{"} Sheep spend their whole life fearing the wolf, only to be eaten by the shepherd Russia in not just a country, it's a whole civilization It is unfair on China to call it an empire... China has not invaded anyone... They have not done regime change, they have not crushed democracies in Greece, Iran, all of Latin America They have not killed millions of people in cruel wars
6 kommenttia:
huge, thi seconomic american war;
agapite a basili 41 hronia desu sitisa tipota giati ksero deniparheis, fetos omos depaei allo tehelo aksisi gamoton rudolfe..
kansanvlata kja oikeustiede http://www.barakabits.com/2014/12/10-artists-that-transformed-our-vision-of-the-middle-east-2014
miinuksaia on ja tuntuu -20 muttei meri jäädy
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