Daria era muito mais do que uma militante ou acadêmica, era a herdeira legítima do legado de seu pai, amplamente reconhecida por sua capacidade intelectual e seu comprometimento patriótico. +
Kielestä portugali kääntänytri Ikävalko 🇵🇸🇨🇺🇸🇾🇨🇳🇻🇪 ☯️☮️🐕🎶🎸 tykkäsi
The Drake & Josh FanpageDmytro Oleksandrovych Korchynsky is a Ukrainian writer, poet, militant, and political activist who is the former leader of the far-right Ukrainian National Assembly – Ukrainian People's Self-Defence organisation. According to some researchers, he is a professional provocateur who cooperates with the secret services.Wikipediahttps://www.facebook.com/DmytroKorchynskyi/
Native name:
Дмитро Олександрович Корчинський
January 22, 1964, Kyiv, Ukrainian SSR, Soviet Union, (now Ukraine)
Ukraine Nazis that are supported by NATO have Roger Waters on a hit list? Sounds about right.
Daria oli paljon enemmän kuin militantti tai akateeminen, hän oli isänsä perinnön oikeutettu perillinen, joka tunnustettiin laajalti älyllisestä kyvystään ja isänmaallisesta sitoutumisestaan.

passiva e outra ativa (nous poietikos). A primeira - correspondente ao sujeito cartesiano - reflete a realidade externa e opera dentro de seus estreitos limites. O nous poietikos, por outro lado, não percebe a realidade, mas a cria.https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Faz2Pw4WIAMZMbC?format=jpg&name=small
Kielestä portugali kääntänyt
"Aristoteles puhuu kahdesta mielen tyypistä, joista toinen on passiivinen ja toinen aktiivinen (nous poietikos). Ensimmäinen - joka vastaa karteesista subjektia - heijastaa ulkoista todellisuutta ja toimii sen kapeissa rajoissa. Nous poietikos sitä vastoin ei havaita todellisuuden, mutta luo sen.Alain de Benoist
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaDe Benoist's influences include: Antonio Gramsci, Ernst Jünger, Martin Buber, Jean Baudrillard, Georges Dumézil, Ernest Renan, José Ortega y Gasset, Vilfredo Pareto, Karl Marx, Guy Debord, Arnold Gehlen, Stéphane Lupasco, Helmut Schelsky, Konrad Lorenz, the Conservative Revolutionaries – including Carl Schmitt and Oswald Spengler –, the non-conformists of the 1930s, Johann Gottfried Herder, Johannes Althusius, interwar Austro-Marxists, and communitarian philosophers such as Alasdair MacIntyre and Charles Taylor.[54]
Jump to navigationJump to searchthe perpetrator of Dasha Dugina's murder, Ukrainian member of the Azov National Militia Natalya Vovk, has already left Estonia and moved on to Austria⚡️
As of last night, a woman who resembled Dasha Dugina's killer is staying at the Ibis Hauptbahnhof Hotel in Vienna, as reported by concerned locals. The reservation was for one night

Alain de Benoist
20110402 De Benoist.png
Alain de Benoist in 2012
Born 11 December 1943 (age 78)
Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France
Alma mater University of Parisn 2006, de Benoist defined "identity" as a "dialogical" phenomenon, inspired by Martin Buber's philosophy of dialogue and Ich und Du concept. According to him, one's identity is made of two components: the "objective part" coming from one's background (ethnicity, religion, family, nationality), and the "subjective part" freely chosen by the individual. Identity is therefore a perpetual evolution rather than a definitive notion.[54] In 1992, de Benoist dismissed the Front National's use of ethnopluralism on the grounds that it portrayed "difference as an absolute, whereas, by definition, it exists only relationally."[56] In 1966 however, he had written: "Race is the only real unit encompassing individual variations. The objective study of history shows that only the European race (white race, caucasian) has continued to progress since its appearance on the rising path of the evolution of the living, unlike races stagnant in their development, therefore in virtual regression."[24]
Oswald Spengler and the Conservative Revolution have had a strong influence on de Benoist's thought.[57][54]
If scholars like Pierre-André Taguieff have characterized the Nouvelle Droite as a form of "mixophobia" due to its focus on the notion of "difference", de Benoist has also criticized what he calls "the pathology of identity", that is to say the political use of identity by the populist Right in order to push an "us versus them" debate escorted by "[systematic] and [irrational] hating". The difficulty of understanding de Benoist’s views on identity rests upon the fact that his writings have experienced multiple re-synthesis since the 1960s. In 1974, he said: "there is no superior race. All races are superior and each of them has its own genius".[58] However, in 1966 he had written: "The European race does not have absolute superiority. It is only the most capable of progressing in the direction of evolution [...] Racial factors being statistically hereditary, each race has its own psychology. All psychology generates value."[24] Suspicions have thus arisen of a subtle meta-political strategy set up to disguise fascism and racism around an acceptable framework. De Benoist has been influenced by Carl Schmitt's distinction between friend and enemy as the core issue of politics. However, he sees immigrants as eventually victims of globalization and has argued that immigration was first of all a consequence of multinational companies being greedy for profits and preferring to import cheap labor.[58]
Era Contemporary philosophy
Region Western philosophy
French philosophy
School Nouvelle Droite
Notable ideas Modernization and secularization of Christian values, Repaganization of the West, Pensée unique, Nouvelle Droite, Ethnopluralism
Alain de Benoist (/də bəˈnwɑː/; French: [alɛ̃ də bənwa]; born 11 December 1943) – also known as Fabrice Laroche, Robert de Herte, David Barney, and other pen names[1] – is a French journalist and political philosopher, a founding member of the Nouvelle Droite ("New Right"), and the leader of the ethno-nationalist think tank GRECE.
Principally influenced by thinkers of the German Conservative Revolution,[2] de Benoist is opposed to Christianity, the rights of man, neoliberalism, representative democracy, egalitarianism; and what he sees as embodying and promoting those values, namely the United States.[3] He theorized the notion of ethnopluralism, a concept which relies on preserving and mutually respecting individual and bordered ethno-cultural regions.[4][5]
His work has been influential with the alt-right movement in the United States, and he presented a lecture on identity at a National Policy Institute conference hosted by Richard B. Spencer; however, he has distanced himself from the movement.[6][7]
5 kommenttia:
Who controls the British Government response to Covid–19?
“The welfare of humanity is always the alibi of tyrants” — Albert Camus
As Britain hurtles headlong towards neo-feudalist governance with heightened surveillance, micro-management of society and an uptick in fascistic policing of the draconian measures imposed to combat the “threat” of Covid–19, it is perhaps time to analyse the real forces behind this “new normal”.
Suddenly but peacefully, within the tender care of the nursing staff of Ninewells Hospital, with her family by her side, Shari Maria Grospellier (nee Taylor), wife of Yann, mum of Zara, Nina and her three lovely spaniels, passed away on the 6th November 2022. Her Funeral service, to which all friends are respectfully invited, will be held at Stirlingshire Crematorium, Bannockburn, Stirling, FK7 8AJ, on Thursday, 17th November at 1:00pm. Rather than flowers, donations may be given at the crematorium, to be put towards a memorial of Shari on her favourite walk. Please wear bright colours at her family's request.
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