perjantai 6. elokuuta 2010

Here, lie with me, friend Observe the night sky And conclusions we make If wrong, don't matter For here we are, as friends

I think a solution might be some sort of money or meme system which starts out with currency and ends with a group hug, to paraphrase the idea. It's not a rejection of either side, but instead an inclusion of both, first using Trade as the means of connecting people and their interests, and then have it segue into a "group hug" type of thing. Obviously, this second part is what is lacking in the equation, and what I think would be a topic for discus
this is the first time i stay in the #big room for the night

2 kommenttia:

dudivie kirjoitti...


m kirjoitti...

all wrold works to get things right. when they are right u says its wron?

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