sunnuntai 29. kesäkuuta 2014

tarviiks nukkumaahan viisumin Handling methods

Chinese poetry has a very long history. The Book of Songs, the first collection of folk songs and poems, was compiled before Confucius' time, for he mentioned the book and asked his students to study it several times. Most of the poems in the book were composed during the Western Zhou period, or the 1,000 years before Confucius. It was said that the Zhou rulers sent officials to many different parts of the country to collect folk songs. The folk songs were then presented to the rulers, who tried to judge the views and sentiments of the writers through their work. The Book of Songs marked the beginning of Chinese literature as well as the beginning of realism in literature. Many of the 305 poems in the book deal with the lives of the common people, their daily occupations, their joys and sorrows, and their hard work and duties in wars. Then, during the Warring States Period, the state of Chu in the south produced a great poet by the name of Qu Yuan (340-278 AD). He was the first Chinese poet whose name is known to modern-day scholars. However, when Qu Yuan saw that his state was approaching ruin, and yet could do nothing to save it, he ended his life by drowning himself in the Miluo River near Lake Dongting. His representative work is the Li Sao (Sorrows at Departure), which is a long poem describing his love for his state and his disappointment at its situation. The poem marks the beginning of romanticism in Chinese poetry, as it contains descriptions of imaginary scenes in heaven. During the period of the two Han Dynasties and the period of the Southern and Northern Dynasties, many poets wrote poems with five-character lines. Outstanding among them were those by Cao Cao, his two sons, and Tao Qian. There were also beautiful poems by writers whose names were unknown, such as the "Nineteen Ancient Poems" and "Southeastward Flies the Peacock". The Tang Dynasty was the golden age of Chinese poetry. In the number of poems and the variety of forms, as well as in the beauty of its imagery and the broadness of its themes, Tang poetry surpassed that of all the ages before it. In The Complete Anthology of Tang Poetry, edited during the Qing Dynasty, there are nearly 50,000 collected poems by 2,200 poets. This means that over the course of three centuries, the Tang Dynasty poets wrote more poems than all the poets had in the 2,000 years before. Several factors made this possible. During the Sui Dynasty, China’s rulers began their civil service examinations to select officials from amongst their scholars. These examinations were continued in the Tang Dynasty. As a result, many people, mainly landlords' children, studied hard to sit for the examinations, which required writing poetry. In addition, there was, to a certain extent, freedom of thought; Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism were all studied and discussed by scholars. The unification of the country also made it possible for scholars to travel extensively, increasing the range of their contacts and experiences as well as broadening their artistic vision. Foreign arts, especially those of West and Central Asia, were also introduced into Central China at that time, and they greatly enriched the cultural life of the Han people. Finally, from the Western Zhou to the Southern and Northern Dynasties, Chinese poetry had been developing and becoming rich in both content and form. This long and favorable history provided the ideal conditions for the blossoming of Tang Dynasty poetry. This poetic tradition had two clear features: one feature was that folk songs, or yuefu, were the main origin of the different poetic forms; the other was that realism was the main artistic tendency Most poets were concerned about the conditions of the country and life of its people. Among the most famous Tang poets are Li Bai, Du Fu, and Bai Juyi. Tang poetry is indeed an inexhaustible treasury. In every sense it is the peak of Chinese poetry. The Chinese people are rightly proud of this incomparable heritage. .....................waisting time was both an inspiration for and a central aspect of early analytic philosophy. Competency is used as a more general description of the requirements of human beings in organizations and communities. Competency is sometimes thought of as being shown in action in a situation and context that might be different appropriate yes but what has effective to do with it,its a question ogf time time time,we people has Time..

torstai 26. kesäkuuta 2014

Ζω in Kreece! ‏@Giannis_Z 43 min -40 βαθμοί λιώνει το κορμί η λύση είναι μία -Πάμε παραλία; -Πάρε τ'αρχίδια μου που θες και παραλία.

here, what i did laast summerDEEPAK KUMAR @TKSVOM · 17. toukokuuta Nyt kassalla. S-etukortti, check. Visa electron, pin-koodi. Ei kuittia, kiitos. Näin, it's in the bag. #TVSKOMkauppareissulive

keskiviikko 25. kesäkuuta 2014

Ελα αφεντικό θα αργησω να ερθω δουλειά δε ξέρω πως μπαίνει η μπλουζα

Apua @TSVKOM! Se stalkkaaja @evrtuv lähettelee meille yksäreitä. MITÄ ME TEHÄÄN MITÄ ME TEHÄÄN AUTTAKAA NY JUMAPLÖRTSISΔεν έχω καλή σχέση με το τηλ.είναι μονίμως αθόρυβο κ παραπεταμένο κάπου.μη με καλέσεις και δεύτερη φορά ,τσαντίζομαι! Δίδυμος μεthis footbaöll

maanantai 23. kesäkuuta 2014

LolaL0tta HEHAEHAEHAEHAEHAEHEAEHAEHEAHEHAOEHÄASDHÖSDKJHKJGH ei minulla sellaista ole hei c'mon kuinka voisikaan edes

NILSIÄN SPIDERMÄN @TSVKOM · 2 t Aimöö sössöspiiker änd ai sei höpötys tings tu juu iiven if joor not lissening. Ai äm oolsou ei puhuvapää huu is kvait kreisi dountsutinkso?helevetin hyviä makkarotia.

sunnuntai 22. kesäkuuta 2014

rossija simera these big windows not for small birds...:(
P. Nikolai Leonov; räppäri, joka joutui #ukraina'n armeijan tappamaksi Donetskissa: #savedonbaspeople
Jonain päivänä jengi on kirjakaupassa, että OHO - täällä on TSVKOM-kirja! #söstradamus

perjantai 20. kesäkuuta 2014

Theologos Airetikos ‏@Eklogeisekanape 12 min Näytä käännös Τι να φορεσω ?RT @SimonLeone: Αλλάζω θέμα ...

maanantai 16. kesäkuuta 2014

γαπητοί φόλοουερς,2 από'σας,τόλμησαν & εκαναν ανφολο ΣΕ ΜΕΝΑ,ή θα τους φερετε εσεις δεμένους ή θα αμολήσω τα σκυλια να τους φερουν κομματια

tä seurasi joku joka Eipäs ruveta neuvomaan siellä! ei anna seurata takaisin vapaasti. Hyi yök. joutsen ikkunanan alla ja se toinen.kymmensenttinen musta lintu teki pesan oven eteen kun ei tiennyt asukkaista

PAHA SILMÄ x 2!piha

llä haarniska joka ei päästä läpi mitään Päällä haarniska mut sen sisäl ei oo kukaan #runobattle #haarniska No mutta, sounds like a plan! Otanko haravan ja puutarhasakset mukaan? V

TSVKOM @taprotapro Niinhän te luulette. Odottakaas vain kun hääpäivän ilta koittaa. #kryptinenuhkaus

