Hockey is heavily involved together and making the team in front of every provision.
Ice Hockey (including "Ice hockey", "Ryhmärusettiluistelu", "Höntsäily" and "Kendo") is a Canadian born at the end of the last ice age, comparable to the fun and happy parlor game in which the objective is not to win but bb and good sporting spirit of the opponent within the rules. In addition to this game trying by all means, ignore the rules, get a rubber tile second round, the team goal. The game is particularly well suited for some.
Table of Contents
* 1 General
* 2 The public's role
* 3 The judges, or the visually impaired
* 4 Famous players
* 5 External links
Ice hockey is Canada's National Socialist empire dominating play. In nature it is a martial sport. Species are struggling with essentially the seating locations. The game has two teams and a lot of numbered c such as these accessories sonnistautuneita players. They were not numbered reserved seats. In fact, the benches are less than the players. Some of the players joutuukin seat pending the release of a fenced field.
Prehistoric ice hockey
Feeling of enclosure is the most difficult: the field is frozen, slippery and dangerous for the players feet are bound metals items with shoes. In addition, the other team players tönivät all the time, trying to käyräpäisillä, mailoiksi called puudildoillaan get all the joy out of the situation.
The game has two players, have not been allowed to sit at all. They seisoskelevat fencing at both ends of boxes from the network built or paint in front of pyllistellen. They are called the goalkeeper. Paddock turn, players try to hit these in a black rubber disc, which is captured bats to that effect. If the goalkeeper has managed väistelemään wheel well throughout the game, he might just get to sit at the end of the game and his replacement will be sent by another miserable wretch.
Hockey basic expression.
Ice hockey is a good spectator sport. Viewers have two important functions. First, the viewer is closely monitored to that effect black wheel. If the paddock with the player does not hit goalie puck, wheel slip, but finish, the grandstand is a lightning-fast response.
If the viewer supports the team, the puck hit the finish line, the viewer is a loud cry as "offside". If the viewer supports another team, can not cry about anything. The main thing is the fact that the loud cries and something that may not be obvious. For example, "Ooooh-haa-haa-möää" is the preferred auction. The viewer must also stand up and flail their hands. If viewers are sitting side by side shouting different things, is a martial sport lofty principles of the punch neighbor, for example, a bottle of beer.
Spectator second task is to identify me with the minorities. The type of fanatical supporters are all qualified by law to identify the teamsThe game progresses quite many players from the stands greeted iloisilla and Energize "homoo-o '-huudoilla ... Worth noting, however, that probably will not hear anyone screaming, but the call raises an appropriately ego.
The judges, or the visually impaired
Another significant minority in the paddock are visually impaired, also called "sieve", "nerd", etc. They do not fall into either of the team, so try to organize a tough team to disputes between paiskaamalla disc players, and then the middle (probably called the intro), and the battle is finished. Lay people to distinguish these blind persons from actual players that they have a black and white shirts, (look zebras), and they toikkaroivat the ground back and forth with no goal. They are also the only people (if not now viilata by commas, yes, men too called into pigs), a paddock, where you can apply for seats in a private booth. If you are very kind, you might also sit out the next game and I get to laugh the other unhappy who have to stand there for a paddock. So go ahead as soon as such a zebra nähtyäsi to go a little tönäisemässä him, not just sitting, but also on the grounds that he deserved it.
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