maanantai 15. joulukuuta 2008

against ?

Miksi aakkosia olisi äärellinen määrä jos merkkijonoja on ääretön määrä Ajattelu on henkinen prosessi, jonka avulla olio voi hahmottaa todellisuutta ja pyrkiä tehokkaammin tavoitteisiinsa. Se on informaation käsittelemistä, jossa aineksina käytetään havaintoja ja muistia. Sen avulla muodostamme käsitteitä, ratkomme ongelmia, päättelemme asioita ja teemme päätöksiä. Logiikassa pyritään eheään ja aksiomaattiseen järjestelmään. Aesthetiikka on logiikan ja tietoteorian ohella yksi folosofian alue. hypnoottisuus on estetiikassa käytettävä termi. Käsite on usein tulkittu sanan tai termin tai niiden määritelmien synonyymiksi. Käsite on kuitenkin sanan tai termin elämyksellä koettu sisältö (tätä kirjoittaa koira)

Transsi on hypnoottisluonteinen tila tai uskonnollinen hurmos, jossa ihminen irtaantuu ympäröivästä todellisuudesta[1]. Sillä tarkoitetaan muuntunutta tietoisuuden tilaa, jossa ihminen on tavallista suggestioalttiimpi ja herkempi hallusinoimaan. On kuitenkin kiistanalaista, onko varsinaista erillistä transsitilaa edes olemassa.

Ihmiset "vaipuvat transsiin" joka päivä, usein tiedostamatta sitä itse. Esimerkiksi kävellessä on mahdollista vaipua ajatuksiinsa, josta herätessään voi huomata kävelleensä pitkänkin matkan.

Abduktiivista päättelyä kutsutaan päättelyksi joka pyrkii "parhaaseen saatavilla olevaan selitykseen". Minä Tietoteoria (myös: tieto-oppi, epistemologia, gnoseologia) ssa tutkitaan käsitteellisin, filosofisin menetelmin tietoa koskevia yleisiä kysymyksiä, kuten tiedon mahdollisuutta, luonnetta, alkuperää ja rajoja sekä käsitysten tai teorioiden oikeutusta yleensä.[1][2] Toisin sanoen: mitä voimme tietää ja miten? Termiä tieto-oppi käytti Suomessa jo Gabriel Israel Hartman vuonna 1807. Symbolinen logiikka on matematiikkaa sivuava logiikan osa, joka tutkii merkkijonoina esitettyjen symbolien puhtaita formaaleja ominaisuuksia. Salva veritate (lat. totuus säilyen) on logiikan filosofinen termi, joka tarkoittaa kahden loogisen lausekkeen totuusarvojen samankaltaisuutta. Formaali kieli on tietojenkäsittelytieteessä, matematiikassa ja logiikassa äärellisen pituisten merkkijonojen joukko, jotka on muodostettu jostakin äärellisestä aakkostosta.

Das Wesen des Christentums (The Essence of Christianity)(1841), which was translated(The Essence of Christianity, by George Eliot, in the consciousness of the infinite, the conscious subject has for his object the infinity of his own nature."

Feuerbach's theme was a derivation of Hegel's speculative theology in which the Creation remains a part of the Creator, while the Creator remains greater than the Creation. When the student Feuerbach presented his own theory to professor Hegel refused Pelkästään syntaktisten piirteiden perusteella voidaan määritellä millaisia lauseet ovat ja millaista on pätevä päättely predikaattilogiikassa.

In part I of his book Feuerbach developed what he calls the "true or anthropological essence of religion." Treating of God in his various aspects "as a being of the understanding," "as a moral being or law," "as love" and so on. Feuerbach talks of how man is equally a conscious being, more so than God because man has placed upon God the ability of understanding. Man contemplates many things and in doing so he becomes acquainted with himself. Feuerbach shows that in every aspect God corresponds to some feature or need of human nature. "If man is to find contentment in God," he claims, "he must find himself in God."

Thus God is nothing else than man: he is, so to speak, the outward projection of man's inward nature. This projection is dubbed as a chimaera by Feuerbach, that God and the idea of a higher being is dependent upon the aspect of benevolence. Feuerbach states that, “a God who is not benevolent, not just, not wise, is no God,” and continues to say that qualities are not suddenly denoted as divine because of their godly association. The qualities themselves are divine therefore making God divine, indicating that man is capable of understanding and applying meanings of divinity to religion and not that religion makes a man divine.

The force of this attraction to religion though, giving divinity to a figure like God, is explained by Feuerbach as God is a being that acts throughout man in all forms. God, “is the principle of [man's] salvation, of [man's] good dispositions and actions, consequently [man's] own good principle and nature.” It appeals to man to give qualities to the idol of their religion because without these qualities a figure such as God would become merely an object, its importance would become obsolete, there would no longer be a feeling of an existence for God. Therefore, Feuerbach says, when man removes all qualities from God, “God is no longer anything more to him than a negative being.” Additionally, because man is imaginative, God is given traits and there holds the appeal. God is a part of man through the invention of a God. Equally though, man is repulsed by God because, “God alone is the being who acts of himself.”

In part 2 he discusses the "false or theological essence of religion," i.e. the view which regards God as having a separate existence over AGAINST MAN....9 Hence arise various mistaken beliefs, such as the belief in revelation which he believes not only injures the moral sense, but also "poisons, nay destroys, the divinest feeling in man, the sense of truth," and the belief in sacraments such as the Lord's Supper, which is to him a piece of religious materialism of which "the necessary consequences are superstition and immorality."

Part 2 comes to a crux though by seemingly retracting previous statements. Feuerbach claims that Gods only action is, “the moral and eternal salvation of man: thus man has in fact no other aim than himself,” because man's actions are placed upon God. Feuerbach also contradicts himself by claiming that man gives up his personality and places it upon God who in turn is a selfish being. This selfishness turns onto man and projects man to be wicked and corrupt, that they are, “incapable of good,” and it is only God that is good, “the Good Being.” In this way Feuerbach detracts from many of his earlier assertions while showing the alienation that takes place in man by worshipping God. Feuerbach affirms that goodness is, “personified as God,” turning God into an object because if God was anything but an object nothing would need to be personified on him. The aspect of objects having previously been discussed; in that man contemplates objects and that objects themselves give conception of what externalizes man. Therefore if God is good so then should be man because God is merely an externalization of man because God is an object. whos who However religion would show that man is inherently corrupt. Feuerbach tries to lessen his inconsistency by asking if it was possible if,

  • Taiteissa estetiikka tutkii yksittäisiä elementtejä tai keinoja sekä niiden kauneutta. Taiteessa on usein eroteltavissa esimerkiksi symmetrisyys ja epäsymmetrisyys, teoksen keskipiste, rytmi, liike, kolmiulotteisuus, perspektiivi ja suhde.
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“I could perceive the beauty of a fine picture if my mind were aesthetically an absolute piece of perversion?” Through Feuerbach’s reasoning it would not be possible but it is possible and he later states that man is capable of finding beauty. ofcourse im bad, yu siad it.

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