Ttakaa herran pelko, herra Pihon pelko. #eiherraylpönpelko #eikäarvoylpönpelko VastaaVastattu0 kertaa UudelleentwiittaaUudelleentwiitattu 0 kertaa SuosikkiLisätty suosikkeihin 0 kertaa Lisää UITAOTSVKOM @TKSVOM · 13. toukokuuta Aika hiljaista on. Työsarkaa siis riittää. No, ei tässä haasteita ole ennenkään pelätty #taisiisjuurihanmesynnyimmeettäeiniitävieläoleollut VastaaVastattu0 kertaa UudelleentwiittaaUudelleentwiitattu 0 kertaa SuosikkiLisätty suosikkeihin 0 kertaa Lisää UITAOTSVKOM @TKSVOM · 13. toukokuuta No mutta asiaan siis. Mikäs on meininki? Kuinka moni teistä palvoo jo valmiiksi Joukoa? #etteitarvitseturhaankäännyttääuntuu #muuten hienolta olla olemassa. VastaaVastattu0 kertaa UudelleentwiittaaUudelleentwiitattu 0 kertaa SuosikkiLisätty suosikkeihin 0 kertaa Lisää UITAOTSVKOM @TKSVOM · 13. toukokuuta Tulemme toteuttamaan jumalallista tehtäväämme rakkaudella, vihalla, lihalla, hengellä, mielellä, kielellä ja muilla sopivilla tavoilla. VastaaVastattu0 kertaa UudelleentwiittaaUudelleentwiitattu 1 kerran1 SuosikkiLisätty suosikkeihin 1 kerran1 Lisää UITAOTSVKOM @TKSVOM · 13. toukokuuta Olemme syntyneet. Syntymä oli kivuton. Siemenen saimme isältämme Joukolta, pyhitetty olkoon hänen nimensä. #äitiämmeemmepaljastaaanjaFinland Eipäs ruveta neuvomaan siellä! Kyllä PÖÖNÖS kirjoitetaan kahdella Ö:llä. Toinen hyväksyttävä kirjoitusasu olisi PÖNÖÖS.emme ole. Tai siis tavallaan olemme, mutta emme oikeastaan kuitenkaan. #vaiolemmekoos niiden hekotusten väleissä saat kysyttyä. HA olisko HEE teillä HII maailman HA ympäri EHE 80 HIHI päivässä AHAHA tunnaria?ilen @syyskuuton Se on muuten kova! Eikös siinä ollut semmoinen haukkujuttu? Joku makee arpeggio tms. kuvio haukuttuna.iinä haukuttukaan. I am disappoint. Olen kai kuvitellut sen. Mutta miksi ihmeessä?ro Älkääs nyt kierrelkö kysymystä. rala @MarcusPetaja SEPPO ON KORKEIN TASO JA SAMALLA SEPPO ON ALIN TASO SEPPO ON ELÄMÄ JA KUOLEMA SEPPO ON JA EI OLE

sunnuntai 15. kesäkuuta 2014

Kertoisin enemmän yksityiselämästäni jos siinä tapahtuisi merkittäviä asioita kuten bussin odottaminen pysäkillä.Hyvän yön twiiteissä kerrotaanιYhtä kaikki, sitä vain huomaa olevansa kuin jänis ajovaloissa, eikä oikein osaa enää olla. Vapisee siinä vain, tekee jotain lämpimikseen, odottaen vääjäämätöntä. Siltä minusta nyt tuntuu tämän henkilökohtaisen sosiaalisen mediasuhteeni kanssa. Tää on näitä tekstejä jotka eivät tule nousemaan feisbuukkiin koska ne kuitenkin, tuota noin, ymmärrettäisiin ihan väärin. Ihan väärin. Jokuhan voisi ottaa itseensä. (Ja ihan varmasti nousee, vahingossa, ja sitten joku ottaa itseensä kun on sanonut että joku voi vahingossa ottaa itseensä.......................κόAinakin minun verkkoidentiteettini muodostui sellaiseksi että se peilaa hyvin nopeasti ja selvästi mielenliikkeitä. On tietysti mahdollista että olen ainoa joka niitä liikkeitä osaa tulkita, mutta se ei ole olennaista. Olennaista on se että on tottunut suoltamaan ulosantia melko vapautuneesti silloin kun siltä tuntuu ja varsin usein myös silloin kun ei tunnu. Jälkeenpäin ehkä kaduttaa, mutta sitä on tavallaan liikkunut turvallisen pseudoanonyymeillä vesillä missä satunnaiset tyypit ei tiedä kuka olet ja ne jotka tietää, no, ne tietää jo paljon muutakinς ‏@argy66 13 t Näytä käännös πήγα έβαλα λίγο νερό να πιώ, 9 γεμιστά τελικάrvertRia ‏@Ria_gatt 10 min Näytä käännös το ξερετε οτι ειστε για τον πουτσο ε;Mona Lisa ‏@st_r_ella 8. kesäkuuta Näytä käännös Συνδυαζω τοσες υπερδυναμεις που δεν ξερω ποια να τουιταρω.WC-paperin pakkauksessa on tälläinen varoitus. Tulkitsin sen niin, että lapsisotilas ei antaudu.

Sillon elämästä on hävinnyt kaikki ilo,

ä villieläimet eivät moralisoi toisiaan ruoan metsästämisestä. @Hirvielain @lllakuMuutetaan kaikki metsään. Pontikkapannut βάσει αιδοίου.porisemaan ja kannabikset kasvamaan. Kukaan ei tapa ketään. Koko eliökunta kuin Disneyn sadussa.Eikö jatkuvasti lisääntyvä markkinointi lopulta johda maailmaan jossa ei ole muuta kuin mainoksia?

Maailma olisi lopulta hirveä paikka ilman meitä urpoja.

#olenkoainut …Jos sosiaalidemokratiaa ei edes yritetä suhteuttaa tähän päivään, idolini on Yrjö Kallinen.Risikko olisi nyt looginen valinta kokoomuksen kannalta. Stubbin unelmahöttö ei koskaan kestä sitä paskalastia jonka pääministeri saa.KaikkeenJari Hirvieläin @Hirvielain · 21 t Tietääkö kukaan kuinka monta virkamiestä EU:ssa työskentelee? Pikaisella googletuksella en löytänyt mitään varsinaisia lukuja.Mahtaa olla Stubbia kannattavalla keskiluokalla kadotettu ilme parin vuoden päästä.

lauantai 14. kesäkuuta 2014

Kaikkeen sitä tulee suastuttua voi kissin pimppi.
Kaikkeen sitä tulee suastuttua voi kissin pimppi.

torstai 12. kesäkuuta 2014

MaiFIN @Maiwwo · 12. kesäkuuta Pitää saada Putin-teepaita. Mentävä Moskva. @leontev84: Putin in

blogiseurasiamies @asiamies1 · 3 min .@herrahuh @KajKunnas Ja vahvuudet on? #JotainRajaa #YLEmmfutis rajapaikat venäjä

