keskiviikko 28. huhtikuuta 2010

There it is, a painless detached moment. there it goes

when we had drakhmas in greece life was good. everything had a price like 136. which was changed to be 1 euro. so in one night 136 became 300,.

an alien invasion, it did not go over too well. Colbert looked the future and saw that a lot of good can come of such an event. Like a t-shirt gun wi

the Silfra Fissure - the boundary between the North American and Eurasian tectonic plates

free internet, free anonymous communication and art, say no to cc

Laitonta kulttuurituotteiden lataamista vastustavaa kampanjaa rahoittaa mukana olevien järjestöjen ja yritysten lisäksi opetusministeriö. Kulttuuriministeri Stefan Wallin sanoo, että kysymys ei ole vain yksittäisten taiteilijoiden toimeentulosta, vaan laiton lataaminen heikentää suomalaisen luovan alan toimintamahdollisuuksia eli kotimaista kulttuurituotantoa laajasti. Mutta nyt on kuitenkin niin, ett' taiteilija ja jokainen kansalainen tulee kuulua perustulon piiriin.

Kampanja keskittyy alkuvaiheessaan Internetiin. Sen keulakuvana on humoristinen Captain Nation -hahmo , joka toimii omassa -verkkopalvelussaan ja on akti. Myöhemmin Captain alkaa näkyä myös televisiossa jA onneksi mainos on kamala ja vaikuttaa vastakkaisesti

Laajaan kampanjaan osallistuvat Filmikamari, Suomen elokuvasäätiö, Ääni- ja kuvatallennetuottajat ÄKT, Säveltäjäin tekijäinoikeustoimisto Teosto, Tekijänoikeusjärjestö Kopiosto, Suomen peliohjelmisto- ja multimediayhdistys FIGMA, Tietoliikenteen ja tietotekniikan keskusliitto FiCom sekä Tekijänoikeuden tiedotus- ja valvontakeskus. ja amerikka

tiistai 27. huhtikuuta 2010

Greece's surrender to the diktats of the IMF and the EU last Friday was confirmation of a death foretold. Three waves of austerity measures imposed by the government under EU instructions failed to persuade the markets to reduce their extortionate rates. Representatives of the IMF and the EU, like postmodern colonial administrators, are currently in Athens imposing further austerity to accompany the loan. Deep cuts in the public sector, reduction of civil servants' salaries and pensions of up to 30%, a VAT hike and extensive redundancies had already been accepted by the Papandreou government.

The new demands will decimate the public sector, undermine the national health service, privatise the remaining utilities and extend salary cuts to the private sector, destroying hard won employment rights. No public debate, parliamentary vote or referendum has authorised this wholesale destruction of the post-dictatorship social contract.

The government and the media present the crisis as an act of God not dissimilar to the volcanic eruption. The increasing difference in yields between German and Greek bonds (the "spreads") has been charted in the news like the rising temperatures of a summer heatwave. Strategic choices by financiers and the IMF are presented as unavoidable. Possible alternatives (exit from the eurozone, a eurobond, renegotiation of debt, suspension of payments) are dismissed without discussion.

The lesson is simple: our economies move according to unbreakable laws. Politics either accepts its status as the muscle man of neoliberalism or is marginalised. And yet the reality is exactly the opposite. Every step that led to the current predicament has been deeply political. The financial meltdown revealed the fundamental immorality of neoliberalism. Ordinary people are daily subjected to the discipline of the market, losing homes, jobs and hope while banks and bankers had their enormous losses taken over by the state (some €28bn in the Greek case). This is socialism for the rich, capitalism for the rest. Or to paraphrase Bertolt Brecht, you go to prison if you fiddle your benefits but you get immense bonuses if you bankrupt a bank.

