found my sustenance in the ashes of your dreams, in the atomic fall-out of your viscious
desires. I became addicted to myself.
I led a great crusade against the devils for the sake of power. I rained my poison from the
darkened skies, I brought the dogs of my mistress into the Houses of the Holy and they
pissed in every corner. The dreamings of forgotten goddesses fell, city after city, I left them
naked in my wake. I fed on my destruction. But even still I dreamed.
I became the fearsome serpent. And when those dreaming goddesses awoke from the
sleep of creation, to the madness of my hungers, those great dragons came for me. In
skies of fire our forms turned against each other. See me, with my red flesh and seven
heads. Feel the pure intimacy of serpents turning, one against the other. And those punchdrunk
wisdoms fell, world after world, I left them empty in my wake. I fed on my
destruction. But even still I dreamed.
```````I was a man. She was a woman. I saw suddenly the perfect beauty in that. The terrible
pain in my legs when she cut me down from that tree was a kind of bliss. The warmth of
her against me as she helped out of that darkness. The way she had stood and quietly
watched as I wrapped my sword in silk and put it away, she had always known I think,
that I would have to put it down. And a sadness was there too perhaps, for as the Poison
left my system so did the Mistress of Nightmare.
It was a quiet time. A sleepy passage. We belonged only to
each other, remembering our faces by tracing the curves in
each others bodies, remembering our voices in the sweetness
of each others breath. We let each other forget the
unrelenting carnage, exchanging it for the annihilation of
the embrace of ones lover...You are all Gods. Gods are but codes in your Blood (Grandfather Paradox). Eat, Drink, Shit and Fuck. Be the
cycles of Time. You cannot know their meanings, you ARE their meanings.
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