3.5% in 2018, rigorous labour market and pension reforms, a more solid privatisation programme with “improved governance” (does that mean external ‘assistance’?)

Here’s the list:
Eurogroup draft on demands for Greek reformsdevelopments,” said Nikos Bistis, a veteran politician from the centre left. “Basically Syriza is now split in two.”
By late Sunday it had become clear Tsipras’ u-turn, accepting measures he had once furiously spurned, had produced a tectonic split with potentially far-reaching consequences. In addition to suffering an unexpected loss of support with 17 MPs breaking ranks at the weekend – defections that strip his government of a working majority – 15 other lawmakers also indicated that they would not approve the agreement in its entirety when it was brought to the 300-seat House.
The MPs, who included two ministers, said they were radically opposed to endorsing an austerity programme that was not only ideologically at odds with their own beliefs but would exacerbate “the country’s agonising and tragic social economic problems.”
The resistance raises the spectre of Tsipras being forced to call fresh elections – a move described as potentially catastrophic for the country.
“Greece can bend up to a point,” said Aristides Hatzis, a prominent political commentator. “But after that there is no bending, only breaking. The breaking point may well come when Tsipras realises he has lost most of his parliamentary group.”
The embattled prime minister will also face substantial resistance from the parliament’s speaker Zoe Konstantopoulou in getting the policies fast-tracked through the House.
A Syriza hardliner, Kostantopoulou said at the weekend:
“the government is being blackmailed. The lenders are insisting on turning the “no” [of last week’s referendum] into “yes.” I could never vote for the contents of the agreement.”
And it says that “The Eurogroup thus welcomes the additional following commitments of the Greek authorities on the basis of a clear timetable”:
fully comply with the medium-term primary surplus target of 3.5 percent of GDP by 2018, according to a yearly schedule to be agreed with the institutions;
- carry out ambitious pension reforms and specific policies to fully compensate for the fiscal impact of the Constitutional Court ruling on the 2012 pension reform and to implement the zero deficit clause;
- adopt more ambitious product market reforms with a clear timetable for implementation of all OECD toolkit I recommendations, including Sunday trade, sales periods, over-the-counter pharmaceutical products, pharmacy ownership, milk, bakeries. On the follow-up of the OECD toolkit II, manufacturing needs to be included in the prior action;
- on energy markets, the privatization of the electricity transmission network operator (ADMIE) must proceed, unless replacement measures can be found that have equivalent effect, as agreed by the institutions;
- on labor markets, undertake rigorous reviews of collective bargaining, industrial action and collective dismissals in line with the timetable and the approach suggested by the institutions. Any changes should be based on international and European best practices, and should not involve a return to past policy settings which are not compatible with the goals of promoting sustainable and inclusive growth;
- fully implement the relevant provisions of the Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the Economic and Monetary Union, in particular to make the Fiscal Council fully operational;
- adopt the necessary steps to strengthen the financial sector, including decisive action on non-performing loans, transposition of BRRD and measures to strengthen governance of the HFSF and the banks;
- develop a significantly scaled up privatization program with improved governance. A working group with the institutions shall provide proposals for better implementation mechanisms;
- amend or compensate for legislation adopted during 2015 which have not been agreed with the institutions and run counter to the program commitments;
- implement the key remaining elements from the December 2014 state of play of the fifth review of the second economic adjustment program.”
This is all in addition to the original plan, so tricky for Athens to commit to and achieve.but this likeNOORTH

6 kommenttia:
Finnish finance chief Alex Stubb has explained that Greece has just 72 hours to agree to the demands of its creditors.
As he left the eurogroup, Stubb explained that ministers were demanding “far-reaching conditionality, on three counts:
Number one, it needs to implement laws by July 15. Number two, tough conditions on for instance labour reforms and pensions and VAT and taxes.
And then number three, quite tough measures also on for instance privatisation and privatisation funds.
And the most important thing, he added, is that the whole package has to be approved by both the Greek government and the Greek parliament.
Let’s see if EU leaders come to the same conclusion tonight....
suppos this laws written in english
Αυτά είναι τα 12 μέτρα που πρέπει να ψηφίσει η ελληνική βουλή ως την Τετάρτη:
1. Εξορθολογισμός του ΦΠΑ
2. Διεύρυνση της φορολογικής βάσης
3. Βιωσιμότητα του συνταξιοδοτικού συστήματος
4. Θέσπιση Κώδικα Πολιτικής Δικονομίας
5. Διασφάλιση της νομικής ανεξαρτησίας της ΕΛΣΤΑΤ
6. Πλήρης εφαρμογή της αυτόματης περικοπής δαπανών
7. Τράπεζα ανάκαμψης και οδηγία ψηφίσματος
8. Ιδιωτικοποίηση στο δίκτυο μεταφοράς ηλεκτρικής ενέργειας
9. Αποφασιστική δράση για τα μη εξυπηρετούμενα δάνεια
10. Ανεξαρτησία του οργανισμού ιδιωτικοποιήσεων ΤΑΙΠΕΔ
11. Αποπολιτικοποίηση της ελληνικής διοίκησης
12. Επιστροφή της Τρόικας-θεσμών στην Αθήνα
- See more at: http://www.creteplus.gr/news/me-tin-plati-ston-toixo-i-ellada-keimeno-teras-ta-proapaitoumena-ton-daneiston-leei-i-kubernisi-134428.html#sthash.5KKZJnzS.5od4NnBg.dpuf
given "mental waterboarding" over reform plans
Alexis Tsipras was given a very rough ride in his meeting with Tusk, Merkel and Hollande, our Europe editor Ian Traynor reports.
Tsipras was told that Greece will either become an effective “ward” of the eurozone, by agreeing to immediately implement swift reforms this week.
Or, it leaves the euro area and watches its banks collapse.
One official dubbed it “extensive mental waterboarding”, in an attempt to make the Greek PM fall into line.
An unpleasant image, that highlights just how far we have now fallen from those European standards of solidarity and unity.
onneksi sain sentäänaamutakinl lahjaksi kreikasta
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