How Mars lost its atmosphere.
Zahnle K; Workshop on the Evolution of the Martian Atmosphere (1992 Jun 29-Jul 1 : Kona, HI).
Pap Present Workshop Evol Martian Atmos. 1992; 29-30.
NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA 94035, USA.
Mars is a small planet with a thin atmosphere. That Mars is small has been known for centuries, and we have gotten used to it; but its thin atmosphere has been called "one of the great disappointments of the space age", and we have not gotten used to this. The apparent dearth of volatiles is not confined to one or two key elements, but may well apply to all plausible atmospheric constituents. It is surest for the noble gases, for which alternative reservoirs larger than the atmosphere are unlikely. It is less certain for water or CO2, which can be hidden in surface and subsurface reservoirs. There is a widespread suspicion that Mars's thin atmosphere is in some way attributable to the planet's size. Three more or less complementary hypotheses have been suggested. The current favorite is that Mars, being small, cooled relatively quickly, and long ago ceased to recycle volatiles effectively. Weathering reactions of water, CO2, and rock would then have progressively and irreversibly consumed the atmosphere. This modern incarnation of Lowell's "dying planet" applies to CO2 and water in particular; it is more problematic for nitrogen, and it is very hard to see how it could apply to the noble gases. Another possibility is that the atmosphere was never degassed or outgassed in the first place. Although inefficient outgassing of modern Mars is a reasonable hypothesis, and fully consistent with the great antiquity of its few volcanos and the low absolute abundance of 40Ar compared to Earth, inefficient outgassing of ancient Mars is less appealing, and is contradicted by the relatively high abundance of 129Xe in the martian atmosphere. I prefer escape. Hydrodynamic escape (vigorous thermal escape) and impact erosion (expulsion of atmosphere by impacts) are two processes that should have been operative early. Although in principle hydrodynamic escape could have shrunk Mars's atmosphere a hundredfold while leaving the composition of the remnant atmosphere nearly unaltered, very high escape fluxes are required. The implicated escape mechanism must have been efficient, nearly non-fractionating, and vastly more potent for Mars than for Earth or Venus. Impact erosion is an appealing candidate. Noble gases are the obvious first test. Noble gases are the most volatile elements and so are the most likely to have been affected by impact erosion and the easiest to address quantitatively. Xenon in particular imposes three constraints on how Mars lost its atmosphere: (i) the very low abundance of nonradiogenic Xe compared to Earth, Venus, and likely meteoritic sources; (ii) its nonradiogenic isotopes distinct from likely meteoritic sources; and (iii) the relatively high absolute abundance of radiogenic 129Xe, daughter of the extinct radionuclide 129I (half-life 17 Myr). In impact erosion the first two become constraints on the composition, mass distribution, and orbital elements of the impactors. The third requires that Mars lost its nonradiogenic Xe early, probably before it was 100 Myr old. Impact erosion can explain Mars by any of three stories. (i) Mars is unlikely. In a sort of planetary brinkmanship, impact erosion almost removed the entire atmosphere but was arrested just in time. (ii) Martian noble gases are cometary and cometary Xe is as isotopically mass fractionated as martian and terrestrial Xe. This is most easily accomplished if a relatively thick geochemically controlled CO2 atmosphere protected trace atmophiles against escape. (iii) Mars was indeed stripped of its early atmospheres but a small remnant was safely stored in the regolith, later released as a byproduct of water mobilization.
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6 kommenttia:
National Chocolate Day Dec 28 :-)
A woman I was talking to at a party last night became very aroused when I told her I'd be speaking this morning with A Single Man star CF. "Oh, God...I could be your assistant and just sit there and watch!," she said. "This would be a very big deal for her!," the husband chimed in with a smirk. "That classiness, that sense of reserve!," she went on. "It's what every woman wants." ..put everythings relative...
nono my taste
Minsky wrote the book Perceptrons (with Seymour Papert), which became the foundational work in the analysis of artificial neural networks.
Spiral in Norway closer look
23/12/2009 at 10:13 pm | 8.076 views | Universe | WWW.NIBURU.NL
"Last December 9th I saw a picture on the site about the Stargate, because that is, in Norway.
I accompanied by the word "Gonad" inside my head. That word again I searched through wikipedia and found out that * the gonad reproductive organs of humans, but it will also mean that the gonad is the reproductive organ of Everything Is. That is the source of what life is, in my assumption.
You Orbs as they are conscious, his Intergalactic Beings ".
experience after seeing the spiral in Norway. Mr. S. V. indicated that in the year 1954 has seen a spiral from his home that exactly resembled the spiral on December 9 this year in Norway appeared. He lived in those days in the Frisian IJlst and brought 10-year old boy as the papers around. While waiting for the mail car he saw the sudden appearance and postal workers and bystanders drew it.
A let us know the following in the December edition of its monthly reporting:
This Light is the anchor in your dimension and represents the opening of the first inter dimensional portal. This is revealed to all mankind. The opening of the second portal will take place soon. When I say soon I mean a few days on the other side of the planet around the Antarctic South Pole. You'll know in time when it will happen. These gates ensure that aliens can easily enter this universe to help us in our Ascension.
Now is the time for the Blue Light for you to completely fill the inside. Our deconstruction will be completed and you will into the depths of your soul be touched by Love. So yes, the inter-dimensional gates let in light through your dimensions in a visible and collective manner. It is also an opportunity for the Intergalactic Confederation to all the circumstances into account. All possible advanced alien technology will be deployed if necessary. Everything depends on how the dark forces of resistance against it will reverse itself. We are their limitations and weaknesses show.
As responsible Beings (at the level of the Conclave, the 24 Elders and the Intergalactic Forces) we will be ready for any event. In this light, we have created a visible vortex (spiral above the Norway) in your area directly related to the world inside the Earth, the alien worlds and the ultra-terrestrial (higher dimensional) worlds. This does not, as I have said that the Inter Galactic Confederation will necessarily intervene in a visible way, but the Light will intervene on a very bright manner and you will experience all your own way through your perception. The rest of the plans will be adjusted to these events.
I know that many star seeds would identify with what I've experienced the Stargate itself. This I gather from the responses I have received on this basis, but maybe there are still many more people who suddenly find recognition. The night before the stargate opened I felt dizzy and got the evening have just been unconscious. In the days after I had a feeling of euphoria, a feeling that I usually only around Christmas reception. A sense of sharing and compassion. At the dawn of the winter solstice, I felt restless and there was a disappointment to the top. Strange, because I normally only feel peace and harmony.
This is undoubtedly due to the fact that many people were looking forward to the unveiling of extraterrestrial life around this Christmas.
"The time has now come for the Blue Light to pour into you completely". I read this on Sunday, December 13. I'm reading and suddenly the sun begins to shine. A bright beam shines through my curtains and folds around my whole face. A powerful jet of Higher Love comes through my crown chakra and higher heart chakra and penetrates deep within each of my cells. cells so that they have increased vibration in a crystal-like pattern can vibrate to adopt and Higher Love. Comments on experience in this area you can send to me.
The messages are passed from Archangel Michael through Ronna Herman.
Venäjä testasi aiemmin tässä kuussa myös uudentyyppistä Bulava-ohjustaan, mutta koe epäonnistui.
http://www.realitysandwich.com/sites/realitysandwich.civicactions.net/files/2Norway%20Spirals%27%20Impossible%20.pdf a mathstudent wants to prove it wasnt missile
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