https://twitter.com/ClydeSSB/status/900795997290463232 scott celticcFind Your Own Craigh na Dun I don't remember Scottish nationalism wanting to hard brexit or blame foreigners for low wages the way British socialism doesKun on Vartiainen ja Halla-aho Hesarissa vierekkäin, ei voi kuin ihailla ylhäisen kuolevan rotumme kauneutta.avain on sinull

Please say a quick prayer for all the homeless people and stray animals that don't have a home to protect them during #HurricaneHarveyIRAN: Education ministry bans 'ugly' people, including those with severe acne, burns or missing teeth, from becoming teachers.Him-Are you seeing anyone?
Me-Oh yes.
[I wink at the weird clown that resides on the very edge of my peripheral vision at all times]..

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