Collective guilt and punishment for the misdeeds of the nation's rulers is morally problematic. The attacks on Greeks for laziness, corruption and inefficiency forget that the debt was amassed by successive Pasok and New Democracy governments over 30 years. A large part of public spending was used by the alternating political elites to gain party advantage. Election campaigns were fought by opposition parties on a promise to introduce public morality, rationalise public finances or re-found the state. Once the elections were over the new government would forget its promises and go back to the old ways, dispensing largesse to its followers. The majority of the population has not benefited from the windfall. These low-earning people are now asked to bear the brunt of the correction. The two government parties blame each other for the debt, as if there is a single member of the political elite who is not to blame. Economic and moral bankruptcy seem to be fellow-travellers.

Across Europe, the 3% deficit ceiling (broken by every eurozone state), the stability plan, and the speculation of the markets are political supports of the neoliberal model. The downgrading of Greece by credit-rating companies and market speculation is based on traders' ideological and self-fulfilling prophesies about the government's trustworthiness and the risk of default.

These market attacks are part of the wider arrangements of post-industrial capitalism. Profit is no longer based predominantly on production but on consumption and debt. This applies as much to individuals (neoliberalism treats us as consumers who must borrow and spend ceaselessly) as to states. Capital accumulation through extraction of interest and rent must be externally controlled, since the loan contract, unlike its labour counterpart, does not automatically create the conditions for its reproduction or enforcement. This is the case with the Greek spreads, which continued rising even after Papandreou called in the IMF. The market pressure is a way to oblige debtors to accept the most extreme neoliberal recipes or go bust. "Debtors beware" is the message. "Destroy the welfare state or become the next Greece." It is not that different from protection rackets: if the shopkeeper challenges the terms, he is beaten up.

The IMF/EU measures start the final assault on the European welfare state, suiting the neoliberal ideology of privatisation, deregulation and transfer of capital and power from the public to the private.

The way beyond the public/private divide is to return to the idea of the "common". The postwar European social contract was based on social justice and solidarity. The common good or commonwealth is conditioned by the deep antagonism between the people (who are asked to bear the burden of economic restructuring) and the economic and political elites (who created the problem and profited from it). But at this time of peril, the common interest of the people in protecting the social contract is Ariadne's thread transcending class, sector and regional divisions. This pool of common sentiment can be mobilised for resistance against deeply unjust measures.

Various initiatives would help in this direction. A committee of inquiry with Greek and foreign economists and social scientists, free from the two-party oligarchy, should be established to examine why the debt spiralled and how the money was spent. New ways out of the debt crisis should be explored. Politicians should be called to account for their partisan decisions and broken promises. A wide patriotic front beyond current political loyalties should be developed to defend the social contract. It should expose the lack of legitimacy in the measures imposed by a government that campaigned on a strong anti-neoliberal manifesto only six moths ago. It should ask for an Iceland-type referendum on the IMF involvement. It should aim at Greece's Nick Clegg moment.

For the picture is not all bleak. Clegg has shown that cosy and arrogant two-party systems are not as safe as they believe. In last week's election, the Hungarian Socialists, who as the government brought the IMF into Hungary in 2008, were reduced from 43% of the vote in 2006 to a rump. Many Pasok trade unionists and voters are already joining the left in strikes and protests in Greece. Perhaps the closest parallel to the current crisis is not the 1930s crash but the collapse of the Italian political system in the 1990s. Luckily no Berlusconi lurks in the sidelines.

Economic commentators fear that the Greek malaise is part of a wider attack on the euro. Now that the measures are proving worse than the disease, their imposition may mark the return of radical politics. The defence of the common good and democracy, a proud Hellenic tradition, shows the political way out not just for Greece but for the whole of Europe. As Eyjafjallajökull reminded us, the eruption of life-changing events is still a historical possibility.Ensimmäinen vaihtoehto on, että Euroopan unioni tarjoaa tarvittavat varat luomalla European Transfer Unionin ETF:n. Tästä ETF:stä saisivat rahoitusta myös muut vajemaat, kuten Portugali, Espanja, Irlanti ja Italia.
Mä jotenkin luulen että mua just huijattiin. Keskustelu meni näin.

P - isä 43v.
O - tytär n. 5v.

