Handwritten letter from President Saddam Hussein to the American people. 7 July 2006.
Saddam Hussein
In the name of God, the Merciful, the Mercy-giving.
"And among the Believers are men who are true to that which they pledged to God. Some of them have fulfilled their pledge by death and some of them still are waiting and they have not altered in the least. That God may reward the true men for their truth and punish the hypocrites if He will, or relent towards them, for God is forgiving, merciful. And God repulsed the infidels for their wrath. They gained no good. God averted their attack from the Believers. God is strong, mighty." [Qur’an 33:23-25].
To the American people:
Peace upon those who believe in peace and desire it, and the mercy of God and His blessings.
I address you in this letter from the place of my confinement, as my attempt on the basis of my moral, human, and constitutional responsibility so that no one among you might say that no one came to us with a message of peace after the war began, refuting the arguments for it and desiring peace for you and for our upright, loyal, heroic people. And as I say this, I do no know whether my brothers and comrades who are leading the Resistance outside the prison have come to you with a letter before or not. That is because the "democracy" of your leaders has prevented me since my arrest and until now from getting newspapers and magazines or hearing radio and television and has isolated me from the world and has isolated the world from me so that I might not hear or see anything from outside my place of confinement.
Is this the true face of democracy and human rights that they advocate outside America!? Or have your rulers lied about it? This includes the killing of people in prisons and jails, some of them by means of the pistols of the American investigators. Or has all of this along with other details that would turn an attentive person’s hair white been concealed from you by your officials such that you do not know the truth!?
Anyway, I address you with this letter of mine in the hope that it will reach you and that you will hear it or read it. And on the basis of my responsibility to bring the facts before people, whatever their color or nationality, for that is our duty to them, just as they have a duty to us not to accept evil.
I address you today as my attorney the eminent lawyer and Professor Ramsey Clark has asked that I write this letter of mine to you. Professor Ramsey has presented an excellent example of a humanitarian in his person and in his colleague Professor Curtis Dobler, both of whom left a positive personal impression on me. On this occasion I wish to salute their courage as they have volunteered for the task although they know the dangers that surround them in carrying out their duty, in particular after criminals have killed four of the defense attorneys.
People of America, it still seems to me that the officials in your government are still lying to you and are not giving you true explanations of the reasons that led them to embark on their aggression against Iraq. In what they have said about the reasons they have deceived, from the starting point, not only the international community, and in particular the European Community but also the peoples of America themselves, knowing beforehand that the facts were contrary to what they were declaring. Untrue is what they said, after their lies were exposed, about having been deceived by their intelligence agencies and by the stooges that they brought along to serve as their puppets in Iraq, just as old imperialism and the old empires of the 19th and 20th centuries used to do. What we are saying is based on many facts, the major ones being as follows:
1. The inspection teams – that came to Iraq in the name of the United Nations and carried out searches even of some private houses as well as government departments, presidential palaces and government documents – those teams knew that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction because most of the leading members in those teams were Americans and British and in addition they had spies and volunteers of other nationalities. Those teams searched Iraq piece by piece from one end to the other and never found any information contrary to what they and others were told by Iraqi government representatives. The inspections lasted for more than seven years. And in addition to the teams that traveled by car and on foot, they used spy planes, helicopters, and satellites in space. The American and English officials thought that this was their historic chance to strike Iraq and destroy its legitimate aspirations and the lofty cultural and scientific achievements made in the course of 35 years, making use of the information gathered by their spies in the inspection teams and making use of the so-called war on terror after the 11 September incident that struck America. They shuffled the cards to bring up the goals that they had already decided upon earlier, and these were not the goals that they publicly announced at the starting line.
It was their assessment that the unjust embargo had not destroyed Iraq’s will nor halted its legitimate aspirations to develop economically, culturally, scientifically, and as a civilization in the conditions of a new independence. They believed that Iraq had come close at that time to breaking the economic embargo as the result of the cooperation of those who cooperated with Iraq on the basis of mutual benefit and fraternal national feelings as far as the Arabs were concerned. The officials in your country thought that this was their chance to impose their will on the world by means of their control of the Middle East’s oil and its production and marketing in new ways and for new goals – those about which we spoke in and before the year 2003 – in addition to attaining one of their Zionist goals and winning support in the election. Iran and its lackeys played a dirty role in making aggression appear attractive and in facilitating its implementation.
2. The American officials did not withdraw from Iraq after they became hard pressed, but declared that the facts were contrary to what they had claimed before the invasion that took place in March and April of the year 2003. If they had been truthful when they claimed that they had been deceived as a result of the information they had been given and which they used as the cover for their invasion, and which they declared at the time was sufficient justification for the invasion – declaring at the time that it involved things that they said affected the security of the United States – then they would have withdrawn from Iraq after discovering that that information had been false. They would have apologized to the heroic Iraqi people, to the American people and to the people of the world for what they had done.
None of the Americans asked their government before the war how Iraq, a country that had still not emerged from backwardness, could threaten the security of a country like America across the Atlantic. And for that matter why would Iraq want to threaten America, which at that time had not violated the territory of Iraq. If the American officials wanted to promote the claim that Iraq’s threat was precisely involved in the opposing stances taken by Iraq and America over the Zionist occupation of the land of Palestine and other Arab land, it could be said that Iraq is not the only state that takes an opposing stance to that of America in regards to the issue, whether that be Arab states or other states in the world. Furthermore, who has authorized America to make the countries of the world tailor their policies to America’s measurements, and if they don’t oblige, then war should be waged against them? How can one understand America’s call for democracy if it does not permit a difference of opinion even in issues of a regional character, to say nothing of international ones?
Another lie was the claim of American officials that Iraq had links to what they called terrorism, although British Prime Minister Blair declared that Iraq does not have any ties to so-called terrorism and had no internationally prohibited weapons, forcing Bush to declare the same thing. Despite that, none of the important American personalities asked President Bush on what sort of rational analysis or what sort of realistic information this claim rested. Do you know, esteemed ladies and gentlemen, why they didn’t ask? Because some of your prominent personalities are directed in what they do by hidden forces that distorted the image you received of Iraq’s positions. They had been laying the groundwork for years to facilitate aggression from the start. Therefore no one asked the American officials, for example, why no Iraqi took part in the events of 11 September!? And if the participation of individuals in the attack on American targets isn’t to be taken as proof of the involvement of any country in those events, then how do you accuse a state like Iraq, the features of whose political system are known, of so-called relations with terror? How can you consider this charge to be one of only two on the basis of which aggression was launched against the people of Iraq, destroying their property and achievements and bringing their lives under daily and direct threat?
Do you know, that I asked one of the American officials who talked with me perhaps two weeks after my arrest, just what was it that you based those false charges on? He said that as far as the weapons of mass destruction were concerned, "we didn’t have anything to confirm what you were saying." And as for the links to terrorism, he said, because you, Saddam Hussein, did not send a letter of condolence to President Bush after the incident [of 11 September].
I smiled bitterly and told him: as regards your claim that you didn’t have confirmation of our statements, it seems that your officials lie and imagine that officials in countries around the world do not tell the truth, or that many of those who have relations with you in fact do not tell you the truth, neither when they oppose your policies nor when they agree with them. This is a dangerous matter, not only for the countries of the world but because they then pose a danger for America as well, if nobody in the world will tell America: 'this is a mistake’ and 'this is unacceptable’! And at that time when American planes were striking targets in Iraq and destroying public and private property, killing Iraqi citizens including women and children for no reason and imposing on Iraq their unjust embargo, prohibiting Iraq from importing even pencils for children to use in primary schools, what exactly is it that should obligate Saddam Hussein to send a telegram of condolences to the president of the state whose officials have committed all those crimes, unless it be out of hypocrisy and weakness? But because I am neither a hypocrite nor a weakling I didn’t send Bush a telegram of condolence. But I did agree on the telegram sent containing condolences in the name of the government of Iraq and sent by Comrade Tariq Aziz, the Deputy Prime Minister, to our friend Ramsey Clark and through him to the stricken families.
Are the great states so deluded as to imagine that whoever does not send a letter of condolence deserves that war should be waged against him, his country, and his people!? Here you see how the American officials used even your own blood to promote their reckless, aggressive policy. Is this the kind of morality that people should have? Or men? Or officials? There is nothing graver than for disasters to ravage people who have been stricken by delusions, committed wrongs, and wantonly despised the roles of others. The worst disease of the American officials who involved the Americans in war against Iraq is this.