rttu: Ollii! Minä olen mistelinoksan alla! Oollliii! Minä olen mistelinoksan alla! Ollii! Olli? Olli: Mitä? Kerttu: Mitä sinä puuhaat? Minä olen mistelinoksan alla! Olli: Minä olen anakondallani. Seikka on saletti. Kerttu: Penttii! Minä olen mistelinoksan alla! Pentti: Siin on varmaan kiva seisoskella ja sillee. Kerttu: Äsh! Ne ei viitsi mitään! Ne vaan olla möllöttää! Kaikki paikat mullin mallin! Koko tupa täynnä sanomalehtiä ja pelikortteja ja ne vaan lampsii ympäri huushollia ja ryystää kahvia ja, Pentti! Sinäkin olisit voinut sijata vuoteesi! Kuka täällä laittaa ruokaa? Kuka täällä tiskaa? Ja näkyykö monitoimikonetta? Ei näy niin! Ja kuka maksaa palkan ku minä ripustan joulukoristeet? Kuka maksaa, minä vaan kysyn! Ja Olli, oletko sinä edes löytänyt sitä isoa koristelaatikkoa? No etpä tietenkään kun istut vaan siellä persuksillas ja tämä yksi popottaja lukee ja makaa! Pentti: Bo bo bo bob. Sehän käy ihan kuumana, että mikä sitä pännii? Sehän on ihan seko ja sillee. Ihan umpiseko! Olli: Äh, Kerttu vetää aina kaiken niin massiiviseks. Pentti: Mitä? Vetääks Kerttu hassista? Olli: Ei, kun ampuu yli, kun sillä on ongelmia. Pentti: Mitä sä meinaat? Olli: No niitä ongelmia, on ne tulossa, nääs. Pentti: Ai silleen tulossa? Mensuunituuli nousee! Onko pahatkin oireet? Olli: Mitkä reet? Pentti: Oireet! Jos on pahat periodioireet niin esimerkiks Englannissa voidaan vapauttaa murhasta ja silleen! Kyllä se meillekkin tulee ja silleen. Hormoniharmonisointia! Olli: Seikka on saletti. [11] Pentti" Nieksen[muokkaa] Melkein menee hermot, bo bo bo bob. Amatööritonttu pois tieltä! [8] ...ja sillee. Amatööritontut, haistakaa per-runalaatikko! Hämäläinen, imelletty! [8] Te maalaiset ette osaa lyödä ees naulaa lehmänpaskaan rikkomatta jompaakumpaa! [6] Nyt skarppaat Rouva Täytekakku! [6] Nyt pidät turpas kiinni ja silleen! [6] Vikin kanssa. Voihan Vihtori! Helpota vähän! Kävin puhumassa suuressa puhelimessa ja silleen. [6] Pentti kävi vessassa oksentamassa Oi, apua! [6] Bo bo bo, ja sillee Iki-Iäkäs: I have not tullut tänne makoilemaan kahdenkymmenenneljän jakson ajaksi in the sänky. Minä olen sentään tunnettu esiintyjä! Hande: Esiintyjä? Krhm... where did you learn to speak englanti? Iki-Iäkäs: I learned it from myself! Toivo: Yeah, siltä se kuulostaa! [8] The Joulukalenterin viimeiset repliikit. Tonttukolmikko lopettaa soittamisen Toivo: Mikäs biisi tää oli? Mitä skeidaa tää oli? Kauko: Se on Apulantaa. On niiden hitti! [6] Kerttu: Minä olen ripustanut huoneeseen kirlantereita! Pentti: Ei niitä sanota "kirlantereiksi"! Se on ranskaa ja sillee. Français ja sillee. Olli: Kai me nyt tiedetään missä Ranska on. Pentti: Melkein menee hermot, bo bo bo bo! Minä olen matkustellut aika paljon Ranskassa ja sillee. Guirlande [shirlaan] ja sillee tarkoittaa, että jotakin riippuu köynnöksissä ja sillee. upeeta! [2] Auu, turpa kiinni! [9] Turpa kiinni! Minä en muista mitä mä tein eilen! Mul on ilmeisesti korppu menny tyhjiin... mun tietokone on kuollu ja sillee. [9] Mitä, en minä mitään kahvia, turpa kiinni! Aa-a, mun pää...! [9] Lörtsylöitäkö uattelit linkaist enshättään? [3] Pentti matkii kieruveteläistä leipuria, joka myi hänelle kakun Vaikene vempain! [6] Mitä mahdollisuuksia! Mitä mahdollisuuksia! Kun Penttii huomaa onnistuneensa Kirjan avulla korottamaan arvonlisäveroa Tosi mielipuolista! Tosi sairasta! [10] No tuota, meisseliliikuntaa ja sillee! Kerttu Santanen[muokkaa] Olli, minä olen mistelinoksan alla! [11] Pentti, minä olen mistelinoksan alla! Jouluhan on vain kerran vuodessa, isänpäivä sentään joka syksy! Keitänkö uutta? [12] Olli, joulukoriste palaa. [13] Toivottavasti huomenna sää paranee. No sinä et ole kyllä mikään aamupirtelö! [9] Minulla on täällä kyllä Panodiiliä... [9] Katso, täällä on shkrillarntereita ja palloja ja shteariinikynttilöitä... Kerttu tutkii suurta joulukoristelaatikkoa Tosi viiltävä teksti [3] Kerttu kommentoi Kari Hotakaisen tekstiä Oijoijoi, se oli vasta joulujen joulu. Olli Santanen[muokkaa] Seikka on saletti! Mutta nyt minun täytyy mennä näyttämään anakondaa pihakuuselle. [1] Nyt minun täytyy mennä näyttämään anakondaa kaakeliastialle. Mahotonta meininkiä! Vahinko ei tule koskaan yksin sanoi velipoika kun karjakko kaksoset sai. [14] Pentti näyttää siltä, että hänen pitäisi mennä näyttämään anakondaa pihakuuselle! [8] Mikään ei voita voittoa pasianssissa. [5] Kahvipannu räjähti! [12] Minähän sanoin, että seikka on saletti! Sinä näytät itseasiassa aika huonovointiselta. [3] Humalainen Olli sanoo Pentille, joka on muuttunut näsäksi Sä näytät ihan Jani Uhleniukselta. [3] Olli Pentin muututtua näsäksi Onks jönö olo niinku Hietasen kissalla? [3] Huumori pintaan, Kerttuli. Kyllä se siitä suttaantuu. [15] No Pena, perhana. [9] Täytyy myöntää, että olin lievästi maistissa. [6] Olli puhuu edellisen illan alkoholin juonnista Toivo[muokkaa] Let me, Kauko. Because sull on rumimmat kuteet ja pisin naama, Hande. That's why. Kun Hande kysyy, miksi hänen pitää tehdä aina raskaimmat työt Se oli hyvin sanottu, ehkä voimme käyttää sitä jossain myöhemmässä jaksossa. Kauko, voisitko antaa jonkinlaisen summittaisen arvion siitä, koska se mahdollisesti voisi olla valmis? What perhana do we do? Sä sitn jaksat aina pölistä, Hande. Kun Hande valittaa työn ankaruutta tai voivottelee tilaansa How much is the kello? Kamoon, we have not so much aikaa! No tässä seisoo... sitä varten! Niin se vaan on. Sitä varten. Quite yksinkertaisesti! Niin mutta minkäs sille dammit vie mahtaa!? Sitä olin juuri sanomassa!on tuo salaperäinen muukalainen pimeässä? Katso huominen jakso. On synkkä ja myrskyinen yö. Laulavatko tontut oikeasti vai onko se playbackiä? [4] Onko totta, että monitoimikone vatkaa ja linkoaa? [5] ...keksi itse lisää kysymyksiä! ...onko mahdollista lyödä naula lehmän paskaan rikkomatta molempia? [6] ...pääsevätkö tontut koskaan viemään soittorasian avainta kotiin? selviääkö Pentti Kertun käsittelystä, entä miten Ollilla menee? [7] ...onko sopivaa varastaa bensiiniä hyvinvointiyhteiskunnassa? ...myytiinkö Ranskan vallankumouksen tuoksinassa olutta? Kauan kauan sitten pahat näsät karkoittivat tontut luolistaan ja Suomesta. Kaukaisessa paikassa, maailman äärissä, vanha tonttu Iki-Iäkäs on kuolemaisillaan. Soittorasia soittaa hänen elämänsä sävelmää ja se on pysähtymäisillään. Ainoa avain, millä soittorasian voi vetää, jäi ainoaan säästyneeseen luolaan Keuruulle. Iki-Iäkäs lähettää kolme tonttua, Toivon, Kaukon ja Handen hakemaan avainta. He saavat mukaansa Viisasten Kirjan, jossa on vastaus kaikkiin kysymyksiin. Kirja ei saa joutua näsien käsiin. Tontut löytävät avaimen, mutta eivät pääse kotiin ennen kuin Kauko on veistänyt uuden potkurin... ...Maanviljelijä Olli Santanen, hänen vaimonsa Kerttu ja heidän koiransa Vikki, ovat autuaan tietämättömiä tästä kaikesta. He vain sattuvat asumaan luolan lähellä.

tiistai 10. kesäkuuta 2014

koToiviainen @autosanoo @lauriojain KÄRSÄMÄKI 1 - TUTTISUU 0

Suomettumisen asiantuntijan Vihavaisen olisi hyvä muistaa, että suomettuminen oli kaksisuuntainen prosessi, jossa myös Neuvostoliitto teki koko ajan kompromisseja. Alunperinhän Lista 1:tä tuli seurata vielä Lista 2 ja kenties vielä useita muita listoja, mutta nämä heitettiin Moskovassa roskakoriin. Sotarikosoikeudenkäynnit olivat Neuvostoliitolle täysin poliittinen taktiikka, ja Neuvostoliitto luopui nopeasti yrityksistä saada Itä-Karjalan miehityksen ylempää johtoa vastuuseen miehityshallinnon rikoksista ihmisyyttä vastaan. Stalin ja Molotov ymmärsivät, että Suomen ulkopoliittiseen linjaan olisi helpompaa vaikuttaa muunlaisin keinoin.

ro Oho, en ole kuullutkaan.

