“No one knows where the roots of this lie. Some trace its roots to the Orphic
Cults of Ancient Greece, or to the quasi-mythical Indo-European migrating peoples
which would eventually become known as the Celts today. Others link it to Ancient Egypt,
John the Baptist, or Templar conspiracies.”
Whatever its true roots, they are obscured by layers of mysticism and, some might argue, de
liberate misdirection bby apparent adherents...Outside sources seem to indicate that the group, known in its latest form as 'Hedkult', appears
as a syncretic Mystery Cult with distinct nomadological properties within the context of Deleuzian
As an ontological guerrilla group, it can be said to be almost tribal in nature - parallels may be
drawn between it and the Ismali and Sufi mystics which have achieved notoriety within certain
pagan and so-called magical movements.
What little literature is available seems to have its roots within the pulp-horror of Howard Philips
Lovecraft, combined with an undercurrent of cthonic or Typhonian style Hermeticism and
the distinctive hedonism of Burroughs and Siratori.
Within the context of traditional dual categorization that exists within the occult subculture, the
group appears distinctly Left Hand Path....It is the author's opinion that such a distinction may lead to confusion - the ultimate goal of
Hedkult is, at present, unknown to outsiders. While it is true that the apparent praxis involves
destruction of taboos - thusly leading some to label it as a Dionysian movement - its central
premise, to paraphrase: "YOU ARE NOT WHO YOU THINK YOU ARE" seems indicative of an
ideological bias towards liberation from the strictures of society.
In discussion with a purported member, the author was surprised to learn of an almost Gnostic
attitude towards the large-scale status quo - that is, the majority of the world is part of the
hylic, and awakening to one's true nature is paramount.
However, rather than regarding the material and social constructs as evil, this member - who
stated that his view was personal, though shared similarity was apparently common - the
'world' should be embraced.
Quoting Lovecraft's 'Call of Cthulhu', Austin Osman Spare, portions of Carporcratic and
Khylistic doctrine, along with various Continental philosophers, the individual calmly told the
author that totality of liberation is doomed to failure unless the contra-natural is allowed to the
When questioned on the subject, they would only point to the already discovered literature and
'What is it about that pathworking that disturbs you? That's what we're about. That wrongness,
that monstrous nature - in the face of a cold uncaring universe, we're the keepers of the
keys. Yog-Sothoth knows the gate. Yog-Sothoth is the gate. Yog-Sothoth is the key and guardian
of the gate. Past, present, future, all are one in Yog-Sothoth. It's all about special effects.'
The author wonders if such quotations conceal a greater truth, or perhaps they are simply
signs of a blurring between fiction and reality in the mind of the source.
In a more lucid moment, the source remarked:
'Why are monsters so [expletive deleted] nasty? It's because you can't predict them - they're
outside your knowledge. They might turn up anywhere, and frequently do. Walk trough walls,
ooze through holes. They're the thing that violates everything you know, and could violate everything
you are, and again, frequently do...[...] Nobody likes the gypsies, the nomads. They
have everything, but they're not anchored. Messes up the house-job-mortgage status quo. It's
why suicide bombers are so scary. Anyone can blow up in your face. You just don't know.'
It appears that the group prizes disengagement from conventional modes of thinking and existence,
refusing to engage on terms dictated by the status quo. Their actual purpose seems
veiled behind obligatory mysticism. In conclusion Hedkult appears to be an antinomian group
with emphasis on personal liberation for so called 'magical effect' focusing on primal interaction
with a Numinous Other.”...............“The time would be easy to know, for then mankind would have become as the Great Old
Ones; free and wild and beyond good and evil, with laws and morals thrown aside and all men
shouting and killing and revelling in joy. Then the liberated Old Ones would teach them new
ways to shout and kill and revel and enjoy themselves, and all the earth would flame with a
holocaust of ecstasy and freedom.”
- H.P. Lovecraft, The Call of Cthulhu
[Viral Distribution. Memetic Typeface: Times, Old Roman. Hermetically Inclined Neo-Mystical
Interzone opens its doors to a rush of fetid air; the night hangs aloft as the Mortuus Regnum
stir and bask in the wastes. Crowned beneath the Tree of Death, and within the domains of
the Old Ones, the failed Initiates of Miskatonic now move amongst you. There is no us vs.
them. You are not either with us or against us.
Slithering through the crowned glories of most (un)High, the Night-side basks in the knowledge
of the Other. The Shadow Self, lurking fear of the unknown. We are not as we are. We are
Other............“Illusion is Reality.”
The Illusion, the status quo, programs us from birth. There is no denying this.
However it is merely programming; and often bad programming at that. You are far more than
you thought you were, far more capable of mysterious and amazing things, and in the end you
are even free from the limitations you have placed on yourself. This might seem like a bold
statement. We will not lie, it definitely is. It has to be accepted for the doors of cognition to
open wide and give rise to a new form of I, or of self. Simply intellectually accepting it is not
enough however. Furthermore this new form of “I” is an impossibility in many ways. It is not the
singular form of a new identity, it is the “atmospheric-I” spoken of by Spare, a nontransmutable
shape that defies notions of singular and multiple, that refuses to engage with
what is generally accepted as reality.
This is the Quantum-Self, the (inner) “Eye” within the “I.” It is the Kia of A.O. Spare... That
which can be anything and that which is fluid in motion. From this, which is beyond even the
idea of movement (because it is both stationary and ever-forming), comes the source material
for reprogramming which pits one against the status quo
Accept no limitations and you can be all things, as all things are in you. Or as some put it: “As
above; so below,” and all that paltry twaddle rattled off for far too long.
You are a reality generating machine; your brain and neural network are actively generating the
perception which you will come to define as reality… Subvert that process and you have taken
a step towards subverting reality.
A meme is a piece of information passed from one individual to another. Memes are neither
good, nor bad. They do propagate more fluidly depending on their viral tendencies. Infection of
a rogue meme-virus leads to a feeling (especially in those of latent psychic ability) of being
sick, or that the world inside their mind has been somehow twisted.
This is the fertility stage of the meme.
The next stage of the meme is rapid infection, altering the psyche and allowing it easier access.
This stage might be referred to in especially viral memes as being the obsession stage.
Next is the replication stage in which the meme is then passed on.
We are currently distributing memes, framed in fake coding language, directly to you. Whether
you want them or not, you are either accepting and carrying our memes, or rejecting them and
then allowing your subconscious to give them power. Either way: we win. Thus we are not at
war with anyone. You are meme-carriers, whether you like it or not.
”Suomalaiset saavat tottua säästökuureihin”
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