In the net people against war are systematically sensored by the government on menettänyt kaikki linkit
Taliban oli pudottanut hallitsemiltaan alueilta huumetuotannon nollatasolle, ja nyt Naton miehityksen alaisuudessa huumetuotanto on noussut huippulukemiin. Professori Michel Chossudovskyn mukaan Afganistanin huumetuotanto on niin arvokas tulonlähde läntisille tiedustelupalveluille, että se piti turvata. Afganistanin huumetuotanto on täysin Naton suojeluksessa.
Red Teams or Red Cells are U.S. government parlance for teams or units designed to test the effectiveness of U.S. tactics or personnel. "Red Cell" was purported to be a U.S. Navy SEAL team (comprised primarily of members of SEAL Team Six) which had been organized to attempt to infiltrate and otherwise test the security of U.S. military bases and other installations sensitive to U.S. security interests. The original Red Cell group was led by the former commander of Seal Team Six (DevGru) Richard Marcinko.
"Red Team" was also a term for the opposing force OpFor in a war game by western nations during the Cold War, a reference to the predominantly red flags of Communist nations (i.e. the USSR and China) with the western nation(s) being the Blue Team. The USSR used the same colors in reversed meaning -- they were the Red Team and the OpFor was the Blue Team.
[edit] See also
* Tiger team
“ Free speech has a number ”
— CBS News, February 20, 2008
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