3. After I was arrested they made vain attempts to use intimidation and threats against me. One of their generals conveyed that intimidation and host threats and tried to bargain with me, promising to let me live if I agreed to read in my own voice and sign a prepared announcement that was shown to me. That stupid announcement called on the people of Iraq and the courageous Resistance to lay down arms. They said that if I refused, my fate would be that I would be shot just like Mussolini, as my interlocutor put it. But, as you know me and would expect of me, I disdainfully refused, not even touching that dirty document with my hand and sullying myself with it. I told them if I were given the chance to address my people, I would call them to more resistance.
Seven days later, to reinforce themselves, they sent a group to talk with me. They said they were from an American University and that they wanted to engage me in a broad discussion. I agreed and I confirmed to them that Iraq didn’t have any of the things the American officials claimed and I advised them [the US] to leave Iraq quickly and apologize to the people, warning them that they were going to get what they now are facing and what they are now embroiled in – in fact, the fate I expect for them is worse than what they are facing now – and they will never have an adequate chance to pull their arms and equipment out of Iraq if the two halves of Iraq engulf them, and they will engulf them, God willing, because our people are deeply rooted and conscious. They know that our liberation can be clean and complete only with their unity, and that tolerance must be the basis for the orientations of our people within their ranks, and that wounds must be bound up, not ripped open.
I say, I told them all that at that time but they didn’t change their methods; they didn’t replace the keys of falsehood, and they are still knocking on the doors of wrong, failing to try the door of legitimacy, even though they now know. In this connection, attached to this letter are some verses from a long ode; a selection of 56 verses. [Not translated here.]
4. It is neither reasonable nor convincing that a country like America to which the doors of the intelligence agencies in the east and most of the countries of the west have been opened did not know the truth and could not know the truth. Although I am convinced and believe that many countries in the world have an interest in war or wars, she [the United States] does not have an interest in war even though she might believe she does. The contrary, in fact, is the case.
America is a big country on the other side of the Atlantic. It has developed a unique unparalleled power such that I think some people there imagine that it is on its way to attaining the crown of the world all for itself as a world empire. Have they not learned a lesson from their war in Viet Nam? The west used to promote the idea that world Communism and the Soviet bloc threatened their interests and also the security of the entire west. But despite that promotion, this was nothing but a flimsy cover. Nevertheless, America used it and wrapped itself in it until the heroic Vietnamese people expelled them by force.
As to their invasion of Iraq, it came in a situation that made the first step easy from the standpoint of the reaction of the international community because of the international balance of forces. But it came in a situation that might make it more costly that its war in Viet Nam. That is because when America was expelled from Viet Nam it did not lose its standing, or we might say it only lost a small part of its standing. But when it is expelled and routed from Iraq, which has no great power to support it directly, it will lose the fundamental basis of its standing.
In fact it has now already lost the foundation for that standing and its reputation has begun to decay. It is no longer able to wield the big stick that it formerly threatened to use. It used to accomplish more by threatening to use force than by really using force. I will go further and say that after its war in Iraq, that stick no longer frightens many people and America has come to need the silence of the smallest and simplest countries and tries to please them in order to get them to stay quiet about America’s crimes and reckless, deviant policies.
Before, many of the world’s countries used to court the United States and most countries in the world, all except a few, used to fear her threats or parried them with defensive arguments. But now Mao Zedong of fond memory is laughing in his grave because his prediction has been fulfilled and America is a paper tiger. This is by the will of the Living Eternal God, and by His agents on earth, the heroic Mujahideen in glorious, virtuous, militant, jihadist Iraq. So God bless the heroic people of Iraq and God bless the jihad and the mujahideen.
Esteemed ladies and gentlemen of the peoples of America, the time has come to an end in which greatest and best-equipped armies could scatter the organized formations of the opposing army and thereby bring a war to a close. Now you see our courageous army, our heroic people, and our Mujahideen replacing the system of organized formations with a new kind of warfare. And when the Americans on the ground become targets in the vicinity of the guns of the revolutionaries, who attack them as deadly human bombs with nothing more than their bodies filled with faith in God, American superiority is worn down over time. In fact in the near future that superiority will become a burden whose equipment will be difficult to withdraw. So, will America trust the voice of rationality and logic that calls for the preservation of what still remains, or will Satan the deceiver and the hate-filled supporters of Zionism keep pushing the Americans until the waves swallow them and they sink to the depths of the raging sea?
Who, after all, appointed the American government to be the world policeman, to form the world in the mold that it likes, giving national orders to the countries of the world?
Saddam Hussein, ladies and gentlemen, is an honorable patriot and an honest man. He is a statesman resolute in implementing the law, just, but benevolent. He loves his people and his nation. He is straightforward, doesn’t double-cross or deceive. He speaks the truth even against himself. Do tyrants like Bush like such characteristics? If he were a person like De Gaulle or even like Reagan, perhaps he would understand them, or at least would not abhor them. But I must say to you that your country will discover more, esteemed ladies and gentlemen. It has lost his reputation and his standing. Indeed the American who used to travel around the world respected and safe and welcomed wherever he went, is now no longer able to step outside America without a mine detector. And the State Department issues warnings for you constantly about what world regions are dangerous to American lives
It was American officials and their polices themselves that have created an atmosphere of anti-American hatred in the world by means of their arrogant behavior, their haughty aggressive attitude, their lack of respect for international law and the security of the world – including the security of my Arab Nation through their support for the Zionist entity in Palestine – and other world and human issues.
Today you are in a bad predicament with the world and nobody can rescue you but yourselves. If you reform, you will open for the world and for yourselves a new opportunity. But if you are heedless, that is your decision. What you need is free and fair competition and peace in order to have security.
The years that followed the 18th century had long gone when they came as invaders to the Middle East to bring back memories of things that awaken and arouse. The Middle East, and the Arab homeland in particular, was the cradle of prophets and messengers from God. Is the cradle of the prophets, where the prophets are buried in their tombs, also the home of devils and their mirror images – the malicious invaders?
We have believed, and our faith was suited to us,
Then came the Zionists with a devil for a guide.
They stormed in on us as invaders, unjust.
The did not stop their advance nor sit still,
Their diabolical patron has prepared their dilemma.
But as for us, we have the Merciful God as Patron.
despite the crimes your government inflicted on our people, our Arab Nation and humanity, the people of Iraq – and I mean by that the Iraqis, not those with split loyalties who prefer to serve foreigners rather than their own people – I say the free people of Iraq even in their present circumstances are not thinking about their destiny alone but about the destiny of others wherever it’s possible to create a solution that treats a painful problem.
On this basis I said when I was in my prison, why don’t you come to an agreement with the Resistance to designate a country with a charter and power to which the Resistance can hand over those American soldiers whom they capture, rather than executing them as currently is said to be taking place. In fact the extent to which the Resistance is responsible for this is unknown, but people who are equitable know that America has not abided by international law in any of its activities in Iraq, including the Geneva Conventions regarding prisoners and detainees. The Resistance has no secure place in Iraq where prisoners can be kept. So whether the Resistance is at all responsible, or whether the responsibility lies with some other parties that have no connection to the Resistance, the justification for it is that there is no secure place for prisoners to be kept.
Therefore in order to fulfill humanitarian needs and to eliminate the justification [for killing prisoners] I make this proposal to you and to the national Resistance and to anyone concerned, and I make this with the best of intentions. If you accept it and respect the Geneva Conventions then the argument of those who kill rather than detain prisoners will have vanished. But if your government does not accept it, then it will bear the responsibility for refusing and for whatever befalls our people and the heroic Resistance as a result of your government’s violation of international law. This will be particularly true if the number of American prisoners increases in the future, and we think that it will increase. Or is it that your government can’t see anything until it feels it?
Esteemed ladies and gentlemen, the time has come for your government to look at all people as equals before international law regardless of the size of the countries to which they belong. Whoever violates international law in his policies and the behavior of his army, he alone must bear the consequences for that policy. And if his policies are not in accordance with the letter of international law, he has no right to call others to protect his rights in accordance with that law.
whoever missed his or her chance to take action to try to prevent the war still has a chance to act to end it and bring back peace and freedom to Iraq in accordance with the choice of its people without foreign interference by anyone whoever that may be.
I address you not from weakness nor as a supplicant. We address you on the basis of our moral and human responsibility. I tell you that x lied to you using the media that portrayed Iraq to you as incorrigible and that his people hate him and that his people are just waiting for their chance to get at him. Some of them just wallowed in lying falsehood to the point that they openly declared that the Iraqis would meet the invading armies with roses and celebration.
I know that lots of people don’t do a lot of analysis; they don’t have the time or the ability or the desire to do careful assessments when presented with falsified news so as to uncover the truth. how he managed to defeat the Iran of Khomeini after eight years in the aggressive war that Iran sought to impose on us under the slogan of exporting the revolution beginning with Iraq? the victory over Khomeini’s Iran was not due to the short length of the war, but came only after eight years of grinding warfare in which tens of thousands fell and hundreds of thousands on the Iranian side.
why did he establish a parliament with elections for the first time in the year 1980 during wartime, when there had been no parliament in Iraq since 1958? how could he visit schools, universities, towns, and villages and spend the night with the people wherever the sun went down? How could he travel around and lead at the battle front at night and during the day even in the trenches in the front lines on the battlefield among the Muslim soldiers!?
