Pig iron is again a huge success, writing in Finnish culture, morality and the loss of degeneration:
Pig iron is asking hedonistic - empty of religion - the strength of society and is responsible for calling:
how strong is a vacuum in fundamentalist religion, fanatical and intolerant religion?
... intolerance always crush tolerance, if not for intolerance to violent resistance. Only then, when that aggressive intolerance is rebuffed, it can be pehmittämään and korruptoimaan tolerate a conservative manner. Before that - before the fight against a non-profit - are the only companies to tolerance doomed to failure ...
Pig iron settles, therefore, clear side of tolerance and intolerance is at least a little hopeful that armed struggle can be successful.
The question, of course, is where tolerance may be the force by which it defends itself against intolerance. Is at least some degree of intolerance of internal (Barbara), a necessary condition for the external defense of intolerance towards the battle to succeed? Takkirautakin is pessimistic - the last resort is once again Pohjanmaa and / or Laestadianism:
Theory of iron coat reminds rich 1300-century arabisosiologin Ibn Khaldunin theory, which I wrote over a year ago. Both example comes from the same time and location - 1000 Century Early harvests in Spain and North Africa.
The only difference is that it might be regarded as Ibn Khaldun intolerant profit rel inevitable. Ryhmäkoheesioon intolerance, combined with a high tolerance on the one hand and on the other hand, combined with the low ryhmäkoheesioon vary Ibn Khaldunin theory as an upturn and downturn in the economy.
To quote wikipedia articles Ibn Khaldunin theory of free inverse:
Cohesion arises spontaneously in small family-based groups - to strengthen and religious ideology. Khaldunin analysis to explain how group cohesion takes to power but contains the same type (physical, psychological, sociological, economic and political), seed decay, which leads the group to replace the second group.
Community becomes a great civilization, but the amount of decay in the following days and ryhmäkoheesion fall season. It follows that the new group, which deteriorated over the civilization areas have been virtually barbaariryhmä which is a lower level of civilization than the previous group. Barbaariryhmän asabiyah [ryhmäkoheesio] is also stronger than the previous group asabiyah. When the barbarians strengthen their power, however, they begin to be interested in of civilization sophisticated features such as literacy and art, and puts them into their own culture. Slowly begin the process and following the barbarians invading civilization.
Personally, I have the same line with Ibn Khaldūnin - tolerance (low ryhmäkoheesion) and intolerance (high ryhmäkoheesion) variation is virtually inevitable. Pytyy process jarrruttamaan maybe a little but will not change.
For example, hedonistic barbarians destroyed the Roman invasion took the result of a long period of internal "barbarism" - the beginning of fundamentalism - thanks.
Well maybe this is ultimately no conflict
3 kommenttia:
A map of the world that does not include Utopia is not worth, for it leaves out the one country at which Humanity somehow is always landing
i cuold show u somewhere
consciousness might be brought into some degree of congruence with the assumption that mind and evolution has existed always as the matrix,
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