Thursday, March 25, 2010 fogelsonger
Props to the Prez
Not always, but sometimes, I am glad my grandmother was a gypsy. This wasn't a nickname, she was a real gypsy and told fortunes, among other things for a living. She imparted her wisdom regarding fortune telling to me and it really works. I'm good at telling fortunes and perhaps would tell you the secret of the scam but not today. You'd have to ask me really nice for me tell you that. Yes, I did use the word scam, by the way because it was one. People choose their futures, at least according to my grandmother. Suggesting you can see into the future suggests it's actually there to see, which it isn't. When I was younger I would use my powers to impress people and that works too. Even today, people ask, can you really tell fortunes?; in my mind I say, "yes, if you think I can".
So, when I suggest that my friend and confidant, Barack Obama, can really see the future, this is no faint praise. This is the acknowledgement of someone who knows a thing or two about how this works.
Harken back if you will to that magic time of the 2008 campaign, where ever gaffe was a headline, every move, a controversy, and every slip of the truth, food for the zoo animals, excuse me I mean voting public.
Soothesayer Obama made that rather candid observation about how people who cling to their guns and religion do so out of fear and ignorance. These were not his exact words, and I'm too lazy to look them up and I have enough twitter friends with OCD to correct my inprecision, BUT, this was essentially what he said and perhaps the word "cling" was badly chosen but the uproar was audible. Golly, Hilary Clinton even defended this poor offended mass as misunderstood by the urban savvy elitist hoops player who couldn't bowl.
Well, my friends, this week's news should offer our President the opportunity to sit back, put his feet up and smirkingly say, "Hey, I told ya so!"
Like the oracle of Delphi predicted these pigeons have come to roost. The fearful clinging mob of clearly undertstood clowns are just where Obama said they would be. Admit it, Obama called these folks out plain and simple. Journalists are now knee deep in a story they claimed was Obama's gaffe. It ironically turns out, oh great journalists of American politics, that the gaffe was yours.
I think we need to step back from the circus show for a day or two and give our props to the Prez. The headllines should read
Varoitus Venäjästä – vain nämä takaisivat kestävän rauhan
Ukrainalla on ex-suurlähettiläs Judith Gough’n mielestä perusteltua aihetta
Artikkeli Varoitus Venäjästä – vain nämä takaisivat kestävän rauhan ...
4 tuntia sitten
3 kommenttia:
Epäilemättä niin ovat asiat, hyvä Ninni, täällä eräässä Pohjois-Euroopan maassa, jossa leipä, klassillisella kreikalla artos, alkaa lakon takia puuttua kauppojen hyllyiltä. "Vankilakulttuurista" tunnetaan sanonta "joutua leivättömän pöydän ääreen", vaikka modernit vangit, siis oikeudessa tuomitut, eivät nälkää näekään.
haha, kiitos kommentista :) minuakin vähän nauratti ne hyllyt. kun meilläkin kuultiin lakoista niin on hyllyt samalla lailla
en ole hamstarannut
ehkö pitäisi :)
miten kaikki paperit voivat pitää eurooppalaisia vankeina
mehän olemme ihmisiä
tuhkapilvi tulee huomenna ja poikani on Brysselissä. se on junamatka taas edessä
Saa nähdä, milloin Feniks-lintu nousee Islannin valuttamasta tuhkasta.
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