Yes, esteemed ladies and gentlemen, your government deceived you, and you, or rather most of you, had no chance to inquire of themselves or of others in order to discover the truth because the Zionists in the lobby who advocated the war together with some of the centers of power were deceiving you and tricking you, hiding from your eyes the real truth, exchanging the facts for falsified and slanted information. Last but not least in this regard, how is it that his people endured him and why was he chosen President by referendum?
, the misfortunes that have afflicted you and afflicted our Arab Nation and within it our heroic Iraqi people – including the breakdown of America’s standing and reputation – were only caused by the reckless behavior of your government and by pressure from Zionism and power centers that influenced the government to commit those crimes and scandalous actions for specific ends that have nothing to do with the interest of the American peoples. The massacres and blood that now flows in the streets and countryside of Iraq in torrents – the responsibility for that falls on America before all others. You know, or rather you have now come to learn, that neither the stooges whom the American forces brought in on board their aircraft or as shamefaced presents aboard their tanks, nor Iran, which pushed and still pushes forward those who support it and whom they support, would be able to cause the bloodshed, or the destruction of the honor, and property of our people and our state had not America undertaken the aggression and invasion and issued the orders. It is still issuing orders in the Green Zone. Therefore America bears the burden of all those crimes and outrages. So, will you put an end to what is going on by using the methods of direct truth without evasion and digression? Or will you invite the machine of death to continue to eat away at the flesh of Iraqis and the flesh of Americans without doing anything to resolve this?
It is your historical responsibility, If you reform, you could save what remains of the standing and reputation of America and its legitimate interests. If you do nothing, you will be keeping silent over something evil. "God grant us patient perseverance and let us die as Muslims." [Qur’an, 7:126]
People of America, the wars that your government promotes in the world – one of them being the war in Iraq – with input from certain centers of power – which you know better than we – are not in the interests of the people. You know better than many how you paid in blood so that you might liberate yourselves from British colonialism and after that how the United States of America was unified and what rivers of blood were shed in order for that to come about. So, esteemed ladies and gentlemen, how do you accept this interference that abases America before it abases Iraq? How can you accept not only the invasion but becoming mired in the internal affairs of Iraq? You know that Iraq is a land of prophets, messengers, and righteous figures. You know that Baghdad is the fourth holiest city in the Arab homeland – after Mecca, al-Madinah, and Jerusalem – in the sight of all of the Islamic world and all of our Arab Nation. How can one imagine that Iraq could reconcile itself to colonial rule, even if it comes, this time, under another name and with other slogans? Save your country, esteemed ladies and gentlemen, and leave Iraq.
God is greatest. God is greatest.
Saddam Hussein,
President of the Republic of Iraq and Commander in Chief of the Mujahid Armed Forces.
7 July 2006.
[Appended to the letter was a selection of poetry by Saddam Hussein dealing with the homeland, invasion and the struggle for liberation]
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Comment pos ted: by ricky_radical on 20 Jul 2006 - 15:12
Deposed revered leader of the Iraqi people. You have been set up the terrorists that rule my country and I feel ashamed for what they have done to you. You de served none of it and the crimes of the United States are monumental now and the y have ruined your country for eternity with depleted uranium weapons of mass de struction. You are guilty of no crimes but resisting the United States aggressors and they have set the wolves apon you and they will not rest until they make their lies convict you. Know in your heart that their are plenty of Americans that are with you in your struggle and hate the rulers that oppress us. May God be with you for all time and may you live to see the end of the American Empire in all it's infamy!
Comment pos ted: by allan on 28 Jul 2006 - 05:48
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your considered and detailed letter and I thank God that gives me the chance to respond.
I don’t agree with much of your position, I even find parts of it to be hypocrit ical and self serving. However I also do not agree with what the country of my birth, where God in his wisdom decided I should come into this world, has done i n Iraq on many levels as well. Let me respond, and let God guide my hand, in th e order of the points made in your letter.
Firstly, I am not sure you truly understand what democracy is about when you app ly it to the freedoms granted prisoners. I suspect the small inconveniences you r experiences are laughable when compared to the treatment of prisoners under yo ur rule. I notice you are not complaining about the electrodes attached to your testicles as you are hung from the ceiling?
In any case yes I do understand that our troops, our children thrown into a terr ible circumstances and stress, mislead by the ineptness of some of our leaders, did commit horrible and dishonorable atrocities. May God have mercy on them and those that were hurt by them. No this is not what Democracy is about, it is wh at war, stress and mistakes are about. These facts are not hidden from us, not even then least of us, that is what democracy is about. Being able to write to you, critical of my leaders, is what democracy is about. I understand you would not know this, democracy was not part of your experience, it is foreign to you. Could I, if I was one of your subjects have responded and wrote about you in the same way? Without fear of my life and all of my families?
I appreciate your trying to educate us on how our leaders are have/are lying to us. Believe me we know. Many of us know. Many of us doubt we know the full st ory of 911, such as what really hit the pentagon.
But I must also tell you, I have no respect for you and no trust of the lies tha t come from your hand either. The embargo may have been unjust, but as we all k now now, it also was very profitable, for you and yours, for some UN members and many others. It is hypocritical at best to hear you call it unjust while not a lso mentioning the immense profit you gained from it and raped from your citizens. Your country would have come a lot closure to and maybe actually achieved the aspirations you purport if you had turned those funds back to the people and not the pockets.
What was the real reason that our leaders went into Iraq? I don’t know, you don’ t know, only they may know. I feel it was a mistake in any case, stupid, ill pl anned and will cause more harm then good to all children of God. It has been a gift to Iran, it has resulted in more deaths then you could have carried out in your hottest desires. Though from a rational view point, that once committed, once involved, I do not agree with your assertion that they should have simply withdrawn when the facts of WMD were found out.
Democracy will fail in Iraq, and civil war will erupt in it failure. Democracy should never been forced on anyone. If one studies any of the systems looking at the growth of human values, the stages that cultures and societies go through ( for example see Spiral Dynamics) it is obvious that you cannot force people that are not ready into more developed stages. I mean that as no insult, or disrespect, just a simple fact of life. In any case the call for democracy was a mistake at best, a foil to deceive us from the true purpose at worst. I agree so much with you on this.
In addition, I now understand the terrible truth underlying the children of Isla m, the hatred between Sunni and Shi’a, Islam’s own little dirty issue. No wonde r your country needed the strong hand of a dictator, the brutal massacres of hun dreds of thousands. The hatred for the US only serves to hide this fact. You n eed us as enemies to distract you from each other. You speak of an Iraqi people as if this deep rift did not exist. You are blinded, as unfolding events show. Your people of Iraq, a great many of them hated you, feared you, and seek your death to this day.
As for you sir, and your attempts to give your self honor and credibility, you a re a very dis-honorable man, deluded, and murderous. It is not for me to judge you, God will have that honor. Look at your sons, the fruit of your sickness, th ey were perverted, twisted and evil, raised by the hand of the father. You love only yourself and your tribe, while manipulating and killing those in your way. Make your points but your honor cannot be redeemed in my eyes.
Though your insights about the state of America and its reputation, the harm don e by Bush, an incompetent leader, are likely, I fear, spot on. We are messing u p the Middle East and the safety of the world, not making it better. I pray tha t God would deliver us a man as great as Salidin, not for the sake of America, b ut for the sake of the world, but alas none has shown their face.
An insignificant no one, a servant of God
Comment pos ted: by chueewowee on 18 Aug 2006 - 12:30
QUOTE allan: "... I am not sure you truly understand what democracy is about wh en you apply it to the freedoms granted prisoners"
Does Saddam apply democracy to freedoms granted prisoners, or just raise justice and humanitarian issues? Guantanamo prisoners are people held without trial. < br>Attempting to compare atrocity with atrocity and saying theirs are worse, is may be silly here, and goes off track. In any case democracy and freedom are not syn onymous.
America controls the media in a major way. How do we know that the atrocities of America are not worse? Isn't raping and klling a family quite nasty tortue anyw ay? These may be said to be abberents, not licensed state torture, in which case we should look to bombing too, and include along with Iraq (as regards Sadaams claim), recent support by America for Israeli state terror on Lebanon.
Comment pos ted: by don robertson on 24 Oct 2006 - 22:40
Saddam Hussein, the legitimate President of Iraq may be correct in everything he says. I doubt not that he is. He is eloquent, even convincing. I am convince d. He puts forth his case in empirical and religious terms exactly as would any political leader under similar circumstances.
