Talous ei voi enää perustua kuluttamiseen, Yhdysvalloissakaan , vaan keskitytään tuottamiseen, teollisuuteen. mutta miten se auttaa asiaa. jollei sitten tuoteta jotain järkevämäpää kuin aikaisemmin. on vallinnut työnjako ..US takes loan from asia. china buys machines and steel from europe. US lost the trust. the price of energy has a link between US and Finland. this is up down
here is an orange round metal and There a yellow bottle of wine
here. a kitchen
there no nothing ithink she akss for progress isnt it. so what can ui make out of this yellow and orange thing. one can destroye the other in so many ways. they can be friend s but waht comes OUT
found it. another orange has JUICEE. and the yellow bottle air with WATER.
asubject its all in how why now, you. you are present, arent . heres quite calm. im no running to . evenings ar e nice cus its 27 degrees with air. dont u have degrees. girly was sleeping from the morning till evening and wake up with the call. eyey
Said one of the women in an interview, “We were on Wyoming in our car when all of a sudden everything began moving in slow motion, including pedestrians, other automobiles, their drivers and passengers. For example, it took one businessman we observed 45 minutes to adjust his tie. A raindrop needed fifteen minutes to descend ten feet. Then, as we passed through Exeter, life returned to normal speed.
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Artikkeli Varoitus liikenteeseen: Ajokeli paikoin erittäin huono
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