nin islamin, maahanmuuton ja "poliittisen korrektiuden" uhasta. Kahdesta ensimmäisestä hän ei välttämättä sano mitään mitä esimerkiksi Halla-Aho ei olisi sanonut. Näihin teemoihin palaan toisessa yhteydessä, ja keskityn käsittelemään Vihavaisen näkemyksiä länsimaisesta kulttuurista. Väitteen "poliittisen korrektiuden" rapauttavasta vaikutuksesta voi kumota suoraan kirjan itsensä saamalla vastaanotolla. Aamulehti kertoo meille Vihavaisen kaivavan verta nenästään, mutta oikeasti kukaan ei ole vetämässä häntä turpaan. Edes tiedonantaja ei lyö Vihavaista päähän rasismin leimakirveellä. Toki on olemassa toisaalta virallisia totuuksia ja toisaalta marginalisoituja näkemyksiä joita ei näy valtamediassa, mutta selvästikään Suomessa ei ole mitään poliittisen epäkorrektiuden vaientavaa Stasia. Joka toista väittää, on ymmärtänyt väärin mitä "poliittisen vaino" tarkoittaa.
Tämä ei kuitenkaan estä professoria asettamasta itseään, ja koko länsimaista kulttuuria uhrin asemaan.Mitä tahansa keskenään täysin ristiriitaisia asioita "länsimainen kulttuuri" sitten tarkoittaakaan (keskiaikaista feodalismia, absolutismia ja maailman valloitusta, kapitalismia tai sosialismia tai sitten parlamentarismia ja ihmisoikeuksia), joka tapauksessa se ei enää edusta ihmiskunnan kehityksen kärkeä, vaan jotain heikkoa ja haurasta, joka tarvitsee paapomista ja suojelua. Konservatiivit, maahanmuuttokriitikot ja osa miesasialiikkeestä pyrkivät rekuperoimaan (eli haltuunottamaan) uhriuden aseman pois kehityskriitikoilta, kolonialismin vastustajilta ja feministeiltä, ja nyt uhrin asemassa ovat kristityt valkoiset heteromiehet. Nyt he tarvitsevat erioikeuksia, turvakoteja ja reservaatteja, internetiin heille on jo perustettukin sellainen. Hyvä esimerkki tästä uhriajattelusta on suomalaisten fasCistien (kyllä, he aivan itse käyttävät viiteryhmistään tällaista sanaa! 1, 2 ) Sarastus-verkkolehti, jonka agenda on itkeä siitä miten konservatiiveja ja kansallismielisiä ollaan vainottu ja vainotaan. Mussolini ja muut omaan ylivertaisuuteensa ja voittamattomuuteensa uskoneet 1920-luvun fasistit pillahtaisivat itkuun jos he näkisivät kuinka alas heidän seuraajansa ovat vajonneet. Anarkistina olen aina ajatellut olevani luuserien puolella, mutta tätä fasCistien itsesäälissä rypemistä lukiessa melkein haluaa kääntää veistä haavassa ja tallata uppoavaa syvemmälle suohon. Mutta sitä haavaa ja suota ei ole olemassa. Junetapro Entä itsellesi? 6, Russia celebrates the anniversary of Alexander Pushkin's birth, hailed as the father of Russian literature, widely called the “Sun of Russian poetry.” As of 2010, this date also marks Russian Language day, established by the UN to celebrate cultural diversity and multilingualism. thinkRUSSIA spoke with the last male descendant of the family line, also named Alexander Pushkin, about his famous ancestor, international activities and the importance of keeping close ties with Russia.
The Pushkin family line
Alexander Pushkin (1799-1837) is a Russian author of the Romantic era, who is considered to be the most renowned Russian poet and the founder of modern Russian literature. Russians call him the “Sun of Russian poetry,” and revere him as much as the British revere Shakespeare. Pushkin published his first poem at the age of 15, and since then was widely recognized by Russian literary establishment. His famous poems, such as Boris Godunov, Eugene Onegin, The Queen of Spades, and Golden Cockerel provided fertile grounds for Russian composers, who based their operas and performances on Pushkin’s works.
Alexander Pushkin had four children, with descendants now living around the globe. Alexander Pushkin’s great granddaughter is married into the British royal family, as her husband was the uncle of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. Our interlocutor, Alexander Pushkin, is the great-grandson of Russia’s famous Alexander Pushkin, who lives in Belgium with his wife Maria Madelaine Pushkina-Durnova, another representative of the large Pushkin family.
International Pushkin Foundation
Alexander Pushkin: “My wife Masha and I established the International Pushkin Foundation in 1999, with the aim of spreading the literary heritage of an outstanding Russian poet and to support artistic and literary endeavors related to his works. The Foundation members include the poet’s descendants and relatives, simple admirers of his talent, artists, public figures and business community representatives, who contribute to the spread of Russian heritage and culture in Belgium and other European countries.
For many years, we have been holding events dedicated to Alexander Pushkin in Europe and in Russia. The Foundation has branches in Moscow and St. Petersburg, where the Children’s School of Etiquette was open with the Foundation’s assistance. In Belgium these activities are carried out together with the Russian Center of Culture and Science. A large number of books, documentaries and feature films have been distributed under the auspices of the Foundation that screens them during the Foundation Charity events in Brussels. This year the Foundation will take part in the opening of a monument to Alexander Pushkin in Luxemburg. The event will also be visited by the Grand Duke of Luxemburg, who is also a relative of the famous Russian poet.
Keeping close ties with Russia
Our Foundation contributes to the rapprochement of European and Russian cultures, and organizes annual trips to the “Pushkin places” for its Belgian and French members, so that they can get acquainted with Russian culture and everyday life in Russia. Since 2004, the participants visited St. Petersburg, Moscow, and Ukraine.
On behalf of the Foundation, my wife Masha and I give the “Young Pushkin” prize to the best Estonian student learning the Russian language and to the best Russian student, learning Estonian. Both of us think it is of great importance to keep close ties with your country of origin, especially for those living abroad.
In the absence of having children ourselves, we decided to extend the Foundation’s patronage to the Children Cancer Center in St. Petersburg. Year after year we raise funds to purchase vital medical equipment and supplies. For this we organize annual fundraising gala events called “Russian Heritage” that serve two functions: fundraising and promoting Russian culture and language. Since 2000, the Foundation has contributed a large amount of necessary equipment to the Children Cancer Center, including operating tables, high-tech computer and monitoring equipment, hospital beds for intensive care and other facilities that save children’s lives every day.
We believe everyone will agree that the productivity of cooperation between Russian and European people largely depends on mutual respect, which in its turn should be based on common cultural interests. In this regard Alexander Pushkin’s figure is symbolic and unique, since he has managed to become an example of the best of European culture and the embodiment of Russian national spirit. His importance is undeniable for Europeans, his name is an absolute value for Russians.
Check out an infographic on Alexander Pushkin’s family line here.
Are you familiar with Alexander Pushkin’s work? Which one is your favorite?
Alexander Pushkin is deputy president of the International Pushkin Foundation in Brussels and is the last male descendant of the great Russian poet. He is involved in developing closer cultural ties between European and Russian communities, as well as in active charity workΩραίο χαμόγελο να φιλήσω λίγο;Yhdistelmäehkäisy: selibaatti ja syrjäytyminen.
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