With very little editing, this letter could be attributed to President Bush, if he were sitting captive in his country, and if the U.S. had been invaded and occ upied.
These are not the facts or even the issues that matter.
What matters is that empirical science has been given the mantle of human truth, when it is in fact more akin to witchcraft than it is to any human truth.
Yes, empirical science can point to great scientific achievemnts as its proof to the veracity of its claim and ascendancy to the throne of human truth it has us urped, but, I would point out, just like Saddam Hussein and George Bush, the cla im is invalidated by the observational evidence.
The moral imperative of life declares we all should live lives that detract not at all from the potential lives of all those who will follow us into this world. This is our supreme duty. That is the moral imperative.
In that duty, we each have failed. Saddam Hussein has failed. George Bush has failed. Empirical science has failed.
All the world's leaders have failed in living up to the moral imperative, as the y each have rushed to support the empirical sciences that have made the conditio n of humanity as a whole desperate, suicidal, and literally teetering on the bri nk of extinction.
These leaders, all these leaders, we must simply stop following them.
Empirical science, it must be treated as if it were witchcraft.
It must be stopped, and the scientists held to account for their manufacture and invention of poisons and weapons. Even the teachers and so-called philosophers who teach these empirical sciences, they too must be stopped. It is these few people among us in our humanity who are destroying our world.
There is no so thing as progress, only the sure degradation of the environment. There is no such thing as empirical truth, just the witchcraft-like incantation s of empirical science, which itself is made entirely of the processes trial and error.
That is not human truth.
Long live Saddam Hussein, but as a human being, not as the leader of his people headed toward the brink of extinction. That is human truth.
Long Live George W. Bush, but as a human being, and not the leader of his people headed toward the brink of extinction. That is human truth.
Long live humanity! This is a pledge for which realization of it will require t he dismantling of the bond between what humans believe and know is truth, and th e witchcraft the empirical scienctists peddle it to be.
That is human truth.
Long live humanity!
Don Robertson, The American Philosopher
Limestone, Maine
An Illustrated Philosophy Primer for Young Readers
Precious Life - Empirical Knowledge
The Grand Unifying Theory & The Theory of Time
Comment pos ted: by don robertson on 24 Oct 2006 - 22:50
Saddam Hussein, the legitimate President of Iraq may be correct in everything he says. I doubt not that he is. He is eloquent, even convincing. I am convince d. He puts forth his case in empirical and religious terms exactly as would any political leader under similar circumstances.
With very little editing, this letter could be attributed to President Bush, if he were sitting captive in his country, and if the U.S. had been invaded and occ upied.
These are not the facts or even the issues that matter.
What matters is that empirical science has been given the mantle of human truth, when it is in fact more akin to witchcraft than it is to any human truth.
Yes, empirical science can point to great scientific achievemnts as its proof to the veracity of its claim and ascendancy to the throne of human truth it has us urped, but, I would point out, just like Saddam Hussein and George Bush, the cla im is invalidated by the observational evidence.
The moral imperative of life declares we all should live lives that detract not at all from the potential lives of all those who will follow us into this world. This is our supreme duty. That is the moral imperative.
In that duty, we each have failed. Saddam Hussein has failed. George Bush has failed. Empirical science has failed.
All the world's leaders have failed in living up to the moral imperative, as the y each have rushed to support the empirical sciences that have made the conditio n of humanity as a whole desperate, suicidal, and literally teetering on the bri nk of extinction.
These leaders, all these leaders, we must simply stop following them.
Empirical science, it must be treated as if it were witchcraft.
It must be stopped, and the scientists held to account for their manufacture and invention of poisons and weapons. Even the teachers and so-called philosophers who teach these empirical sciences, they too must be stopped. It is these few people among us in our humanity who are destroying our world.
There is no so thing as progress, only the sure degradation of the environment. There is no such thing as empirical truth, just the witchcraft-like incantation s of empirical science, which itself is made entirely of the processes trial and error.
That is not human truth.
Long live Saddam Hussein, but as a human being, not as the leader of his people headed toward the brink of extinction. That is human truth.
Long Live George W. Bush, but as a human being, and not the leader of his people headed toward the brink of extinction. That is human truth.
Long live humanity! This is a pledge for which realization of it will require t he dismantling of the bond between what humans believe and know is truth, and th e witchcraft the empirical scienctists peddle it to be.
That is human truth.
Long live humanity!
Don Robertson, The American Philosopher
Limestone, Maine
An Illustrated Philosophy Primer for Young Readers
Precious Life - Empirical Knowledge
The Grand Unifying Theory & The Theory of Time
Comment pos ted: by mik on 04 Nov 2006 - 15:16
Well Saddam, you did your best to take Iraq back into the mainstream of the worl d. The US State Department had requested we attempt to build a "Peace Bridge" wi th Iraq. So we did so. I delievered the message given thru your Ambassador to th e United Nations to the US State Department, but they cast it aside in favor of other plans made elsewhere.
I believe if your ideas had been accepted, everything would have gone well, and Iraq would be well on it's way towards a full recovery from all that has happene d since 1991 and even before, and the thousands of both Iraqi's and Americans wh o have died in this war would be alive and with their families. America would no t be bankrupting itself by fighting this unnecessary war. How many realized they had a partner for peace and development in you Saddam? I know that many did, as we circulated this widely, yet never did it appear in the American media, or has it been openly discussed in the American Congress, though it was sent to many leaders in our American government.
Here is what you were offering from October 2000 up until the day the bombs bega n to fall upon Iraq once again. I regret your kind offers were ignored. Here is the document the Iraqi Ambassador held out to America when approached about crea ting a "Peace Bridge Building Project with Iraq".
Center For World Peace and Understanding
P.O. Box 355, Miranda, California 95553 Phone (707) 943-3056
October 30, 2000
Meeting with Ambassador Hasan, October 24, 2000
The meeting with Ambassador Saeed Hasan, Permanent Mission of Iraq to the United Nations, occurred at their UN Delegation offices in New York at 12 noon October 24, 2000.
Ambassador Hasan was cordial, warm, and friendly. He was very interested in a “ Peace Bridge Building Project with Iraq”. He seemed excited, not only on the te lephone during the preliminary discussion of the project, but during our meeting .
Mr. Hasan opened the discussion by stating that America and Iraq had high prospe cts for good relations in the future for several reasons:
1. Historical good relations with America. In the past Iraq/US relations have b een good.
2. It is time to end the current situation and explore peaceful avenues.
3. Iraq is a secular power in a region where religious fanaticism is prospering.
4. Iraq’s Baath Party is based on modern political and economic theory.
5. Iraq is more connected to the western civilization than GCC Gulf regimes and holds openness to Western values.
6. During the 1980’s Iraq paid a heavy price to maintain stability of the region and to prevent the spread of Islamic radicals.
7. A sincere desire to forget about the past and to have good relations with Ame rica and the West in the future.
8. A belief that there is no other solution than dialogue to the current situati on.
Mr. Hasan stated that he feels progress will be made when:
1. Iraq is free from military attack.
2. Iraq is free from demonization in political speeches and in western press.
3. Iraq is free from interference in the internal affairs of its country.
Mr. Hasan stated he feels it is high time to end the current situation and explo re peaceful solutions. He believes that the continued sanctions against Iraq hu rt America’s image in the world, as they cause America to be seen as “killers of children” thru the results of the sanctions.
Mr. Hasan stated the Sanctions and No Fly Zones harms the basis of international law and that the No Fly Zones are not based on any UN Resolution.
Iraq is open to Western and American business.
Mr. Hasan states that America is the end consumer of most Iraqi oil and therefor e Iraq would like to have Iraqi oil developed by American oil companies and that Iraq is open to further development by western business interests once the curr ent situation is resolved.
Iraq is committed to all Treaties of Weapons of Mass Destruction-Non Proliferati on for everyone in the region and that they are ready to work on a Non Prolifera tion Treaty for the entire Middle East.
Mr. Hasan stated it is unrealistic for one or some countries in the Middle East to be allowed such weapons and others to be banned from having them. He stated it is in the interest of the entire region and humanity in general to ban such w eapons.
Mr. Hasan suggested that for further “Building of Peace Bridges with Iraq” the f ollowing course of action:
1. Lift economic sanctions. He states there is “no justification” for the conti nuance.
2. Stop all actions military or other interfering in the affairs of Iraq.
3. Eliminate the “No Fly Zones”.
4. Respect Iraqi sovereignty.
5. Return to the UN Charter.
6. Return to observance of International law in all respects.
Mr. Hasan further stated that Iraq is ready to give full respect to Kuwait and S audi Arabia.