P: “Lauloitteko muskarissa sitä (väräjävällä äänellä): Maan korvessa kulkevi lapsosen tie…”
O: (iloisella äänellä) ”Laulettiin!”
P: “Lauloitteko sitä (röheällä äänellä): : kamoon beibi lait mai faiöööö…”
O: (iloisella äänellä) ”Laulettiin!”
P: “Entäs sitä (ihmettelevällä äänellä): Hei tyttö olen matkalla Alabamaan Mennään yhdessä…”
O: (iloisella äänellä) ”Laulettiin!”

maanantai 26. huhtikuuta 2010

never met a problem i cannot chain to the wall

Monday, April 26, 2010
First Evidence That Mirror Matter May Fill the Universe?
If dark matter exists it may take the form of mirror planets, mirror stars and mirror galaxies. Now one physicist says the most recent evidence seems to confirm this idea
It's fashionable to hold up the Internet as the road to democracy and liberty in countries

like Iran, but what about can also be a very effective tool for quashing freedom in the US

charityspy see mirror

sunnuntai 25. huhtikuuta 2010

Sodan vastustaminen on tehty mahdottomaksi

In the net people against war are systematically sensored by the government on menettänyt kaikki linkit

Taliban oli pudottanut hallitsemiltaan alueilta huumetuotannon nollatasolle, ja nyt Naton miehityksen alaisuudessa huumetuotanto on noussut huippulukemiin. Professori Michel Chossudovskyn mukaan Afganistanin huumetuotanto on niin arvokas tulonlähde läntisille tiedustelupalveluille, että se piti turvata. Afganistanin huumetuotanto on täysin Naton suojeluksessa.
Red Teams or Red Cells are U.S. government parlance for teams or units designed to test the effectiveness of U.S. tactics or personnel. "Red Cell" was purported to be a U.S. Navy SEAL team (comprised primarily of members of SEAL Team Six) which had been organized to attempt to infiltrate and otherwise test the security of U.S. military bases and other installations sensitive to U.S. security interests. The original Red Cell group was led by the former commander of Seal Team Six (DevGru) Richard Marcinko.

"Red Team" was also a term for the opposing force OpFor in a war game by western nations during the Cold War, a reference to the predominantly red flags of Communist nations (i.e. the USSR and China) with the western nation(s) being the Blue Team. The USSR used the same colors in reversed meaning -- they were the Red Team and the OpFor was the Blue Team.
[edit] See also

* Tiger team
“ Free speech has a number ”
— CBS News, February 20, 2008

lauantai 24. huhtikuuta 2010

Marc Dion - Buzz - Public - Muted
Unbelievable. I'm back to a refrigerator box...again! Oh, if only I learned to keep my mouth shut...oh, if only to be seen and not heard. Why...why didn't I listen to them? Don't, never & if - the legacy The legacies passed on to us by those who created us, our fathers and mothers, are filled with superstition and fear. We were taught how to perceive the world around us, how to behave and most...Unbelievable. I'm back to a refrigerator box...again! Oh, if only I learned to keep my mouth shut...oh, if only to be seen and not heard. Why...why didn't I listen to them?

Don't, never & if - the legacy

The legacies passed on to us by those who created us, our fathers and mothers, are filled with superstition and fear. We were taught how to perceive the world around us, how to behave and most importantly, how to avoid. The avoidance I am talking about has its context in the life choices we make that are based on fear and ignorance - personality traits nurtured in the shadows of uncertainty and doubt.
For many of us, it was the first band aid, or that first encounter with the terrifying sound of thunder that was our introduction to a world that didn't seem to like people. For most of us, the legacies we inherited were rules. In my case, there were ten...coincidentally. My parents didn't send an old man up a mountain to get them, either. They made them up.
#1. "Don't do this or that will happen." im free
#2. "If you do that, this will happen." im innocent
#3. "Never let anyone know about your feelings." true
#4. "Never, ever ask for something you need." true
#5. "If you need to feel like you belong, keep it to yourself. If you don't, people will think you need something you don't have. american, religion fight
#6. "If you need a friend, don't disgrace yourself by asking. The only people that ask for friendship don't have it. That is entirely their own fault."
#7. "Wanting is okay. Needing is not okay." ?
#8. "Crying is a sign of weakness. Don't let anyone see you cry - they will think that you are a sissy. Only girls cry." beautiful boys
#9. "If you are not strong, pretend that you are."
#10. "If you are afraid, pretend that you are fearless." im afraid