Leevi Toikka @LeeviToikka 3 weeks @RT_com Finnish FM Erkki Tuomioja says:"Russian #media is on it's own level at propaganda" Please forgive him - he is really old. Re4 weeks @RT_America preview from #Torture program. One individual being tortured in this pic. Reply Retweet Favorite Lee @itvnews Just wait for the Team America to make time in their seek&destroy -schedule and they'll be there murdering everything.rvatismi on oikeastaan kaikista joustavin ja muuntautumiskykyisin poliittinen ideologia, se päivittyy joka päivä kannattamaan sitä mitä eilen epäonnistuneesti vastusti. Kukaan ei pysty yhtä radikaaleihin suunnanmuutoksiin kuin konservatiivi. luonnonvarojen rajallisuuden asettamat kasvun rajat. En usko, että yksikään tuleva sukupolvi tulee saavuttamaan sitä elintasoa, joka meillä on vielä muutaman kymmenen vuoden ajan. Tämä päivä tulee siis olemaan tulevien vuosisatojen, kenties jopa vuosituhansien konservatiivien myyttinen eldorado, aika ja paikka jossa kaikki oli hyvin. Nämä tulevaisuuden konservatiivit, eikä kukaan heidän aikalaisistaan tule ymmärtämään Vihavaisen valitusta italo-westerneistä ja muista aikamme "ongelmista". Mutta se mikä nykyisessä kulttuurissamme olisi säilyttämisen arvoista, ei ole seurausta jostain sen immanenteista ominaisuuksista, vaan on jatkuvan konfliktin tulost, vaan on jatkuvan konfliktin tulosta. Ajatus kulttuureista staattisina, ihmismassojen kohtalot etukäteen määrittävinä voimina on konservatiivinen myytti - todellisuudessa länsimaisen kulttuurin vaarallinen vihollinen ovat aina olleet sen sisäiset barbaarien laumat, alistetut joiden jatkuva työ on jatkuvasti pitänyt yhteiskunnan pyörät pyörimässä. Nämä alistetut ovat tämän tästä paenneet hallitsijoitaan (plantaaseilta katakombeihin, linnanherroja kaupunkivaltioihin, hökkelikylistä Amerikkaan ja rintamamiestonteilta Saabin tehtaalle Ruotsiin), mutta myös kääntyneet sortajiaan vastaan ja muuttaneet yhteiskuntia täysin toisenlaisiksi. Antiikin ja feodalismin ajan hallitsevista luokista ei enää mitään ole jäljellä, heidän kulttuuristaankin vain heijastuma monen muun kulttuurikerroksen alta. Vaikka alistettujen vastarinta ei koskaan ole onnistunut pääsemään vallanpitäjistä kokonaan eroon, se on kuitenkin aikaansaanut yhteiskunnan, joka on monessa suhteessa siedettävämpi kuin yksikään mitä tämä kulttuuri on onnistunut tuottamaan sitten ensimmäisten valtioiden syntymisen. Samaten mikään kulttuuri ei ole autenttinen, mutta toisaalta uutta autenttisuutta luodaan koko ajan. Ne asiat, jotka ovat meille hämmästyttäviä uutuuksia, ovat lapsillemme osa heidän kulttuuriympäristöään, ja niiden katoaminen johtaisi ahdistukseen ja vierauden tunteeseen. Eli siitä huolimatta, että anarkistit ja antiautoritäärit ovat aina olleet vallitsevan kulttuurin vastainen voima, he ovat olleet kiinteä osa kaikkia niitä alistettujen joukkoliikkeitä, jotka ovat muokanneet hallitsevan kulttuurin nykyisen kaltaiseksi - toisinaan marginaalissa, toisinaan aivan keskiössä. N#KUUNTELEMINUA #KUUNTELENSINUA #ÄÄNIKUNON #TUONKANSANRADIONSori, piti vain heittää jotain ilkeää kostoksi siitä että olen plarannut eppunsa ei ole ujo.

maanantai 9. kesäkuuta 2014

Älä manipuloi. minua virtuaalikyynelillä

nin islamin, maahanmuuton ja "poliittisen korrektiuden" uhasta. Kahdesta ensimmäisestä hän ei välttämättä sano mitään mitä esimerkiksi Halla-Aho ei olisi sanonut. Näihin teemoihin palaan toisessa yhteydessä, ja keskityn käsittelemään Vihavaisen näkemyksiä länsimaisesta kulttuurista. Väitteen "poliittisen korrektiuden" rapauttavasta vaikutuksesta voi kumota suoraan kirjan itsensä saamalla vastaanotolla. Aamulehti kertoo meille Vihavaisen kaivavan verta nenästään, mutta oikeasti kukaan ei ole vetämässä häntä turpaan. Edes tiedonantaja ei lyö Vihavaista päähän rasismin leimakirveellä. Toki on olemassa toisaalta virallisia totuuksia ja toisaalta marginalisoituja näkemyksiä joita ei näy valtamediassa, mutta selvästikään Suomessa ei ole mitään poliittisen epäkorrektiuden vaientavaa Stasia. Joka toista väittää, on ymmärtänyt väärin mitä "poliittisen vaino" tarkoittaa. Tämä ei kuitenkaan estä professoria asettamasta itseään, ja koko länsimaista kulttuuria uhrin asemaan.Mitä tahansa keskenään täysin ristiriitaisia asioita "länsimainen kulttuuri" sitten tarkoittaakaan (keskiaikaista feodalismia, absolutismia ja maailman valloitusta, kapitalismia tai sosialismia tai sitten parlamentarismia ja ihmisoikeuksia), joka tapauksessa se ei enää edusta ihmiskunnan kehityksen kärkeä, vaan jotain heikkoa ja haurasta, joka tarvitsee paapomista ja suojelua. Konservatiivit, maahanmuuttokriitikot ja osa miesasialiikkeestä pyrkivät rekuperoimaan (eli haltuunottamaan) uhriuden aseman pois kehityskriitikoilta, kolonialismin vastustajilta ja feministeiltä, ja nyt uhrin asemassa ovat kristityt valkoiset heteromiehet. Nyt he tarvitsevat erioikeuksia, turvakoteja ja reservaatteja, internetiin heille on jo perustettukin sellainen. Hyvä esimerkki tästä uhriajattelusta on suomalaisten fasCistien (kyllä, he aivan itse käyttävät viiteryhmistään tällaista sanaa! 1, 2 ) Sarastus-verkkolehti, jonka agenda on itkeä siitä miten konservatiiveja ja kansallismielisiä ollaan vainottu ja vainotaan. Mussolini ja muut omaan ylivertaisuuteensa ja voittamattomuuteensa uskoneet 1920-luvun fasistit pillahtaisivat itkuun jos he näkisivät kuinka alas heidän seuraajansa ovat vajonneet. Anarkistina olen aina ajatellut olevani luuserien puolella, mutta tätä fasCistien itsesäälissä rypemistä lukiessa melkein haluaa kääntää veistä haavassa ja tallata uppoavaa syvemmälle suohon. Mutta sitä haavaa ja suota ei ole olemassa. Junetapro Entä itsellesi? 6, Russia celebrates the anniversary of Alexander Pushkin's birth, hailed as the father of Russian literature, widely called the “Sun of Russian poetry.” As of 2010, this date also marks Russian Language day, established by the UN to celebrate cultural diversity and multilingualism. thinkRUSSIA spoke with the last male descendant of the family line, also named Alexander Pushkin, about his famous ancestor, international activities and the importance of keeping close ties with Russia. The Pushkin family line Alexander Pushkin (1799-1837) is a Russian author of the Romantic era, who is considered to be the most renowned Russian poet and the founder of modern Russian literature. Russians call him the “Sun of Russian poetry,” and revere him as much as the British revere Shakespeare. Pushkin published his first poem at the age of 15, and since then was widely recognized by Russian literary establishment. His famous poems, such as Boris Godunov, Eugene Onegin, The Queen of Spades, and Golden Cockerel provided fertile grounds for Russian composers, who based their operas and performances on Pushkin’s works. Alexander Pushkin had four children, with descendants now living around the globe. Alexander Pushkin’s great granddaughter is married into the British royal family, as her husband was the uncle of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. Our interlocutor, Alexander Pushkin, is the great-grandson of Russia’s famous Alexander Pushkin, who lives in Belgium with his wife Maria Madelaine Pushkina-Durnova, another representative of the large Pushkin family. International Pushkin Foundation Alexander Pushkin: “My wife Masha and I established the International Pushkin Foundation in 1999, with the aim of spreading the literary heritage of an outstanding Russian poet and to support artistic and literary endeavors related to his works. The Foundation members include the poet’s descendants and relatives, simple admirers of his talent, artists, public figures and business community representatives, who contribute to the spread of Russian heritage and culture in Belgium and other European countries. For many years, we have been holding events dedicated to Alexander Pushkin in Europe and in Russia. The Foundation has branches in Moscow and St. Petersburg, where the Children’s School of Etiquette was open with the Foundation’s assistance. In Belgium these activities are carried out together with the Russian Center of Culture and Science. A large number of books, documentaries and feature films have been distributed under the auspices of the Foundation that screens them during the Foundation Charity events in Brussels. This year the Foundation will take part in the opening of a monument to Alexander Pushkin in Luxemburg. The event will also be visited by the Grand Duke of Luxemburg, who is also a relative of the famous Russian poet. Keeping close ties with Russia Our Foundation contributes to the rapprochement of European and Russian cultures, and organizes annual trips to the “Pushkin places” for its Belgian and French members, so that they can get acquainted with Russian culture and everyday life in Russia. Since 2004, the participants visited St. Petersburg, Moscow, and Ukraine. On behalf of the Foundation, my wife Masha and I give the “Young Pushkin” prize to the best Estonian student learning the Russian language and to the best Russian student, learning Estonian. Both of us think it is of great importance to keep close ties with your country of origin, especially for those living abroad. In the absence of having children ourselves, we decided to extend the Foundation’s patronage to the Children Cancer Center in St. Petersburg. Year after year we raise funds to purchase vital medical equipment and supplies. For this we organize annual fundraising gala events called “Russian Heritage” that serve two functions: fundraising and promoting Russian culture and language. Since 2000, the Foundation has contributed a large amount of necessary equipment to the Children Cancer Center, including operating tables, high-tech computer and monitoring equipment, hospital beds for intensive care and other facilities that save children’s lives every day. We believe everyone will agree that the productivity of cooperation between Russian and European people largely depends on mutual respect, which in its turn should be based on common cultural interests. In this regard Alexander Pushkin’s figure is symbolic and unique, since he has managed to become an example of the best of European culture and the embodiment of Russian national spirit. His importance is undeniable for Europeans, his name is an absolute value for Russians. Check out an infographic on Alexander Pushkin’s family line here. Are you familiar with Alexander Pushkin’s work? Which one is your favorite? Alexander Pushkin is deputy president of the International Pushkin Foundation in Brussels and is the last male descendant of the great Russian poet. He is involved in developing closer cultural ties between European and Russian communities, as well as in active charity workΩραίο χαμόγελο να φιλήσω λίγο;Yhdistelmäehkäisy: selibaatti ja syrjäytyminen.