It is our hope that these actions will be taken to end the suffering of the peop le of Iraq and to improve their living situation. We believe these actions will improve the security of the entire region, reduce the general level of tension in the Middle East, and improve the light in which America is viewed in the worl d.
Warm regards,
Michael von Shearer
Center for World Peace and Understanding
Comment pos ted: by alison gundle on 08 Nov 2006 - 10:57
For the record, here is a translation of the OPEN LETTER FROM PRESIDENT SADDAM H USSEIN TO THE IRAQI NATION, which he dictated to his Iraqi lawyer on 14th Octobe r 2006:
In the name of God, the merciful, who gives us patience and takes our souls as M uslims.
To our great nation, to honourable Iraqi ladies, to the heroes of our armed forc es, to our glorious nation: peace be upon you, God’s mercy and blessings.
To our friends around the world; to everyone who embraces the principles of frat ernity and equality in human relations and rejects superiority, exploitation and discrimination: peace be upon you, God’s mercy and blessings.
On the occasion of the month of Ramadan, which this year finds our people facing the most difficult situation in their history: having been exposed to injustice , aggression and embargo since 1991, they are now enduring the even greater hard ships of occupation, bloodshed and the looting and destruction of everything tha t is necessary for life. And yet they still hold on to their faith and their pride, which make them reject humiliation, conspiracies and aggression both from neighbouring and faraway countries. Some of the invaders came across the Atlantic motivated by cowardly and perverse Zionist ambitions, illegitimate interests and aggression. Others came from the East with their usual bad intentions.
Brothers, you know that I am free in my thoughts and opinions, but because I am detained by the invading forces I have only very limited opportunities to expres s my sentiments and my will, and in particular to communicate with you Iraqis th rough the media. I only managed to address you on a few occasions during the far cical trial before the microphones were switched off, depriving me of a legitimate opportunity to address the people even as the invaders seek to devour you through the media which they control.
So here I am addressing you today in this holy month of Ramadan, saying:
Resisting the invaders is a right and a duty, and the same goes for those who co llaborated with the western or eastern enemy. But I ask you, brothers and comrad es in the various factions of the courageous Iraqi Resistance, and you, the prou d people of Iraq, to be guided by wisdom and justice in your Jihad and not to su ccumb to recklessness. Don’t engage in tit-for-tat violence and don’t attack for the sake of attacking when the opportunity arises while you are carrying a gun. I ask you not only to exercise tolerance, but to keep the door of forgiveness open for those who have lost their way, especially if they show some hope of being guided. Remember that it is your duty to save those who have gone astray from themselves and to show them the right path. Keep the door of forgiveness open for everyone until the day of liberation, which is coming soon, God willing.
Victory is close at hand, but remember that your immediate goal is to liberate y our country from the invaders and their collaborators. Don’t get diverted into s ettling accounts - it will only make reconciliation more difficult when the inva ders retreat. Remember that after every war there is peace, after every division there is unity, after every separation there is reunion and after all hatred God will return us to familiarity. We share a common humanity and you are one great nation. Our land was the cradle in which the greatest human principles and pure, monotheistic religion were first imbibed before they were transmitted to other civilisations, rescuing them from ignorance and savagery. You are sacrificing your lives for these values today as you did in the past, and above all for the unity of Great Iraq, which transcends ideological differences and group allegiances: that is the guiding light in the heart of each one of us which dispels the forces of darkness.
Brothers, when I speak to you, my heart and my tongue recoil from the terms and categories used by the foreigners to sow dissension among you. Such differences never divided Iraqis in the past. We all remember an Iraq that was resplendent i n all its beautiful colours. Great Iraq encompassed Arabs and Kurds, different r eligious denominations and minority communities – we were proud to be one nation.
Dear brothers, you have been oppressed by the invaders, their followers and asso ciates, so don’t oppress anybody, otherwise your cause will cease to be just in the eyes of God and you will be easy prey for opportunists who seek to distort y our struggle. It would be a terrible loss if that were to happen. When you achie ve victory, remember that it is God’s victory and that you are his soldiers. Therefore you must be truly magnanimous and set aside any thought of revenge over the spilled blood of your sons and brothers, including the sons of Saddam Hussein. Remember what the merciful prophets taught us, especially the two honourable ones, Mohammad and Jesus, son of Mary. Both forgave and turned to God, beseeching him to forgive those whom they had forgiven, including those who had hurt them. Don’t forget that Mohammad forgave the pagans in Mecca after he had accomplished victory. I know the heart of the freedom fighter and his love for his country and his people which is second only to his love of God. I expect you to heal wounds and not to inflict new ones.
Brothers, after you have forgiven those who wronged you, act to apply the law fa irly and firmly so that your nation can enjoy the blessings of stability and sec urity, so that culture, science and law can flourish and you can lead peaceful, happy lives.
In this glorious month of Ramadan I say to you that I recognise no authority abo ve me except for God and the truth. You know very well that Saddam Hussein never surrendered to any threats. He is as you knew him and he remains as you knew hi m.
God is great…Glory to God, to our nation, our people and the Mujahideen…
Long live Iraq…Long live Palestine…Long live our glorious nation and our peace l oving people. God is greater.
Saddam Hussein
President of Iraq and Commander in Chief of Iraq’s Mujahideen Armed Forces
Comment pos ted: by alison gundle on 27 Dec 2006 - 17:28
Dedicated to President Saddam Hussein, to his daughters Raghad, Rana and Hala an d to everyone who loves him
I see vultures already circling
over a lonely patch of earth.
I see vultures scheming,
vultures briefing,
vultures in back rooms,
vultures in suits.
Eyes glistening with malice
they call you evil;
gleefully knotting your noose
they call you cruel.
Painted sepulchres!
The stench of death
precedes them.
I see grown men weeping
and women tearing their hair;
I see a procession of children,
their heads bowed,
their cheeks stained with tears.
They are mourning the brown lion
who was their pride and joy,
the brown lion
who was fierce
in defence of their honour,
yet tenderly nestled his head
in their lap.
I see you dear face,
your captivating smile,
the poignant radiance of your being
even as vultures darken the sky.
I see your soulful eyes,
your expressive hands,
your dignified bearing –
unbowed in captivity,
faithful to your nation
and true to yourself
to the last breath.
Ecce homo!
I see a doomed man,
a living martyr,
flesh of my flesh
and bone of my bone.
The quality of your presence
deep in my heart,
I see a guardian angel
sheltering your soul
under his wing.
May he carry you home safely
and gently heal the wounds of sin,
my dearly beloved,
my soul brother,
Alison Gundle(Leicester, UK)
December 2006
Comment pos ted: by dannyveerkamp on 02 Jan 2007 - 00:06
Saddām Husayn Aabdu-Al-majīd al-tikrītī, you will always be a guiding light to me and my beliefs. i was awestruck when i heard of your sente nce and even more shocked when i saw your execution.
i believe you were more than innocent of these "war crimes" i cannot explain how much i am in sorrow and disbelief and i will carry the flag into battle.
An American High School Student
Comment pos ted: by alison gundle on 10 Jan 2007 - 14:10
Dedicated to President Saddam Hussein, his daughters Raghad, Rana and Hala and t o everyone who loves him
I see vultures already circling
over a lonely patch of earth;
I see vultures scheming,
vultures briefing,
vultures in back rooms,
vultures in suits.
Eyes glistening with malice
they call you evil;
gleefully knotting your noose
they call you cruel.
Painted sepulchres!
The stench of death
precedes them.
I see grown men weeping
and women tearing their hair;
I see a procession of children,
their heads bowed,
their cheeks stained with tears.
They are mourning the brown lion
who was their pride and joy,
the brown lion
who was fierce
in defence of their honour,
yet tenderly nestled his head
in their lap.
I see your dear face,
your captivating smile,
the poignant radiance of your being
even as vultures darken the sky.
I see your soulful eyes,
your expressive hands,
your dignified bearing –
unbowed in captivity,
faithful to your nation
and true to yourself
to the last breath.
Ecce homo!
I see a doomed man,
a living martyr,
flesh of my flesh
and bone of my bone.
The quality of your presence
deep in my heart,
I see a guardian angel
sheltering your soul
under his wing.
May he carry you home safely
and gently heal the wounds of sin,
my dearly beloved,
my soul brother,
Alison Gundle (Leicester, UK)
December 2006
Previously posted on the following websites:
Uruknet.info website (Article no. 29351, 27 December, 2006):
Albasrah.net (28 December 2006): ??????albasrah.net/pages/mod.php?mod=art&lapage =../en_articles_2006/1206/alison_281206.htm
Comment pos ted: by ka-ni on 05 Feb 2007 - 20:38
What many people in the world and most Americans do not know is the so-called Co nstitution for the United States of America, does not guarantee "Democracy", but a Republican form of government. Democracy is an illusion or lie that came lat er. In a democracy 51 percent of the people can vote out the rights of the othe r 49 percent.
