessssttttttttttttt friend3. maaliskuuta
Sean Hunt - Exactly...the next step is, well how do i say....licky licky3. maaliskuuta
Sean Hunt - just kidding...have fun girls...dont do anything i wouldnt do...lol3. maaliskuuta
jeff B - @ sean You sick fucker lol3. maaliskuuta
Sean Hunt - jeff ... i will change your diaper in a second, just be patient...lol3. maaliskuuta
Amanda Lyyski - thats nasty3. maaliskuuta
Sean Hunt - Mandy...it would be even nastier if we had smell-a-buzz...3. maaliskuuta
Sean Hunt - I think its past my curfew/bedtime...lights out at 10:153. maaliskuuta
jeff B - @ sean Just checking your work out, nice stuff! like howard hodgkin meets philip guston!3. maaliskuuta
jeff B - smell-a-buzz ha ha! you don't want that I stink! ;)3. maaliskuuta
Sean Hunt - jeff b - Thanks! why do you smell so bad? :)3. maaliskuuta
jeff B - just opened a can of Piero Manzoni’s Shit! lmao!3. maaliskuuta
Stuyvesant Parker - So, who needs a lecture... looks like we're having too much fun here...3. maaliskuuta
jeff B - looky here, uncle stu-wee is in the house! you gonna ground me?3. maaliskuuta
Stuyvesant Parker - I was just taking a nap. Gotta get my beauty rest ya know!!3. maaliskuuta
jeff B - Tart!3. maaliskuuta
Sean Hunt - Stu...you better go back to bed before you fall and break a hip... :)3. maaliskuuta
Stuyvesant Parker - Back in my day we had to hike 6 miles in the snow up hill both ways to have more respect for our elders who were taking all the heat in the kitchen like real men!3. maaliskuuta
jeff B - Shit!!! dont call him stu, he will throw a proper wobbler ;) .....sorry stuy XD3. maaliskuuta
jeff B - how old are you stuy btw?3. maaliskuuta
Stuyvesant Parker - Just turned 25 yesterday.3. maaliskuuta
Sean Hunt - I think i creeped out the creepers...lol3. maaliskuuta
jeff B - @ stuy did you have a good birthday? did you get good prezzies?
@sean think the creepers are sleepers ;)3. maaliskuuta
Amanda Lyyski - lol im still here3. maaliskuuta
jeff B - who are you?..... stop stalking me! ......i'm scared! lol3. maaliskuuta
Stuyvesant Parker - My lady got me a bunch of gag gifts---some toys, cheap magic tricks, etc---eventually I am supposed to get a Nexus One as a combined valentines/birthday present from her. We're splitting the $630 cost on one. I'm not an easy dude to buy presents for, everything I want anymore costs more than $300 and my lady doesn't make a lot of money, so all in all... didn't really get good prezzies, but that's cause I don't really want any. Haha.3. maaliskuuta
Amanda Lyyski - im not stalking u3. maaliskuuta
jeff B - jeez! @amanda I was only joking (again) and i don't think you're a creeper. I think you are a perfectly lovely gurl :)
@ stuy Nexus 1!!! you jammy bastard!!!..... I did see one or two posts that suggested that you were having a little difficulty in acquiring said nexus 1lol. Also you think you are hard to buy for? I want a drum kit for my birthday lol3. maaliskuuta
Emyli Murray - u guys r crazy and nice jeff and sean!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and no we werent asleep i was on myspace for awhile then got off to make dinner so yea!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol :D3. maaliskuuta
jeff B - lol :D3. maaliskuuta
Chelle 63 - Jeez what have you guys done to my thread :)3. maaliskuuta
Sean Hunt - Chelle - you are the one that posted boobies...lol3. maaliskuuta
Chelle 63 - And you point being ?? ;)3. maaliskuuta
Sean Hunt - Its a wild thread...lol3. maaliskuuta
Chelle 63 - You think!!3. maaliskuuta
Stuyvesant Parker - I just took my shirt off! WOOOO!!!3. maaliskuuta
Sean Hunt - i just put on really tight underwear! yay! ouch...3. maaliskuuta
Chelle 63 - now now boys behave...dont you know there's Junior high students on this thread :)3. maaliskuuta
jeff B - LMAO!!!!!3. maaliskuuta
Sean Hunt - Chelle...that begs the question: Why do you have junior high students following your topless threads? lol3. maaliskuuta
Chelle 63 - Emyli why are you following me....Sean wants to know :)3. maaliskuuta
Amanda Lyyski - lol im back4. maaliskuuta
Emyli Murray - lol idk!!!!!!!!! adn hi amanda im back 24. maaliskuuta
Stuyvesant Parker - Children please, you must protect your eyes!4. maaliskuuta
Amanda Lyyski - dont have too4. maaliskuuta
Emyli Murray - same here4. maaliskuuta
Bonnie Klein - wow. wtf? lol. that's embarassing.11. maaliskuuta