sunnuntai 8. kesäkuuta 2014

Ensi kerralla alasti. Käsi kädessä. Iholla.

@tapHIRVEÄ SUTINA SUHINA JA SUPINA KÄY KOKO AJANrotapro Siihen voit luottaa. Hastá mañana, Repekka. On aika mennä, mun mennä, mun täytyy mennä, Repekka. Mua ethän unhoita tultua yön.ilen Vähän niin kuin #vahinkomurha, mutta seksuaalisesti.humblebragille keltainen korttiPetri Nygård - Sanon suoraan SENSUROIMATONPetri Nygård - Villi ja vitun vapaalemmikki marejatalle

lauantai 7. kesäkuuta 2014

Βελζεβούλα stá mañana, Repekka on mulla laulu, tää laulu vain pieni laulu, Repekka sen luokses siivitän tullessa yönKiero ja kärttyisä setä, joka ei ole yhtään lupsakka. ‏@velze_voula 15. elokuuta 2012 Εδώ δενομαστε με παλιές μπλούζες, δε θα δενομαστε με ανθρώπους;

keskiviikko 4. kesäkuuta 2014

Mutta missä on hyttyset?! Ei tämä ole, perkeles, kesä eikä mikään jos ei saa kiroilla hyttysiä! #BringBackOurMosquitos this world and the next haluatko jonkun tietyn jäsenen? #suhtoleellinenkymysysI’m kind of dependent on the text that is hand written on the signs of guidance. Or maybe I’ll just run in to some wise man with wind in his soul and a solid navigation plan. Then I surely would sail from exit to the entrance But ‘till such aid for me is offered I have to forget how much I’ve suffered and to stop bragging with my scar tissue. That is what I think about the shift It's like a weightless leaf on a drift with this faith in mind, love is not an mollo jätkät tulee no sen ku nyt tietais
HEHE @TSVKOM · 17 t .@Plutokraatti Sinua emme lisää Kärttyisät sedät -listalle, senkin höpönassuhumoristi.Libertarian socialism From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Part of a series on Libertarian socialism Concepts[hide] #eitämämeidäntwittervirtaniinvilkasole #teidätonkutsuttutöihin #kompromisssuomi2014Anti-authoritarianism Anti-capitalism Anti-consumerism Anti-Leninism Anti-Stalinist left Anti-statism Classless society Consensus democracy Common ownership Commons Commune Decentralization Decentralized planning Direct democracy Dual power Class struggle Economic democracy Egalitarian community Free association Free love Free school Free store Mass strike Guilds Libertarian municipalism Mutual aid Phalanstère Prefigurative politics Proletarian internationalism Refusal of work Social center Social enterprise State capitalism Stateless society Squatting Ultra-leftism Use value Wage slavery Workers' control Worker cooperative Workers' council Models[hide] Gift economyNikke Ankara - Perjantai 13. Communalism Communization Economic democracy Guild socialism Inclusive Democracy Left-wing market anarchism Participatory economics Socialization People[hide] Gerrard Winstanley Charles Fourier Josiah Warren Pierre-Joseph Proudhon Joseph Déjacque Francesc Pi i Margall Mikhail Bakunin Louise Michel Peter Kropotkin William Morris Oscar Wilde Benjamin Tucker Errico Malatesta Leo Tolstoy Francesc Ferrer i Guàrdia Emma Goldman G. D. H. Cole Ricardo Flores Magón Gustav Landauer Rudolf Rocker Otto Rühle Antonie Pannekoek Buenaventura Durruti Nestor Makhno Sylvia Pankhurst Paul Mattick Mahatma Gandhi Dorothy Day Herbert Marcuse Cornelius Castoriadis Paul Goodman Colin Ward Chris Pallis Daniel Guérin Murray Bookchin Guy Debord Raoul Vaneigem Abbie Hoffman Antonio Negri Takis Fotopoulos Noam Chomsky Gilles Dauvé Michael Albert Subcomandante Marcos Philosophies[hide] Anarcho-communism Anarchist economics Anarcho-syndicalism Autonomism Collectivist anarchism Council communism Fourierism Gandhian economics Insurrectionary anarchism Libertarian Marxism Left communism Luxemburgism Magonism Mutualism Participism Platformism Social anarchism Social ecology Situationist International Revolutionary syndicalism Yippies Zapatismo Significant events[hide] Diggers Cantonal Revolution Paris Commune Haymarket affair Strandzha Commune February Revolution Bavarian Soviet Republic German Revolution of 1918–1919 Biennio Rosso Free Territory Left-wing uprisings against the Bolsheviks Kronstadt uprising Escuela Moderna Mexican Revolution Spanish Revolution 1953 East German uprising 1956 Hungarian Revolution May 1968 in France Prague Spring Left Communism in China Autonomia Operaia Zapatista Uprising 1999 Seattle WTO protests Argentinazo Occupy movement Related topics[hide] Anarchism Libertarianism Left-libertarianism Marxism Socialism Anarchism portal Socialism portal Libertarianism portal Philosophy portal Politics portal v t e Libertarian socialism (sometimes called social anarchism,[1][2] left-libertarianism[3][4] and socialist libertarianism[5]) is a group of political philosophies that promote a non-hierarchical, non-bureaucratic society without private property in the means of production. Libertarian socialists believe in converting present-day private productive property into common, while retaining respect for personal property, based on occupancy and use.[6] Libertarian socialism is opposed to coercive forms of social organization. It promotes free association in place of government and opposes the social relations of capitalism, such as wage labor.[7] The term libertarian socialism is used by some socialists to differentiate their philosophy from state socialism,[8][9] and by some as a synonym for anarchism.[1][2][10] Adherents of libertarian socialism assert that a society based on freedom and equality can be achieved through abolishing authoritarian institutions that control certain means of production and subordinate the majority to an owning class or political and economic elite.[11] Libertarian socialism also constitutes a tendency of thought that promotes the identification, criticism, and practical dismantling of illegitimate authority in all aspects of life.[12][13][14][15][16][17][18] Accordingly, libertarian socialists believe that "the exercise of power in any institutionalized form—whether economic, political, religious, or sexual—brutalizes both the wielder of power and the one over whom it is exercised".[19] Libertarian socialists generally place their hopes in decentralized means of direct democracy such as libertarian municipalism, citizens' assemblies, trade unions, and workers' councils.[20] Political philosophies commonly described as libertarian socialist include most varieties of anarchism (especially anarchist communism, anarchist collectivism, anarcho-syndicalism,[21] and mutualism[22]) as well as autonomism, Communalism, participism, libertarian Marxist philosophies such as council communism and Luxemburgism,[23] and some versions of "utopian socialism"[24] and individualist anarchism.[25][26][27] Contents [hide] 1 Overview 1.1 Anti-capitalism 1.2 Anti-authoritarianism and opposition to the state 1.3 Civil liberties and individual freedom 1.4 Violent and non-violent means 1.5 Environmental issues 2 Political roots 2.1 Within early modern socialist thought 2.1.1 Peasant revolts in the post-reformation era 2.1.2 The Enlightenment 2.1.3 The Romantic era and "Utopian Socialism" 2.2 Anarchism 2.3 Marxism 3 Notable libertarian socialist tendencies 3.1 Classical anarchist tendencies 3.1.1 Mutualism 3.1.2 Collectivist anarchism 3.1.3 Anarchist communism 3.1.4 Within individualist anarchism 3.1.5 Anarcho-syndicalism 3.2 Libertarian Marxist tendencies 3.2.1 De Leonism 3.2.2 Council communism 3.2.3 Left communism 3.2.4 Johnson–Forest tendency 3.2.5 Socialisme ou Barbarie 3.2.6 Situationist International 3.2.7 Autonomism 3.3 Other tendencies 3.3.1 Georgism 3.3.2 Guild socialism 3.3.3 Revolutionary syndicalism 3.3.4 Christian anarchism 3.3.5 Gandhism 3.3.6 Platformism 3.3.7 Within the New Left 3.3.8 Social ecology and Communalism 3.3.9 Participism 3.3.10 Inclusive Democracy 3.3.11 Insurrectionary anarchism 3.3.12 Within the labour movement and parliamentary politics 3.3.13 Zapatismo and Magonism 3.3.14 Left wing market anarchism 3.3.15 Communization 4 Contemporary libertarian socialism 5 Libertarian socialist periodicals 6 See also 7 References 8 Bibliography 9 External links 9.1 Libertarian socialist general resources 9.2 Introductory articles 9.3 Libertarian socialist websites 9.4 Libertarian socialist history 9.5 Film Overview[edit] Libertarian socialism is a western philosophy with diverse interpretations, though some general commonalities can be found in its many incarnations. Its proponents generally advocate a worker-oriented system of production and organization in the workplace that in some aspects radically departs from neoclassical economics in favor of democratic cooperatives or common ownership of the means of production (socialism).[28] They propose that this economic system be executed in a manner that attempts to maximize the liberty of individuals and minimize concentration of power or authority (libertarianism). August 17, 1860 edition of libertarian Communist publication Le Libertaire edited by Joseph Déjacque. Libertarian socialists are strongly critical of coercive institutions, which often leads them to reject the legitimacy of the state in favor of anarchism.[29] Adherents propose achieving this through decentralization of political and economic power, usually involving the socialization of most large-scale private property and enterprise (while retaining respect for personal property). Libertarian socialism tends to deny the legitimacy of most forms of economically significant private property, viewing capitalist property relations as forms of domination that are antagonistic to individual freedom.[30][31] The first anarchist journal to use the term "libertarian" was Le Libertaire, Journal du Mouvement Social and it was published in New York City between 1858 and 1861 by French anarcho-communist Joseph Déjacque.[32] "The next recorded use of the term was in Europe, when "libertarian communism" was used at a French regional anarchist Congress at Le Havre (16–22 November 1880). January the following year saw a French manifesto issued on "Libertarian or Anarchist Communism." Finally, 1895 saw leading anarchists Sébastien Faure and Louise Michel publish La Libertaire in France."