These irrational and contradictory commandments were fundamental to the legacy.

perjantai 23. huhtikuuta 2010

The Zeitgeist Movement is a grassroots movement focused on increasing society's awareness of the need for global social change]. This group is noted on their website as 'the activist arm of the The Venus Project, a non-profit venture founded by industrial designer and social engineer Jacque Fresco. As of April 20, 2010, the movement has approximately 396,000 members from 238 countries and regions worldwide. The Zeitgeist Movement is commonly associated with the documentary films produced, written, and narrated by Peter Joseph and distributed online.

The Z name is too powerful now, millions know of it. No way to break the trend now." The third film is scheduled to be released in October 2010. Peter Joseph has stated that its topics will focus on human behavior, technology, and rationality.
Re S - Buzz - Julkinen - Ohitettu

~Q6/17 has to be stopped~ Q6/17 is developed by information that we know so far by China and USA that wants’ to forbid anonymous communications on the Internet. The most terrible thing is that it's made in very strong secret keeping form and hidden away from the people in the world. On top of that it’s also something initiated by the UN (United Nations). Where did article number 12 in the...

U.N. agency eyes curbs on Internet anonymity | Politics and Law - CNET NewsCNET River

A United Nations telecommunications agency is drafting a proposal called 'IP traceback' and has scheduled a meeting next week. Its potential impact on anonymity is raising alarms. Read this blog post ...Muokkaa
Kirsty Yeung - Geez, governments on one hand all gang up on Google on privacy issues and on the other hand they want to end internet anonymity.22. huhtikuutaPoistaKumoa poistoIlmoita roskapostistaEi roskaposti
Re S - There are countrys and in every country subjects to discuss without endanger yur work, family..this is ridiculousMuokkaa22. huhtikuuta
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21. huhtikuuta
Re S - Buzz - Julkinen - Ohitettu
wikileaks facebook page deleted

WikiLeaks facebook page deleted together with 30,000 fans... boiler plate response includes "..promotes illegal acts..." Yes!. the acts of the Government.Muokkaa
4 käyttäjää pitää tästä - Re S, Agnieszka Tokarska, John Baker ja Lili Morgan
St. Rocketship - money kicked them out21. huhtikuutaPoistaKumoa poistoIlmoita roskapostistaEi roskaposti
Re S - not the cia ?Muokkaa21. huhtikuuta
Christian Mayrh**** - isnt cia the money?21. huhtikuutaPoistaKumoa poistoIlmoita roskapostistaEi roskaposti
CarolAnn BaileyLloyd - Huh???21. huhtikuutaPoistaKumoa poistoIlmoita roskapostistaEi roskaposti
John Baker - Had to happen. They're not afraid of anybody. Who's going to let a renegade stay in their club? Oh, yeah: PRQ hosting [thank goodness]

Might be a good time for 'leaks to get themselves a Goog Crib.21. huhtikuutaPoistaKumoa poistoIlmoita roskapostistaEi roskaposti
6 edellistä kommenttia käyttäjiltä St. Rocketship, Re S, Christian Mayrh**** ja 3 muulta
Kirsty Yeung - Facebook deleted pages of some anti political parties groups in Hong Kong too. The groups asked FB for an explanation and none was given. Spineless.22. huhtikuutaPoistaKumoa poistoIlmoita roskapostistaEi roskaposti
Re S - Facebook is a CIA cutout that’s frantically lobbying for privacy legislation to remain lax so that it can continue to run its various intelligence operations on the platform.