jeff B - What's embarassing?11. maaliskuuta
Amanda Lyyski - yeah i know11. maaliskuuta
Sean Hunt - Thats not embarrassing, thats white hot in the cold!!!11. maaliskuuta
Amanda Lyyski - thats nasty11. maaliskuuta
Sean Hunt - Amanda...whats nasty?11. maaliskuuta
Amanda Lyyski - that picture11. maaliskuuta
Chelle 63 - Yea what's nasty...Europeans are open to their sexuality...and are not prudes like the US11. maaliskuuta
Amanda Lyyski - whats a prude?11. maaliskuuta
Chelle 63 - @ Amanda lol...seriously?? oh well just in case you REALLY dont know...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prude11. maaliskuuta
Amanda Lyyski - im only 1211. maaliskuuta
Chelle 63 - @ Amanda really only 12 what are you doing on grown up threads then...does your mother know what you look at on the internet??11. maaliskuuta
Amanda Lyyski - uhmm yeah?11. maaliskuuta
Chelle 63 - Ok...just ignore this thread then if it makes you uncomfortable...11. maaliskuuta
Sean Hunt - Amanda...you cant have it both ways...you cant make immature comments and expect to be taken seriously and then defend those comments by using your age as a crutch... Whenever i say stupid comments i just admit they were stupid...i dont blame it on my age...11. maaliskuuta
Chelle 63 - @ Sean she's only 12 give her a break dude!! On another note thats why I dont like kids on Buzz then I have to apologise to them...when I shouldnt have to.11. maaliskuuta
Amanda Lyyski - you dont have to apoligize11. maaliskuuta
Chelle 63 - I know...but its still weird...11. maaliskuuta
Amanda Lyyski - okay11. maaliskuuta
Sean Hunt - Chelle...please dont call me dude... :)11. maaliskuuta
Amanda Lyyski - haha11. maaliskuuta
Chelle 63 - You are a dude!! whats the problem?? Is it offensive?11. maaliskuuta
Sean Hunt - BTW...not sure what i said that was so scary for a 12 year old... If you read my comment, i said i make stupid comments...i did not say amanda makes stupid comments. Kids like directness they dont like being talked to like babies... :)11. maaliskuuta
Amanda Lyyski - lol i liek saying dude11. maaliskuuta
Sean Hunt - Amanda...dont you play volleyball???11. maaliskuuta
Amanda Lyyski - yes and fastpitch and basketball11. maaliskuuta
Chelle 63 - @ Amanda so does my daughter...I think I may have picked it up from her ;|) Dude lol!!11. maaliskuuta
Sean Hunt - Bart Simpson says dude a lot!11. maaliskuuta
Chelle 63 - @ Sean I know...she also tried calling me dude one day and I was so mad at her...who calls their mother dude...seriously!!11. maaliskuuta
Amanda Lyyski - lol11. maaliskuuta
Sean Hunt - Chelle!!! lol ... people here in the states have become so lazy socially they just call each other buddy...lol ( i hate that!!! :)11. maaliskuuta
Amanda Lyyski - lol11. maaliskuuta
Sean Hunt - Im excited that outdoor sand volleyball season is almost here! :) My favorite sport...that and mountain biking!!! :)11. maaliskuuta
Sean Hunt - But i never show my boobies...lol
I am definitely one of those USA prudes!!!11. maaliskuuta
Amanda Lyyski - my volleyball is already started im on two teams11. maaliskuuta
Stuyvesant Parker - Hey buddy, we're all friends here, no need to get all riled up, dude...11. maaliskuuta
Sean Hunt - Stuy...ahhh the head agitator has arrived...lol11. maaliskuuta
Chelle 63 - Hey dude hows the new toy??11. maaliskuuta
Chelle 63 - Baseball??11. maaliskuuta
jeff B - just looked it up, it's softball!11. maaliskuuta
jeff B - What was alice in wonderland like?11. maaliskuuta
Chelle 63 - Was cool...I think if it was in 3D it would have been better...ofcourse the story went another way...typical Hollywood...but nice enough...I love Johnny Depp11. maaliskuuta
jeff B - You recommend it then, with a beer of course lol. was Matt lucas any good as tweedle dum and tweedle dee, I find him effing hilarious (no swearing kids present!) I used to watch him in this years ago http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPsY_nhTtxg11. maaliskuuta
Chelle 63 - Oh yea he was I love watching Little Britain...but he had a small part here...Yes I recommend it good movie for the big screen :)11. maaliskuuta
jeff B - sweet!11. maaliskuuta
Amanda Lyyski - kool0.52
Sean Hunt - Hi Amanda...how was vball today?1.00
226 muuta kommenttia
Amanda Lyyski - i didnt have it i have it on saturday n sunday1.07
Emyli Murray - kool2.07
jeff B - lol2.15
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