Intelligent remains distant
T serves column philosopher delights
T has shaped the new faith - or doubt - this magazine, now published in a column of Annex and has developed a kind of thinking of the overall presentation.
Intellectual face, which investigates the world outside of himself and make it dead ends maze. He analyzed the logic of the incisive, witty and often humorous without making too large a number to itself, and on secure convictions. He's not a man secure convictions, but to live with the times and the doubter paradoxes virtuoso.
N teknologisoituneen review the paradoxes of the world and to demonstrate a precise eye for its internal conflicts and monimielisyyksille. The long run, begins to feel that he has a special preference for the absurd. All turns to impossible (with the exception that the prohibitions may become impossible if any). Here are a few examples:
Equality in relation to the main obstacles to gender equality is itself.
Values always creates a vacuum.
Individual ownership means that all the individual selections are allowed.
Human rights will lead to a war of all against all.
Love Marriage, which released the power of forced arranged marriages, the spouses has led to forced under the yoke of love.
Most interesting is to recognize honesty dishonesty.
In many of these uhmaväitteissä is true, even though in real life, of course, things are even more complex. This is because the real life consists of endless special cases.
But this is only common sense to the argument for thinking, who wants more than anything to abstract and to prove that common sense is really idiotiaa. That's right: in the traditional sense idiotia is just a private and particular thought, disregard for the common abstraction.
When you know the life
difficult, thinking it will become easier - provided that eläjän manages to stand the necessary distance from the head to think. N's insights into the pleasure lies in this ease. Although it is deceptive, in two ways.
First, in the sense that such ease of achieving the MDGs requires harjaannusta. The author must have had to make an effort to learn how to light the pipe from the fire, which someone else is a philosopher before him, sat down and burnt.
Philosophers have often masochists who tortures themselves as problems, and enjoy it. N part of the philosopher of pleasure for us to move without being in front of it we have to torture ourselves. It is no small achievement.
Second, bring ease is deceptive, because it disguises the distance to which each liippaa close. So safe and hassle-free as it is regarded as the modern world and the pitfalls of conflicts of critical distance from the guarantee, the company says the difficulty of indirectly also to answer the question: how to live?
Maybe it is not able to answer, but would have to say, offer examples. But the issue will be the weight to what the confusing picture of the world painted.
N does not want to offer constructive suggestions (which according to the logic of his soon turn disastrous), and life skills to write the manual (which can take the life of all the juice). But it does not mean that he should be their own "inalienable" approach to the question of life. It is psychoanalysis.
Psychoanalysis is a
created for a man who is fond of contradictions and does not want to leave all the contradictions of the world alone. Psychoanalysis is a rational way to talk about the things that make sense are fleeing. And the best part: the closer to the modern unbeliever hardly get a religion, which before made life much simpler for doubters.
It probably has its roots in psychoanalysis in the world, in which the individual lived continuously in conflict with the external standard and authoritarian systems, which brings an individual joined in a conflict.
N himself describes the contemporary situation of the individual originally different way: they reach a deductible individual autonomy and no longer know anyone would for their actions, against what would violate, any commitment. It follows that the fashionable neuroses have become a major depression.
Before the Castle of the Neva was a thinker, it was easy to say intellectual bourgeois and proletarian worker conflict and commit to it. But if the new technology of capitalism is a contradiction between the haves and marginalized, is not as easy to commit to displaced - syrjäytymättä itself. Success stories have to criticize, but aside for retirement violates intellectual against the definition.
Intelligent writer T part in keeping a good distance into this world, but maybe he does not age probably be satisfied with the role of observer, but we can continue to read, how he revealed the paradoxes of psychoanalysis, and found a way out of its impasse.