Via: Venture Beat:

Facebook has been gradually boosting its profile in Washington D.C. over the past year and is on the hunt for a second senior lobbyist to add to its office of four. Disclosures released a few days ago show that, on top of lobbying the usual suspects Internet companies reach out to like the Federal Trade Commission and the U.S. senators and representatives, the fast-growing social network has also been busy deepening ties to government intelligence and homeland security agencies.

Facebook spent $41,390 on lobbying in the first quarter of 2010. That’s on top of the $207,878 it spent last year — the first year Facebook began releasing such disclosures. Although these numbers are tiny compared to the $4.3 million Google spent on lobbying last year, expect them to grow with the company’s influence and ambitions.

What’s interesting about Facebook’s lobbying in D.C. is what it spends money on despite its small size. It was the only consumer Internet company out of Google, Amazon, eBay, Microsoft, Yahoo and Apple to reach out to intelligence agencies last year, according to lobbying disclosure forms. It has lobbied the Office of the Director of National Intelligence — an umbrella office founded in the wake of Sept. 11 that synthesizes intelligence from 17 agencies including the CIA and advises the President — for the last three quarters on privacy and federal cyber-security policy. It has reached out to the Defense Intelligence Agency too.

Andrew Noyes, the company’s manager of public policy communications, says most of Facebook’s work in D.C. consists of basic education — helping legislators and agencies understand how to use the social network for campaigning, reaching out to their constituencies and in their regular line of work. The U.S. Navy used Facebook to alert Hawaiians of a possible tsunami from the Chilean earthquake earlier this year, while the company says 35 government agencies are using social media for governance.

He said the meetings with intelligence agencies were similar. “We disclose this because it’s the right thing to do,” he said. (To be fair, Google and Microsoft also lobbied the Department of Defense last year although they did not reach out to intelligence agencies.)

At the very top of Facebook’s agenda in D.C. is privacy, he said. There’s much at stake. The ease of data collection and sharing on the web is on a collision course with privacy. The suite of projects the company unveiled yesterday at its f8 conference in San Francisco may spark further privacy concerns about the mass of data it will now be tracking on users as they traverse the web. To head off concerns that it is too cavalier with pushing users to be more public, Facebook made a savvy move when it brought longtime privacy advocate Tim Sparapani from the American Civil Liberties Union on-board last year.

Even though the company says its role in D.C. is about awareness for now, developing these relationships will help Facebook get ahead of and influence legislation that may curb its ad targeting abilities. For the last year, Rep. Rick Boucher (D-VA) has pledged that he would draft a web privacy bill, but little has come of it so far. Facebook’s competitor Google has already become a punching bag for privacy advocates; ten governments including France, Germany and the U.K. issued a letter to the search giant on Monday asking it to do more to protect consumer privacy, while legislators have asked the Federal Trade Commission to look into Google Buzz.

tiistai 20. huhtikuuta 2010

The problem with the word ‘consciousness’ is that it is what Marvin Minsky calls a ’suitcase word.’ It stands for a whole set of processes. Naturally, it is difficult to discuss it in a scientific manner. From the complexity perspective, consciousness arises from swarm intelligence, the swarm here being that of neurons. In a large swarm, local rules can lead to astonishingly complex behaviour and novel phenomena and sensations. The self-referential nature of consciousness is what makes it look so puzzling. But the fact is that, long ago (in 1931), Kurt Gödel shook the foundations of mathematics by proving that even such an innocuous thing as the formal system of positive integers can have self-referential properties. Self-reference and formal rules can make systems acquire meaning, despite the fact that each constituent of the system in without meaning.“For Deleuze, a nomad does not have to move… a nomad can practice nomadology whilst being in one place. It is the nomadology of thought - the journey to new territories through processes of deterritorialization and reterritorialization.”

lauantai 17. huhtikuuta 2010

This is not to deny the existence of the Other, of course… or perhaps more to the point, the place of the Other in the way we construct our worldview, as it seems to have been present throughout history and across the globe. It does rather imply, however, that we’ve been looking for it in the wrong place. It’s less likely to be found outside us, literally existing somewhere over the horizon; instead it’s far more likely to be found inside our heads. And, ultimately, that’s probably a far more interesting space to explore than anything that might be lurking out there in the Pleiades. both both

photoshopped Paradoxically, just the continental plates and their business, ie Plate tectonics have contributed to the spread of life on Earth, say .

