huge vast undertaking, but as to me immanent, incipient, inherent I shall apply IPO on nyse so u better be ready with calculators paradigm, which I hope I will accomplish and achieve maturity before the
EPIPHANTASY in 60 days. Emidemufenton Faxinomogorpe - Singularity has set up Strunzwelle. It is not yet regulated the use of world's language virus, which is the word particle "kjur", without "j". As BP contingency plan, they still continue to polute, to spill, to spill over, as in financial sector. Not regulated go wild and deviative then collapse. So I could only go to block Singularity. If I had option to edit or delete or bury I could remain with Singularity.
Since Zikalkis is god he is king in 256 forsates, czar in 8 universtes and god in universed civilization. Zikakis does't interfere, neither in queen's 54 countries nor into other traditional aristocracies. Both shall complement each other. He is only looking for 256 new queens (with their consorts or regents and suit) and for 8 czarin and 1 godess from Indhia. That's all folks.
- Muted
Order. please order! She is head in 54 countries of Comonwelth, and queen in16 UN member states queen is sovereign. About 2 b people. Yes she still pretends to own USA. Zikalkis is assuming ownership of universe as presumptuous god. Zikalkis shall charismatize new nobelators aristocracy to complement existing traditional one. This to speed up of impementation of the solutions for child poverty in...Order. please order! She is head in 54 countries of Comonwelth, and queen in16 UN member states queen is sovereign. About 2 b people. Yes she still pretends to own USA. Zikalkis is assuming ownership of universe as presumptuous god. Zikalkis shall charismatize new nobelators aristocracy to complement existing traditional one. This to speed up of impementation of the solutions for child poverty in UM aleviation. Selfdetermintions and equal rights are the principles thet are enshrined in the charter of un. Solace and reasurance in front of troubled moments, was bringing steadfast presence of the queen, to poor billions and so are our will and determinations as ideals we live up to. She is traditionally legitimate authority, neither reasonble nor charismatical. This is wedge from past that is limiting the executions of the solutions and implementations of ideas. She said: Some attributes of the leaderships are universal. UN is to serve purpose to secure security, prosperity and dignity of our fellow humane beings...NOT SOVREIGNITY, shee takes it. Only Zikalkis shall bring us back our sovereignty, in cash. What a servitude and service, is there any servility, too
Universal Parliament - Buzz - Public - Muted
That is the difference that makes the class. State takes, god gives. Sovereign god? Not sacral not secular? Provident, again? Special god???
Zikalkis considers it as that the state has debts to people, usurping their individual sovereignty. Zikalkis shall return it back to people, in cash.
10 000 $ per year per person on an issue of sovereignty of individuals.
Class make difference. They formed a class. They take word sovereignty as that is state's debt, not peoples, yes but not, sovereignty debt. State owe individuals sovereignty. Social contract has expired.
2 kommenttia:
love uu u
Rakkaus on sydän ja avoin sana. Aikomuksesta hyväksyä toisen kaikki rakastavat toistensa kanssa kaikki. .................................................. ....................Love is the heart and be open to the word. Intention to accept each other's everything, all the love with each other. .................................................. .................... yeah . love is a body
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