People upon the Earth and in their own worlds, should remember that so-called Am erica, my land, is invaded and under occupation also. This occupation is just a further extent of the Christian Crusades after the defeat of the Moors in 1492. Although 1492 is not the first time we have been invaded by them, it is the da te indoctrinated and concentrated in the minds of most people.
Can I honestly say Saddam was a dictator? NO!
I can honestly say that the Onkwehonwe (Original People of the Land) are not sav ages or Indians as popularly believed? YES!
Can I honestly say Bush is a dictator? YES!
Can I honestly say Bush and those who support him are savages? YES!
The war against the people of Iraq, Arabs and all Aboriginal People is our War.
From our land, Kanienke, I wish the true People of Iraq, VICTORY!
Comment pos ted: by arnoldo atreides on 21 Dec 2007 - 22:41
Sen. Joseph Lieberman, D-CT, September 4, 2002
Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass des truction.
Dick Cheney August 26, 2002
If we wait for the danger to become clear, it could be too late.
Sen. Joseph Biden D-Del., September 4, 2002
Right now, Iraq is expanding and improving facilities that were used for the pro duction of biological weapons.
George W. Bush September 12, 2002
If he declares he has none, then we will know that Saddam Hussein is once again misleading the world.
Ari Fleischer December 2, 2002
We know for a fact that there are weapons there.
Ari Fleischer January 9, 2003
Our intelligence officials estimate that Saddam Hussein had the materials to pro duce as much as 500 tons of sarin, mustard and VX nerve agent.
George W. Bush January 28, 2003
We know that Saddam Hussein is determined to keep his weapons of mass destructio n, is determined to make more.
Colin Powell February 5, 2003
Iraq both poses a continuing threat to the national security of the United State s and international peace and security in the Persian Gulf region and remains in material and unacceptable breach of its international obligations by, among oth er things, continuing to possess and develop a significant chemical and biologic al weapons capability, actively seeking a nuclear weapons capability, and supporting and harboring terrorist organizations.
Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-NY, February 5, 2003
We have sources that tell us that Saddam Hussein recently authorized Iraqi field commanders to use chemical weapons -- the very weapons the dictator tells us he does not have.
George Bush February 8, 2003
So has the strategic decision been made to disarm Iraq of its weapons of mass de struction by the leadership in Baghdad? I think our judgment has to be clearly n ot.
Colin Powell March 8, 2003
Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Ira q regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever d evised.
George Bush March 18, 2003
We are asked to accept Saddam decided to destroy those weapons. I say that such a claim is palpably absurd.
Tony Blair, Prime Minister 18 March, 2003
Well, there is no question that we have evidence and information that Iraq has w eapons of mass destruction, biological and chemical particularly . . . all this will be made clear in the course of the operation, for whatever duration it take s.
Ari Fleisher March 21, 2003
There is no doubt that the regime of Saddam Hussein possesses weapons of mass de struction. As this operation continues, those weapons will be identified, found, along with the people who have produced them and who guard them.
Gen. Tommy Franks March 22, 2003
I have no doubt we're going to find big stores of weapons of mass destruction.
Kenneth Adelman, Defense Policy Board , March 23, 2003
One of our top objectives is to find and destroy the WMD. There are a number of sites.
Pentagon Spokeswoman Victoria Clark March 22, 2003
We know where they are. They are in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad.
Donald Rumsfeld March 30, 2003
Saddam's removal is necessary to eradicate the threat from his weapons of mass d estruction
Jack Straw,
Foreign Secretary 2 April, 2003
Obviously the administration intends to publicize all the weapons of mass destru ction U.S. forces find -- and there will be plenty.
Neocon scholar Robert Kagan April 9, 2003
I think you have always heard, and you continue to hear from officials, a measur e of high confidence that, indeed, the weapons of mass destruction will be found .
Ari Fleischer April 10, 2003
We are learning more as we interrogate or have discussions with Iraqi scientists and people within the Iraqi structure, that perhaps he destroyed some, perhaps he dispersed some. And so we will find them.
George Bush April 24, 2003
Before people crow about the absence of weapons of mass destruction, I suggest t hey wait a bit.
Tony Blair 28 April, 2003
There are people who in large measure have information that we need . . . so tha t we can track down the weapons of mass destruction in that country. Donald Rums feld April 25, 2003
We'll find them. It'll be a matter of time to do so.
George Bush May 3, 2003
I am confident that we will find evidence that makes it clear he had weapons of mass destruction.
Colin Powell May 4, 2003
I never believed that we'd just tumble over weapons of mass destruction in that country.
Donald Rumsfeld May 4, 2003
I'm not surprised if we begin to uncover the weapons program of Saddam Hussein - - because he had a weapons program.
George W. Bush May 6, 2003
U.S. officials never expected that "we were going to open garages and find" weap ons of mass destruction.
Condoleeza Rice May 12, 2003
I just don't know whether it was all destroyed years ago -- I mean, there's no q uestion that there were chemical weapons years ago -- whether they were destroye d right before the war, (or) whether they're still hidden.
Maj. Gen. David Petraeus,
Commander 101st Airborne May 13, 2003
Before the war, there's no doubt in my mind that Saddam Hussein had weapons of m ass destruction, biological and chemical. I expected them to be found. I still e xpect them to be found.
Gen. Michael Hagee,
Commandant of the Marine Corps May 21, 2003
Given time, given the number of prisoners now that we're interrogating, I'm conf ident that we're going to find weapons of mass destruction.
Gen. Richard Myers,
Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff May 26, 2003
They may have had time to destroy them, and I don't know the answer.
Donald Rumsfeld May 27, 2003
For bureaucratic reasons, we settled on one issue, weapons of mass destruction ( as justification for invading Iraq) because it was the one reason everyone could agree on.
Paul Wolfowitz May 28, 2003
We have only found Weapons of Mass Disinformation in Iraq.
Comment pos ted: by arnoldo atreides on 15 Jan 2008 - 19:47
I think it was a mistake to invade Iraq. My understanding is that Iraq was a se cular state which prevented Iran, a Muslim state, from getting too much power. B esides, IIRC, most of the 9-11 terrorists were Saudis, not Iraqis, and no WMD we re found in Iraq.
Comment by truedee - 23 Oct 2008 - 05:57 [USER NOT REGISTERED]
This was written two years and three months ago. Just think America, if we had taken the advice he gives at the end and left Iraq at that time, we wouldn't hav e banking institutions going bankrupt needing the taxpayers to bail them out now . 700 billion is approximately what its cost the United States per year to occu py this country. We'd have twice that and then some. Every second our troops are there its taking more away from us the American people.
I wonder if Osama was saying Debt to America? Oh whats the difference between d eath and debt though, right?
Comment by pasm - 04 Nov 2008 - 05:48 [USER NOT REGISTERED]
why has not the media picked up on this and made it more publicized to the ameri can people. why is it 2008 and this is the first i have seen of this and only af ter fumbling around on the interniet did i stumble upon this supposed document? more people need to read this and decide more actively, what is in america's bes t inerest? pasm has this document been reasearched and idetifyed as a true and correct document and what does our government say of thid document? I HAVE MANY MANY QUESTIONS, BUT I BELIEVE WILL BE MORE ADDRESED WHEN BARRACK OBAMA BECOMES PRESIDENT, THEN WILL THE WHOLE WORLD BE BETTER INFORMED OF AMEICAN INTENTIOND. I TRUELY BELIEVE THIS!
Comment by pasm - 04 Nov 2008 - 05:48 [USER NOT REGISTERED]
why has not the media picked up on this and made it more publicized to the ameri can people. why is it 2008 and this is the first i have seen of this and only af ter fumbling around on the interniet did i stumble upon this supposed document? more people need to read this and decide more actively, what is in america's bes t inerest? pasm has this document been reasearched and idetifyed as a true and correct document and what does our government say of thid document? I HAVE MANY MANY QUESTIONS, BUT I BELIEVE WILL BE MORE ADDRESED WHEN BARRACK OBAMA BECOMES PRESIDENT, THEN WILL THE WHOLE WORLD BE BETTER INFORMED OF AMEICAN INTENTIOND. I TRUELY BELIEVE THIS!
Comment by pasm - 04 Nov 2008 - 05:48 [USER NOT REGISTERED]
why has not the media picked up on this and made it more publicized to the ameri can people. why is it 2008 and this is the first i have seen of this and only af ter fumbling around on the interniet did i stumble upon this supposed document? more people need to read this and decide more actively, what is in america's bes t inerest? pasm has this document been reasearched and idetifyed as a true and correct document and what does our government say of thid document? I HAVE MANY MANY QUESTIONS, BUT I BELIEVE WILL BE MORE ADDRESED WHEN BARRACK OBAMA BECOMES PRESIDENT, THEN WILL THE WHOLE WORLD BE BETTER INFORMED OF AMEICAN INTENTIOND. I TRUELY BELIEVE THIS!
