tive means of levying tax. “Only the restaurants and cafes are making money,” reckons Vassilis. “With 50 euros, people will buy food not clothes, and so [the government] doesn’t have any other way of making money.”

ermany’s Wolfgang Schäuble’s caustic remarks on Greece so we now oficially enemies my two countries.s incredible, people are suddenly no longer afraid to spend. Everyone is hoping for a solution,” he told me.ha on ollut suomalaisten päasiallisin matkakohdeGreek officials have denied that Germany has suggested they clear off for five years, reports Euronews’s Efi Koutsokosta.Nika @nikanen 6 min6 minuuttia sitten
@987x1 Nyt ollaan päästetty tilanne niin pahaksi, että vaikea enää normalisoida sitä. @HellyLuv
Näytä keskustelu 0 uudelleentwiittausta 0 suosikkia
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Nika @nikanen 1 t1 tunti sitten
Kurdijoukkojen tukeminen ei auta pelastamaan maailmaa ISISiltä @HellyLuv, melkeinpä päinvastoin. #ylea2
eser @987x1 29 min29 minuuttia sitten
@nikanen @HellyLuv ketä sitten tukea
n 18 min18 minuuttia sitten
@987x1 "Maltillisia" sunnimuslimiryhmittymiä, joita paikalliset voi pitää hyvänä vaihtoehtona IS:lle. >> @HellyLuv
0 uudelleentwiittaa Suosikki
Nika @nikanen 18 min18 minuuttia sitten
@987x1 Monet muslimit näkee kurdit + muut lännen kanssa veljeilevät islamin vastustajina & kurdit on myös "liian" nationalistisia. @HellyLuv
0 er @987x1 11 min11 minuuttia sitten
@nikanen @HellyLuv taisteluissa ei oikein välimuotoja, ISISin alue on valtava
Nika @nikanen 7 min7 minuuttia sitten
@987x1 Niin, totta. Ongelma ei olis näin laaja jos alueen historia olisi erilainen yms., mut turha kai jossitella. @HellyLuv
22.08 - 21. heinäkuuta 2015 · Tiedot
Pen @HellyLuv
Kuka on tässä kuvassa?
Nika @nikanen 6 min6 minuuttia sitten
@987x1 Nyt ollaan päästetty tilanne niin pahaksi, että vaikea enää normalisoida sitä. @HellyLuv
@nikanen @HellyLuv saddamin aikana ei iollut ongelmia
1 kommentti:
ere is growing optimism in Athens, there is also fear for the future after weeks of unsettling drama, as Helena Smith reports:
I just chatted with Vicky Pryce, the prominent economist. She says she has been taken aback not only by the yearning for normality she has encountered since arriving in Athens but the sheer level of anxiety she has also seen.
“Everyone wants the banks to reopen so that some normality can return and businesses can re-open,” she told me.
“People are really very, very, fearful, a lot have been telling me they have been having panic attacks because of the anxiety that this situation has produced. No one wants to even go to the beach [in the southern suburbs]. When I asked why, I was told they are all at home guarding their money!”
In recent weeks, there have been mass withdrawals of savings by Greeks fearing the collapse of the banking system, before capital controls were imposed nearly two weeks ago
Pryce, who has openly opposed the tough austerity measures being asked of Athens, said it was now crucial that an agreement was reached with the country’s creditors.
“It’s going to be very painful but we are where we are and right now so very much hangs on signing it,” she said.
“If Greece gets this bailout it will not only bring liquidity into the system but open the possibility of the country entering the quantitative easing scheme [set up] by the European Central Bank which would then allow rates to come down in the capital markets.
That would be terribly, terribly important in helping to turn things around.”
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