[32] The word stems from the French word libertaire, and was used to evade the French ban on anarchist publications.[33] In this tradition, the term "libertarianism" in "libertarian socialism" is generally used as a synonym for anarchism, which some say is the original meaning of the term; hence "libertarian socialism" is equivalent to "socialist anarchism" to these scholars.[2][34] In the context of the European socialist movement, libertarian has conventionally been used to describe those who opposed state socialism, such as Mikhail Bakunin. The association of socialism with libertarianism predates that of capitalism, and many anti-authoritarians still decry what they see as a mistaken association of capitalism with libertarianism in the United States.[35] As Noam Chomsky put it, a consistent libertarian "must oppose private ownership of the means of production and wage slavery, which is a component of this system, as incompatible with the principle that labor must be freely undertaken and under the control of the producer."[36] In a chapter recounting the history of libertarian socialism, economist Robin Hahnel relates that thus far the period where libertarian socialism has had its greatest impact was at the end of the 19th century through the first four decades of the twentieth century. Early in the twentieth century, libertarian socialism was as powerful a force as social democracy and communism. The Libertarian International– founded at the Congress of Saint Imier a few days after the split between Marxist and libertarians at the congress of the Socialist International held in The Hague in 1872– competed successfully against social democrats and communists alike for the loyalty of anticapitalist activists, revolutionaries, workers, unions and political parties for over fifty years. Libertarian socialists played a major role in the Russian revolutions of 1905 and 1917. Libertarian socialists played a dominant role in the Mexican Revolution of 1911. Twenty years after World War I was over, libertarian socialists were still strong enough to spearhead the social revolution that swept across Republican Spain in 1936 and 1937.[37] On the other hand a libertarian trend also developed within marxism which gained visibility around the late 1910s mainly in reaction against Bolshevism and Leninism rising to power and establishing the Soviet Union. Contemporary libertarian Marxist Harry Cleaver describes the situation as follows: Outside and against this process of turning of Marxism into an ideology of domination, however, were various revolutionary tendencies which still drew on Marx's work to inform their struggles and which rejected both social- democratic and Marxist-Leninist versions of his theory. The most interesting of these, those that are relevant to my current purpose, have been those which insisted on the primacy of the self-activity and creativity of people in struggle against capitalism. Within the space of these tendencies there has developed a coherent critique of "orthodox Marxism" that includes not only a rejection of the concept of "the transition" but a reconceptualization of the process of transcending capitalism that has remarkable similarities to Kropotkin's thinking on this subject. ... Thus one of the earliest political tendencies within which this approach appeared after the Russian revolution of 1917 was that of "Council Communism" which saw the "workers councils" in Germany (see Bavarian Soviet Republic), or the soviets in Russia, as new organizational forms constructed by the people. As with the anarchists, they too saw the Bolshevik take-over of the soviets (like that of the trade unions) as subverting the revolution and beginning the restoration of domination and exploitation. ... Over the years this emphasis on working class autonomy has resulted in a reinterpretation of Marxist theory that has brought out the two-sided character of the class struggle and shifted the focus from capital (the preoccupation of orthodox Marxism) to the workers. ... As a result, not only has there been a recognition that capitalism seeks to subordinate everyone's life (from the traditional factory proletariat to peasants, housewives and students) but that all those peoples' struggles involve both the resistance to this subordination and the effort to construct alternative ways of being.[38] Anti-capitalism[edit] Main article: Anti-capitalism Part of a series on Socialism Red flag waving.svg Development[show] Ideas[show] Models[show] Variants[show] History by country[show] People[show] Organizations[show] Socialism portal Economics portal Politics portal v t e Libertarian socialists are anti-capitalist, and can thus be distinguished from right-wing libertarians. Whereas capitalist (and right-libertarian) principles concentrate economic power in the hands of those who own the most capital, libertarian socialism aims to distribute power, and thus freedom, more equally amongst members of society. A key difference between libertarian socialism and capitalist libertarianism is that advocates of the former generally believe that one's degree of freedom is affected by one's economic and social status, whereas advocates of the latter focus on freedom of choice within a capitalist framework. This is sometimes characterized as a desire to maximize "free creativity" in a society in preference to "free enterprise."[39] Within anarchism there emerged a critique of wage slavery which refers to a situation perceived as quasi-voluntary slavery,[40] where a person's livelihood depends on wages, especially when the dependence is total and immediate.[41][42] It is a negatively connoted term used to draw an analogy between slavery and wage labor by focusing on similarities between owning and renting a person. The term wage slavery has been used to criticize economic exploitation and social stratification, with the former seen primarily as unequal bargaining power between labor and capital (particularly when workers are paid comparatively low wages, e.g. in sweatshops),[43] and the latter as a lack of workers' self-management, fulfilling job choices and leisure in an economy.[44][45][46] Libertarian socialists believe if freedom is valued, then society must work towards a system in which individuals have the power to decide economic issues along with political issues. Libertarian socialists seek to replace unjustified authority with direct democracy, voluntary federation, and popular autonomy in all aspects of life,[47] including physical communities and economic enterprises. With the advent of the industrial revolution, thinkers such as Proudhon and Marx elaborated the comparison between wage labor and slavery in the context of a critique of societal property not intended for active personal use,[48][49] Luddites emphasized the dehumanization brought about by machines while later Emma Goldman famously denounced wage slavery by saying: "The only difference is that you are hired slaves instead of block slaves.".[50] Many libertarian socialists argue that large-scale voluntary associations should manage industrial manufacture, while workers retain rights to the individual products of their labor.[51] As such, they see a distinction between the concepts of "private property" and "personal possession". Whereas "private property" grants an individual exclusive control over a thing whether it is in use or not, and regardless of its productive capacity, "possession" grants no rights to things that are not in use.[52] Anti-authoritarianism and opposition to the state[edit] v t e Libertarian socialists generally regard concentrations of power as sources of oppression that must be continually challenged and justified. Most libertarian socialists believe that when power is exercised, as exemplified by the economic, social, or physical dominance of one individual over another, the burden of proof is always on the authoritarian to justify their action as legitimate when taken against its effect of narrowing the scope of human freedom.[53] Libertarian socialists typically oppose rigid and stratified structures of authority, be they political, economic, or social.[54] In lieu of corporations and states, libertarian socialists seek to organize society into voluntary associations (usually collectives, communes, municipalities, cooperatives, commons, or syndicates) that use direct democracy or consensus for their decision-making process. Some libertarian socialists advocate combining these institutions using rotating, recallable delegates to higher-level federations.[55] Spanish anarchism is a major example of such federations in practice. Contemporary examples of libertarian socialist organizational and decision-making models in practice include a number of anti-capitalist and global justice movements[56] including Zapatista Councils of Good Government and the Global Indymedia network (which covers 45 countries on six continents). There are also many examples of indigenous societies around the world whose political and economic systems can be accurately described as anarchist or libertarian socialist, each of which is unique and uniquely suited to the culture that birthed it.[57] For libertarians, that diversity of practice within a framework of common principles is proof of the vitality of those principles and of their flexibility and strength. Contrary to popular opinion, libertarian socialism has not traditionally been a utopian movement, tending to avoid dense theoretical analysis or prediction of what a future society would or should look like. The tradition instead has been that such decisions cannot be made now, and must be made through struggle and experimentation, so that the best solution can be arrived at democratically and organically, and to base the direction for struggle on established historical example. They point out that the success of the scientific method comes from its adherence to open rational exploration, not its conclusions, in sharp contrast to dogma and predetermined predictions. To libertarian socialists, dogmatic approaches to social organization are doomed to failure; and thus they reject Marxist notions of linear and inevitable historical progression.