Comment by travis rice - 31 Jan 2009 - 13:37 [USER NOT REGISTERED]
Saddam proves a few good points about our (The US) government and, the inability of its people to investigate; as with many nations.
1. Saddam also mentions that he is -not- a dictator?
2. And winning the war against Iran?
1. So dropping chemical bombs on innocent civilian Kurds is acceptable? not atte mpted genocide? is this nothing like what the "Zionists" are committing in GAZA? ???
2. Using chemical agents to win a war seems hardly worthy of an applause...
This letter.. these points of view.. they are the same words from any side, of a ny war...
Saddam mentions, near the end of his letter,
"You know that Iraq is a land of prophets, messengers, and righteous figures. Yo u know that Baghdad is the fourth holiest city in the Arab homeland – after Mecc a, al-Madinah, and Jerusalem"
I truly -PRAY- that this is not why these bloody wars continue to rage, even tho ugh I know it is why they fight.
This is what everyone believes and it is WRONG
This has been labeled a "HOLY WAR"
Religious differences tearing this world apart
It was stated, and has been proven, that 'terrorists' in the middle east are wil ling to turn themselves into walking bombs, sacrifice their own lives for their religion. At the same time killing hundreds of others, civilians, innocent women and children..
If they believe so strongly in their religions, then they should know that this is murder and is not acceptable
just like they say the americans have been brainwashed into this 'holy war', the y too, the muslim are the victims of brainwash..
fingers are now pointing in all directions, when they should be aimed directly a t the person who is pointing
If im not mistaken, Jesus was quoted numerous times in the Quran...
Jesus also stated that any man of any religion of any race who believes in his f ather, god, shall receive his love
So please, tell my why it is so important to fight for religion?
Fighting for ANY religion, be it christian, jew, islam, tao, sihk, etc... is COM PLETE AND OBVIOUS HYPOCRISY
All this is.. is a pointless loss of life, a war with no reason.
Religions share the same goal, no? To reach heaven? To ascend through the clouds ? Am I correct?
Then why cant this be achieved peacefully?
Why can't we accept our differences AND REALIZE OUR SIMILARITIES?
Should thousands of lives be lost before we understand?
I understand perfectly....
I hope that anyone who reads this will understand this too..
I hope that understanding will be spread
and that it will impact our, the worlds, current situation
and prevent situations like this from ever rising again
I can only hope that this happens before we destroy ourselves...
Comment by travis rice - 31 Jan 2009 - 13:37 [USER NOT REGISTERED]
Saddam proves a few good points about our (The US) government and, the inability of its people to investigate; as with many nations.
1. Saddam also mentions that he is -not- a dictator?
2. And winning the war against Iran?
1. So dropping chemical bombs on innocent civilian Kurds is acceptable? not atte mpted genocide? is this nothing like what the "Zionists" are committing in GAZA? ???
2. Using chemical agents to win a war seems hardly worthy of an applause...
This letter.. these points of view.. they are the same words from any side, of a ny war...
Saddam mentions, near the end of his letter,
"You know that Iraq is a land of prophets, messengers, and righteous figures. Yo u know that Baghdad is the fourth holiest city in the Arab homeland – after Mecc a, al-Madinah, and Jerusalem"
I truly -PRAY- that this is not why these bloody wars continue to rage, even tho ugh I know it is why they fight.
This is what everyone believes and it is WRONG
This has been labeled a "HOLY WAR"
Religious differences tearing this world apart
It was stated, and has been proven, that 'terrorists' in the middle east are wil ling to turn themselves into walking bombs, sacrifice their own lives for their religion. At the same time killing hundreds of others, civilians, innocent women and children..
If they believe so strongly in their religions, then they should know that this is murder and is not acceptable
just like they say the americans have been brainwashed into this 'holy war', the y too, the muslim are the victims of brainwash..
fingers are now pointing in all directions, when they should be aimed directly a t the person who is pointing
If im not mistaken, Jesus was quoted numerous times in the Quran...
Jesus also stated that any man of any religion of any race who believes in his f ather, god, shall receive his love
So please, tell my why it is so important to fight for religion?
Fighting for ANY religion, be it christian, jew, islam, tao, sihk, etc... is COM PLETE AND OBVIOUS HYPOCRISY
All this is.. is a pointless loss of life, a war with no reason.
Religions share the same goal, no? To reach heaven? To ascend through the clouds ? Am I correct?
Then why cant this be achieved peacefully?
Why can't we accept our differences AND REALIZE OUR SIMILARITIES?
Should thousands of lives be lost before we understand?
I understand perfectly....
I hope that anyone who reads this will understand this too..
I hope that understanding will be spread
and that it will impact our, the worlds, current situation
and prevent situations like this from ever rising again
I can only hope that this happens before we destroy ourselves...
Comment by travisrice - 31 Jan 2009 - 14:08 [REGISTERED USER]
I just wrote the longest essay about this article and it was lost due to not hav ing a password... great.. Okay lets try this again....
Saddam makes a few good points about us, the US, and the citizens inability to r esearch these things properly, but the same could be said about any country, as with censorship and our duties as working people
But ive got a couple arguments for the late Saddam..
1. He states that he is not a dictator and is loved by is people
2. He states that he won a great war over Iran
1. So do the people of Iraq love the fact that he bombed and murdered innocent k urdish families? was that not an attempted genocide? something like Israel is ac cused of doing?
2. I beg to differ.. Winning a war by using chemical agents is hardly worthy of an applause
Now that thats aside, lets get to the real issue, ill try to keep it short and s weet...
Saddam states...
"You know that Iraq is a land of prophets, messengers, and righteous figures. Yo u know that Baghdad is the fourth holiest city in the Arab homeland – after Mecc a, al-Madinah, and Jerusalem"
I truly -PRAY- that this war is not over religious differences, even though I kn ow for a fact that it is.
This has now been labeled a "HOLY WAR" and leaders press the fact to this day
Religious warfare now consists of brainwashing people into walking bombs to kill hundreds of innocent people, civilians, women, children, entire families, just to prove a point?
Although that may a more extreme case, fighting for any religion is wrong.. let me explain...
If im not mistaken, Jesus was often quoted in the Quran..
Jesus states that any man, of any race, from any religion, who accepts his fathe r, god, shall receive his love..
The goal of any religion is the same, no? To reach heaven? To ascend through the clouds? To walk through the gates?
So why can't we achieve this goal peacefully?
Why can people realize that this goal will NEVER be achieved by ANYONE by killin g people
Now understand, both sides of this war are to blame.. fingers are pointing in al l directions, when they should be aimed squarely at the person possessing the ha nd
Religious differences are tearing this world apart and its never been more obvio us than now
People are willing to kill for their religion, which, if im not mistaken, is OBV IOUSLY RELIGIOUS HYPOCRISY
Well if people are no longer practicing what they preach, but are still killing for it, then what do we have???
A war...
with absolutely no reason...
pointless loss of life...
The facts are in front of us, every single day, but we must be blind to them..
We need to finally accept our differences and REALIZE OUR SIMILARITIES!
I hope this will happen before we destroy ourselves, because that sad truth is n ot too far away... we will all die if we do not accept the fact that we, the hum an race, are in this together. We are different, yet that makes us the same.
There are much bigger mountains to climb, we have so much more to achieve, but i t will never happen unless we can overcome..
Comment by nation55 - 31 Mar 2009 - 16:55 [USER NOT REGISTERED]
WEll for the second time, I am writing to you to hide this evil face from your w ebsite. It's irritating to see such a despot, a crminial, a truant and a bandit of the highest caliber in the internet or anywhere as a matter of fact.
It's obvious that you guys are trying to portray him as a good leader after the thousands of people he had them gassed, tortured, murdered or burried alive.
You and people like you who would commit the same crimes and support the same fa te that hit the Iraqi people for 4 decades and you dare talking about democracy.
Where the hell do you belong, another planet perhaps?
Have you ever heard of a living world, called the real world where people call a duck a duck and not a cat?
Get real guys, get a life for goodness sake.
Comment by nation55 - 31 Mar 2009 - 16:56 [USER NOT REGISTERED]
WEll for the second time, I am writing to you to hide this evil face from your w ebsite. It's irritating to see such a despot, a crminial, a truant and a bandit of the highest caliber in the internet or anywhere as a matter of fact.
It's obvious that you guys are trying to portray him as a good leader after the thousands of people he had them gassed, tortured, murdered or burried alive.