Giant eruption 70 000 years ago was to take human ancestors to extinction

16/4/2010 19:01

Timo Paukku

The author is a science journalist.

An estimated 70 000 years ago, a very large volcanic eruption was to kill to extinction by our ancestors are populaatiogeneetikot fallen.

Tobavuori superpurkautui then Sumatra in Indonesia. It led to six years of darkness or obscurity throughout the globe, when the ash covered the visibility of the Sun.

Sediments has been concluded that it was followed across the globe, yet very cold and long term.

Geologists call a volcanic eruption superpurkaukseksi, if the dissolution products, such as lava spreads over a thousand kilometers from the outbreak of the slot.

Toba eruption could kill the extinction of countless plant and animal species.

DNA studies have also detected a bottleneck in human prehistory, which occurs in about 70 000 years of the TAA.

At that time, the human genome variation narrowed sharply. Narrowing can be deduced perimämme DNA mutations in the amount of so-called molecular clock.

Phenomenon refers to the sudden change in the environment.

Human populations survived perhaps only 6 000-10 000 people in a monkey.

All current Gay Sapiens, ie we present 6.7 billion people, according to the theory that we had the bottle neck is solved in the offspring population.

The theory is still controversial. Some also argue that the long cold season developed tremendously survivors ape to human ingenuity, such as forced to come up with a new set of tools.

Gigantic eruptions are accompanied by mass extinctions. One of the flares had occurred in India.

That left the landing would be in addition to an asteroid impact destroyed the dinosaurs on the earth some 65 million years ago.

The worst known massasukupuuttoon is calculated as 250 million years of the TAA. It can detect geological strata. Some believe that what happened in the Siberian region where giant eruption.

Yellowstone National Park in the United States is known super eruption occurred about 650 000 years ago.

It shook the entire western North America. In the famous national park is still a lot of volcanic activity.

perjantai 16. huhtikuuta 2010

Luonnon seksi

Tunnustaminen ja nimenomaan sukupuolisuuteen liittyvän totuuden tunnustaminen näyttäisi olevan pitkä linja länsimaisen ihmisen identiteetin muodostumisprosessissa. Jo varhaiskristillisessä vaiheessa sukupuolisuuteen liittyvien mielenliikkeiden tutkiskelu ja tunnustaminen oli keskeinen osa kristityn kilvoittelua

Vielä nykyisinkin pyhän ja ruumiillisuuden liitto herättää monenlaisia intohimoja. Kun Martin Scorsese elokuvassa "Kristuksen viimeinen kiusaus" pani Jeesuksen ristillä uneksimaan tavallisesta elämästä ja avioliitosta Maria Magdaleenan kanssa, tuli hän sohaisseeksi vaaralliseen käärmeenpesään. Kirja, johon elokuva perustui, Niko Kazantzakisin "Viimeinen kiusaus", oli katolisen kirkon kiellettyjen kirjojen listalla. Vaikka evankeliumien mukaan Kristuksella oli erilaisia ruumiillisia tarpeita, ne vaikenevat täysin seksuaalisuudesta. Vaikka uskonnollisväritteisen moralismin ote seksuaalisuudestamme onkin herpaantunut, havaitsemme ja tunnistamme sukupuoliset mielteemme ja tekomme edelleenkin kristillisyydestä periytyvien totuuden ja erheen käsitteiden kautta.

torstai 15. huhtikuuta 2010

Tähän aikaan vuodesta ilmakehässä on normaalistikin nähtävissä erilaisia haloilmiöitä. Niitä aiheuttavat ilmakehässä leijuvat pienet c

Jack Forman, who is an unemployed software programmer who used to work with artificial intelligence. He is fired for attempting to expose an internal scandal in his company, MediaTronics. As a result, he is forced to take the role of "house-husband" while his wife Julia works as vice-president for Xymos, a nanorobotics company. Julia claims that Xymos is on the verge of perfecting a revolutionary new medical imaging technology based on nanotechnology.