[citation needed] Noted anarchist Rudolf Rocker once stated, "I am an anarchist not because I believe anarchism is the final goal, but because there is no such thing as a final goal".[58] Because libertarian socialism encourages exploration and embraces a diversity of ideas rather than forming a compact movement, there have arisen inevitable controversies over individuals who describe themselves as libertarian socialists but disagree with some of the core principles of libertarian socialism. For example, Peter Hain interprets libertarian socialism as minarchist rather than anarchist, favoring radical decentralization of power without going as far as the complete abolition of the state[59] and libertarian socialist Noam Chomsky supports dismantling all forms of unjustified social or economic power, while also emphasizing that state intervention should be supported as a temporary protection while oppressive structures remain in existence. Proponents are known for opposing the existence of states or government and refusing to participate in coercive state institutions. Indeed, in the past many refused to swear oaths in court or to participate in trials, even when they faced imprisonment[60] or deportation.[61] Civil liberties and individual freedom[edit] Main articles: Free love, Anarchism and issues related to love and sex, Anarchism and religion, Anarcha-feminism, Anarchism and education, Queer anarchism and Individualist anarchism Libertarian socialists have been strong advocates and activists of civil liberties that provide an individual specific rights such as the freedom in issues of love and sex (free love) (see Anarchism and issues related to love and sex) and of thought and conscience (freethought). In this activism they have clashed with state and religious institutions which have limited such rights (see Anarchism and religion). Anarchism has been an important advocate of free love since its birth. Later a strong tendency of free love appeared alongside anarcha-feminism and advocacy of LGBT rights (see Anarchism and issues related to LGBTI persons). In recent times anarchism has also voiced opinions and taken action around certain sex related subjects such as pornography,[62] BDSM[63] and the sex industry.[63] American anarchist Emma Goldman, prominent anarcha-feminist, free love and freethought activist Anarcha-feminism developed as a synthesis of radical feminism and anarchism that views patriarchy (male domination over women) as a fundamental manifestation of compulsory government. It was inspired by the late 19th century writings of early feminist anarchists such as Lucy Parsons, Emma Goldman, Voltairine de Cleyre and Virginia Bolten. Anarcha-feminists, like other radical feminists, criticise and advocate the abolition of traditional conceptions of family, education and gender roles. Also the council communist Sylvia Pankhurst was a feminist activist as well as a libertarian marxist. Anarchists also took a pioneering interest in issues related to LGBTI persons. An important current within anarchism is free love.[64] Free love advocates sometimes traced their roots back to the early anarchist Josiah Warren and to experimental communities, viewed sexual freedom as a clear, direct expression of an individual's self-ownership. Free love particularly stressed women's rights since most sexual laws discriminated against women: for example, marriage laws and anti-birth control measures.[65] Libertarian socialists have traditionally been skeptical of and opposed to organized religion.[66] Freethought is a philosophical viewpoint that holds opinions should be formed on the basis of science, logic, and reason, and should not be influenced by authority, tradition, or other dogmas.[41][67] The cognitive application of freethought is known as "freethinking," and practitioners of freethought are known as "freethinkers."[41] In the United States, "freethought was a basically anti-Christian, anti-clerical movement, whose purpose was to make the individual politically and spiritually free to decide for himself on religious matters. A number of contributors to Liberty (anarchist publication) were prominent figures in both freethought and anarchism. The individualist anarchist George MacDonald was a co-editor of Freethought and, for a time, The Truth Seeker. E.C. Walker was co-editor of / free love journal Lucifer, the Light-Bearer".[68] Free Society (1895–1897 as The Firebrand; 1897–1904 as Free Society) was a major anarchist newspaper in the United States at the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth centuries.[69] The publication staunchly advocated free love and women's rights, and critiqued "Comstockery" – censorship of sexual information. In 1901, Catalan anarchist and free-thinker Francesc Ferrer i Guàrdia established "modern" or progressive schools in Barcelona in defiance of an educational system controlled by the Catholic Church.[70] The schools' stated goal was to "educate the working class in a rational, secular and non-coercive setting". Fiercely anti-clerical, Ferrer believed in "freedom in education", education free from the authority of church and state[71] (see Anarchism and education). Violent and non-violent means[edit] See also: Anarchism and violence Some libertarian socialists see violent revolution as necessary in the abolition of capitalist society. Along with many others, Errico Malatesta argued that the use of violence was necessary; as he put it in Umanità Nova (no. 125, September 6, 1921): It is our aspiration and our aim that everyone should become socially conscious and effective; but to achieve this end, it is necessary to provide all with the means of life and for development, and it is therefore necessary to destroy with violence, since one cannot do otherwise, the violence that denies these means to the workers.[72] Pierre-Joseph Proudhon argued in favor of a non-violent revolution through a process of dual power in which libertarian socialist institutions would be established and form associations enabling the formation of an expanding network within the existing state-capitalist framework with the intention of eventually rendering both the state and the capitalist economy obsolete. The progression towards violence in anarchism stemmed, in part, from the massacres of some of the communes inspired by the ideas of Proudhon and others. Many anarcho-communists began to see a need for revolutionary violence to counteract the violence inherent in both capitalism and government.[73] Anarcho-pacifism is a tendency within the anarchist movement which rejects the use of violence in the struggle for social change.[74][75] The main early influences were the thought of Henry David Thoreau[75] and Leo Tolstoy.[74][75] It developed "mostly in Holland (sic), Britain, and the United States, before and during the Second World War".[76] Opposition to the use of violence has not prohibited anarcho-pacifists from accepting the principle of resistance or even revolutionary action (see: non-violent revolution) provided it does not result in violence; it was in fact their approval of such forms of opposition to power that lead many anarcho-pacifists to endorse the anarcho-syndicalist concept of the general strike as the great revolutionary weapon. Later anarcho-pacifists have also come to endorse to non-violent strategy of dual power. Other anarchists have believed that violence (especially self-defense) is justified as a way to provoke social upheaval which could lead to a social revolution. v t e Green anarchism, or ecoanarchism, is a school of thought within anarchism which puts a particular emphasis on environmental issues. An important early influence was the thought of the American anarchist Henry David Thoreau and his book Walden,[77] as well as Leo Tolstoy[78] and Elisee Reclus.[79][80] In the late 19th century there emerged anarcho-naturism as the fusion of anarchism and naturist philosophies within individualist anarchist circles in France, Spain, Cuba[81] and Portugal.[78][77] Important contemporary currents are anarcho-primitivism and social ecology.[82] An important meeting place for international libertarian socialism in the early 1990s was the journal Democracy & Nature in which prominent activists and theorists such as Takis Fotopoulos, Noam Chomsky,[83] Murray Bookchin and Cornelius Castoriadis[84] wrote. The journal promoted a green libertarian socialism when it manifested as its aims that: “ ...the public realm has to be extended beyond the traditional political domain to the economic and broader social domains so that the reintegration of society with the economy, polity and Nature can be achieved. In this sense, democracy should be seen as irreconcilable with any form of inequity in the distribution of power, that is, with any concentration of power, political, social or economic. Consequently, democracy is incompatible with commodity and property relations, which inevitably lead to concentration of power. Similarly, it is incompatible with hierarchical structures implying domination, either institutionalised (e.g., domination of women by men), or "objective" (e.g., domination of the South by the North in the framework of the capitalist division of labour), and the implied notion of dominating the natural world. Finally, democracy is fundamentally incompatible with any closed system of beliefs, dogmas, or ideas. So, democracy, for us, has nothing to do with the present dominant liberal conception of democracy... "Our aims" by Democracy & Natureραχή® ‏@Chrysopsaro 16. toukokuuta Αυτό το "για κάποιους είσαι ένα τίποτα και για κάποιους άλλους τα πάντα" ισχύει... Εμείς έχουμε την τάση να μην το βλέπουμε...