You and people like you who would commit the same crimes and support the same fa te that hit the Iraqi people for 4 decades and you dare talking about democracy.
Where the hell do you belong, another planet perhaps?
Have you ever heard of a living world, called the real world where people call a duck a duck and not a cat?
Get real guys, get a life for goodness sake.
Comment by edwin aligwo - 06 Apr 2009 - 00:32 [USER NOT REGISTERED]
OUR Declaration Of The Peace
We have a simple message to the world from this movement for Peace.
We want to live and love and build a just and peaceful society.
We want for our children, as we want for ourselves, our lives at home, at work, and at play to be lives of joy and Peace.
We recognise that to build such a society demands dedication, hard work, and cou rage.
We recognise that there are many problems in our society which are a source of c onflict and violence.
We recognise that every bullet fired and every exploding bomb make that work mor e difficult.
We reject the use of the bomb and the bullet and all the techniques of violence.
We dedicate ourselves to working with our neighbours, near and far, day in and d ay out, to build that peaceful
society in which the tragedies we have known are a bad memory and a continuing w arning.
Comment by abe parker - 22 Jun 2009 - 18:00 [USER NOT REGISTERED]
no doubt he is 100% correct regarding the lies and deception of the usa and uk r egarding weapons of mass destruction and the heavy loss of life and property, he debates correctly on behalf of the iraqis, but he says he is not a beggar in th eir presence while beseeching them ever so subtly, he speaks as if there were on ly so-called sunnis ie his affilliates, in iraq, the majority being shia, not one word regarding his brutal suppression, oppression and killing, he boasts that in 1980 he intoduced a parliament, why only after the theo-democratic system of his neighbour iran? to curry favour with his people because of his invasion of iran, typical of repressive arabs he curries favour with the usa on account of usa problems regarding iran, ie the enemy of my enemy is my friend, not even the enemies like the usa and israel believes him when he says iran was the aggressor inthat long 8 year war, he invaded iran with the backing and support of all kinds by the usa and even the corrupt arab states, even if that war ended in a stalemate, the victor was iran because in effect they were fighting the usa and the corrupt arab states too, when he saw defeat stared him in the face he used chemical warfare supplied by the germans, i hope he is tortured to eternity and lands up in hell if indeed there is such a place
Comment by muaddib - 16 Aug 2009 - 13:32 [USER NOT REGISTERED]
Of course, Bush, Jr. is a despicable war criminal who authored most heinous war crimes perpetrated in Iraq.
Iraq used to be a pearl of the Middle East. It was just very convenient not onl y for the Americans, but also for other neighbouring countries to stop the sprea d of Islamic radicalism into the region. That's why the U.S.A. had supported Ir aq all along, but then backed off at the very last moment. It was the U.S.A. th at supplied Iraq with the biological weapons program.
And the other countries were reluctant to share the cost of the war afterwards, contrary to what had been agreed previously.
Comment by muhammad abdullah - 07 Dec 2009 - 09:54 [USER NOT REGISTERED]
If Saddam Hussain cared for his own people, he wouldn't have killed so many inno cent Iraqis: Kurds, Shi'ites and even his fellow Arab Sunnis. I would like to sa y to Saddam and his supporters: yes, we know that the United States of America d oesn't care at all about Iraqis, and has invaded Iraq just out of their own inte rests, but it was you, Mr. Saddam, who forced me and millions of other Iraqis to welcome the American imperialists, just to get rid of your Baathist tyranny. You can call all of us collaborators, puppets, lackeys etc. but fact remains that I have never cooperated or received any cent from the Americans. When I was opposing American foreign policy, you Mr. Saddam, were America's besy ally, so please don't try to teach us how to be a real patriot.
Comment by muhammad abdullah - 07 Dec 2009 - 09:54 [USER NOT REGISTERED]
If Saddam Hussain cared for his own people, he wouldn't have killed so many inno cent Iraqis: Kurds, Shi'ites and even his fellow Arab Sunnis. I would like to sa y to Saddam and his supporters: yes, we know that the United States of America d oesn't care at all about Iraqis, and has invaded Iraq just out of their own inte rests, but it was you, Mr. Saddam, who forced me and millions of other Iraqis to welcome the American imperialists, just to get rid of your Baathist tyranny. You can call all of us collaborators, puppets, lackeys etc. but fact remains that I have never cooperated or received any cent from the Americans. When I was opposing American foreign policy, you Mr. Saddam, were America's besy ally, so please don't try to teach us how to be a real patriot.
Comment by mark holden - 19 Dec 2009 - 01:42 [USER NOT REGISTERED]
America, Go back to America and stay there. Get out of Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanis tan, Yemen, and Iran. For the sake of the planet.
Comment by hotstuff - 22 Dec 2009 - 21:10 [USER NOT REGISTERED]
Israel is using demoncracy to break open every Nation in the Middle East and fur ther on , and then through demoncray and Childrape they do get into power and ma ke lawsystems their castle in the sky to oblitterate Any One , and exterminate t he Native Populations while they die ing by poison at elemenaties and work Thems elfes to death for the new lords,like it is in the West and the US already for some centuries the case !
Halleluja !
Jews rule and are sole heirs of the Planet the bible says !
The most prosper crimeorganisation the Planet ever had to bear,jewculture !
Comment by hotstuff - 24 Dec 2009 - 22:41 [USER NOT REGISTERED]
Oeps , Yes , and Amerika is not Guilty !
Is just a bunch of by jews at elementary raped Children , obedient to them!
Through All Government the jews rule that Nation , as many more !Whole USA Gover nment is infested with goldman sachs jews!Also jews own about 96% of Worldmedia and are chronically slandering,hoaxing and eliciting Every Nation in to war ! Just Like now toward Iran they did ww2 , slandering and complaining for years , Iran this,Iran that ,and now the last couple of months they are writing ...Europ e says this , Europe says that about Iran , so We get to pay the price again and the blames afterwards for the israelites wishes to the World !White Western Nat ions are no more than a whore and slaves owned by the jew and semites for about 2800 years now !
Also here in Holland they are towing racial hate , by importing Childraperraces for one , and then slander each Race for years against Each Other in their genoc idemedias ...against Each Other !
And when We Say Some about jews ,all law , police,politics and rape and murder s quads are all over Us!
They do have such strong World wide force of censorship that We can not , still not , Speak Out about the warcrimes jews/israelites commit as cultural habit aga inst the Children,the Nations , Irak (Yes,that was jewwork also , got them 3 mil lion People exterminated ) the Palestinian People , and now Iran !
So if You Blame , Please first Research...where were the jews in the Story !If Y ou Look at jewwatch.com or realzionistnews.com , You Can Learn about multiple ho locousts through the centuries commited by jews and not Us !
Israel and the jewcult is just an terrorist organisation No Body Recognizes !The y prey on the Sufferings and Sorrow they give Us Worldwide !
Throw them out of Your Governments,media and away from the Children !!!
Comment by mubarak - 26 Jan 2010 - 04:02 [USER NOT REGISTERED]
Yep Saddam you asking for your freedom now, how about millions of Iraqis for 30y ears has no right read, write watch TV, unless it is approved by your butchers. Now you feel how it is if we take the FREEDOM from Human.Death to all your Follo wers
Comment by mubarak - 26 Jan 2010 - 04:03 [USER NOT REGISTERED]
Yep Saddam you asking for your freedom now, how about millions of Iraqis for 30y ears has no right read, write watch TV, unless it is approved by your butchers. Now you feel how it is if we take the FREEDOM from Human.Death to all your Follo wers
Comment by kiwi - 05 Mar 2010 - 14:01 [USER NOT REGISTERED]
I am lucky enough to live in a country only mildly affected by zionism. Our news channels focus mainly on local topics, and the brainwashing usually happens tow ards the end of the news hour. I admit I do watch, but I watch subjectively and in context, with critical thinking.
Fighting for peace is like having sex for virginity.
Iraq was once America's best ally in the Middle East(the illegal occupier of Pal estine is not an America's ally, America is at best a client). Iraq was granted generous concessions and seemingly disproportionate military and financial aid f rom the U.S. to encourage and enable destabilisation of Iran. This not so subtle subterfuge and obvious act of global engineering was intended to corrupt the Middle East purely for the zionist agenda.
Iran was too advanced and too powerful for Mr Hussein to fulfill his obligations . Undeterred he shifted his focus from impossible to achievable (Kuwait) and was punished accordingly.
Misguided? Yes.
Manipulated? Yes.
Equal in guilt for war crimes compared to Bush.Jr and Obama? Not sure.
Equal in guilt to the illegal occupiers of Palestine? Not even close.
The war against Iran is not about to start, It has already started.
May mercy shine upon all of us.
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