another day volunteering at the judy butler museum. everyones asking if they can fuck the patriarchy. buddy, they wont even let me fuck it
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Winttgenstein @critical_dril · 30. maaliskuuta
some trot just uploaded about 40 or so unbought newspapers to my feed so im unfollowing everyone who isnt a business man or a cop
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Winttgenstein @critical_dril · 28. maaliskuuta
how dare you fuck with me. how dare you fuck with me , on the year of Gramscinojo Έτσι και σε κάνει φολο το ολγάκι το έκλεισα το ακαου. @sasxezwolous
1 kommentti:
-Μην κρινεις ινα μην κριθεις.
-Μαρια με λενε.
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