tiistai 3. kesäkuuta 2014

colour revolutions nähty

Senior Defense Ministry officials developed that argument during their subsequent remarks. According to them, Western intelligence agencies conspire to foment "color revolutions" around the world. Itmonipuolinen orkesteri @TKSVOM on. WE HAVE HIGH EXPECTATIONS, DUDES turns out that Moscow considers "color revolutions" a new type of warfare. In his speech before the conference, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said, "Color revolutions are increasingly taking on the form of warfare and are developed according to the rules of warcraft." General Staff head Valery Gerasimov and Main Operations Directorate head Vladimir Zarudnitsky expanded further on that brilliant idea. In fact, it appears that the primary function of the General Staff is to translate the policies of senior leaders into the language of military concepts. General Zarudnitsky did not disappoint: he painted a frightening picture of this new type of warfare, saying, "First, the countries organizing the overthrow of the undesirable government use their military potential to apply overt pressure, with the goal of preventing that state from using its security forces to restore law and order," Zarudnitsky said. "Then, as the opposition launches military operations against government forces, the foreign states provide military and economic aid to the rebels. After that, the coalition of countries can carry out military operations to defeat the government forces and assist the armed opposition forces to seize power," Zarudnitsky added. Interestingly, the Kremlin does not even consider the possibility that people living under authoritarian rule might simply get fed up with their leaders and rebel without outside provocation or assistance. According to Russia's generals, all popular uprisings are the result of foreign intervention — and yet they offered no evidence in support of that claim. Otherwise, they would have had difficulty explaining why, for example, Washington would have schemed to overthrow former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, whose regime had been loyal to the U.S. The general also made the curious argument that color revolutions are just another form of military action. He said, "It is impossible not to notice that all of the actions of the armed rebel groups, the tactical airstrikes and missile strikes using precision weapons were all highly organized, coordinated and linked in terms of their goals, objectives, timing and targets." He conveniently overlooked the fact that Libya was the only case where Western countries conducted military operations in support of an armed opposition. And yet there is no evidence that Libya's armed opposition were commanded by Western military headquarters. Moscow's main goal is to use smoke and mirrors to prove that color revolutions are really a form of disguised aggression that uses new technologies to destroy undesirable governments and remove them from the political arena. Russian officials tried to somehow force the situation in Ukraine to fit into their new construct. In so doing, they completely ignored the fact that the so-called "revolutionary" forces in Ukraine command that country's regular army, and that, according to the scenario spelled out by the head of the Main Operations Directorate, Russia played the role of the foreign government using its "military potential to apply overt pressure, with the goal of preventing that state from using its security forces to restore law and order" — in this case, by discouraging Kiev from using its army to deal with separatists in eastern Ukraine. Unfortunately, the pronouncements at the conference were not just so much hot air. Even though they were only acting on orders from above, Russian generals effectively breathed life into Putin's paranoid fantasies. After all, if "color revolutions" are really a new form of aggression, the General Staff must urgently develop a strategy for combating it. In this sense, Russia's annexation of Crimea and the actions of separatists in Ukraine's east and south can be seen as a sort of "color counter-revolution." What is more, that approach paves the way for using military forces to combat internal threats because the Kremlin is convinced that the West is constantly looking for a way to organize a "color revolution" in Russia. This sets up a chain of faulty conclusions in which Moscow interprets any protest against the authorities as an attempt to stage a color revolution — an act that is now defined as an act of aggression against the state. And by this logic, the government can mobilize not only the police and internal security forces to crack down on political protestors, but also the Army. Alexander Golts is deputy editor of the online newspaper Yezhednevny Zhurnal.finaalis

maanantai 2. kesäkuuta 2014

Niin tota mä vaan siis no kun mä mul ois sellane asia tai ei se nyt niin sillee oo mut kuiteski tavallaa niinku töttörööplörts #ujosössöily

sunnuntai 1. kesäkuuta 2014

Köyliössä vuonna 2007 rengastettu kalasääksikoiras Lalli on sittenkin elossa ja saapunut synnyinseuduilleen.

Ο άλλος έβαλε ολόκληρη σαλονοτραπεζαρία στο δρόμο για να μην του πιάσουν τη θέση του πάρκινγκ, έκατσαν δύο γιαγιάδες κ ψάχνουν το γκαρσόνι.Beethoven Emperor Concerto Nº5 E flat Glenn Gould TSO Karel A#ΧάριςHaris Alexiou - Mia Pista Apo Forforo Αλεξίου - Το tango της Νεφέληςuniteblue #tgdn #ctot #tcot

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