that leaked carelessly
into a minute

Kolmen riippumattoman yliopistotutkijan mukaan Kansainvälisen valuuttarahaston kehitysohjelmat ovat edistäneet tuberkuloosin leviämistä Itä-Euroopassa ja entisissä Neuvostoliiton maissa. Tutkimuksen mukaan usein lainoja saavat maat ovat supistaneet terveydenhoitomenojaan täyttääkseen lainoille asetetut ehdot.[2] IMF:n vastineen mukaan tutkimuksessa oli useita puutteita, joista vakavimmat koskivat taloudellisten olosuhteiden huomioonottamista ennen järjestön mukaantuloa.

There are many situations that may lead someone into acts of vampirism, from circumstances as simple and mundane as stress and depression, to more subtle conditions like what is described as sympathetic vampirism. In this case, a human may start to metaphysically impersonate a vampire after being drained for an extended period of time, or by the means of deep feeding. This does not turn the individual into an actual vampire, but just reflects a human acting vampirically.
Another common mistake, and often passed along as truth by the less knowledgeable of the mysteries within the vampire gnosis, is that the nature of the vampire can be explained by damaged chakras, where this inner defect was caused to their subtle systems long ago. Those situations of wounded souls and metaphysical handicaps are true, but they do not describe real vampires. They represent mere humans with a damaged soul.
Vampires are beings of oneness and completeness. Beings of purity and evolution. They should not be misunderstood as humans with a damaged Self or a poorly working chakra - known as Shen in the Asetian culture.".._-_
1 kommentti:
Albert Camus sae communism as a springboard that prepares the ground for spiritual activiti
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