The story starts with a series of strange events happening in rapid succession. Jack's baby daughter Amanda develops a very strange painful rash that propagates and becomes very severe. While the doctors are unable to find the cause of the rash, an MRI scan instantly cures her. Amanda's room is visited by a special team of Xymos personnel. Later, Jack is surprised to see the memory chip of an MP3 Player belonging to his son corroded into powder. During this time, Jack also begins to suspect that his wife, who comes home very late and shows aberrant behavior, is having an affair. MediaTronics contact Jack, explain to him that they have become a contractor of Xymos and offer to rehire him to help deal with an alleged software problem for Xymos. The following night, Julia hastily leaves home shortly after arrival to go back to work. Jack and his son both see what looks like the silhouette of a man in her car, although Julia denies it. Julia's car crashes in the road. At the scene of the crash, Jack spots the Xymos special team in a van, wearing strange gear.

Convinced that Xymos is somehow connected to all these strange events, Jack accepts MediaTronics' offer and travels to the Xymos manufacturing facility, known as "fab plant", in Nevada. At the fab plant, he is joined by members of his old software development team - Mae, Charley, David, Rosie, Bobby and Ricky. Ricky, now working for Xymos and in charge of the fab plant, gives Jack a brief tour of the building, and explains that the company was under contract from the Department of Defense to create a swarm of nanorobots that act as a camera for reconnaissance and spying. The swarm is created by genetically modified E. coli bacteria, which create gamma assemblers from raw materials that, in turn, manufacture nanobots.

Ricky reveals that building contractors failed to properly install filters in a certain vent in the building. As a result, hazardous elements such as the assemblers, the bacteria, and the nanobots were blown into the desert, evolving and eventually forming autonomous swarms. These swarms appear to be solar-powered and self-sufficient, reproducing and evolving rapidly. The swarms exhibit predatory behavior, attacking and killing animals in wild, using code that Jack himself worked on. Most alarmingly, the swarms seem to possess rudimentary intelligence, the ability to quickly learn and to innovate. The swarms tend to wander around the fab plant during the day but quickly leave when strong winds blow or night falls.

The nanoswarm kills a rabbit outside the complex, and Jack goes outside with Mae to inspect. They find that the rabbit died of suffocation resulting from the nanobots blocking its bronchial tubes. While Mae goes inside for equipment, Jack is attacked by the swarms. He barely manages to get through the airlock inside the lab before falling unconscious from anaphylactic shock.

The team explains to Jack that they believe Julia is the reason the swarms wander around the plant: During the earlier days of swarm appearance, Julia had started an attempt to make personal contact with them, first "entertaining" them with kid toys and then testing their intelligence using colored blocks. As time passed, Julia gained more affection for the swarms. In turn, the swarms, especially one of them, developed an affinity toward her.

Persuaded by Jack, the team decides to destroy the swarm. They believe that the swarm must have nested in the desert to reproduce. They attempt to find this nest by tagging the swarm with radioactive isotopes and following them back to their nest at night. Under the cover of a strong wind that forces the swarms to remain dormant, the team goes outside to a storage shack to find the isotopes and build a spray device. However, as the wind dies down, four swarms attack the shack and eventually kill David and Rosie. The rest of the team are forced to take shelter in the cars parked outside. The Swarms begin an attempt to enter the cars.

The team notices that these swarms are more advanced than the ones they saw before. They are capable of tracing tracks, tripping their prey by making the ground slippery, taking snapshots of their prey and forming a flat surface to display rudimentary still images.

Eventually, the swarms find a way to enter the cars, but not long before the wind picks up in speed again. Jack and Mae manage to escape to the lab before losing consciousness, but Charley falls unconscious outside his car after he sprays his swarm with the isotope. Bobby, Vince and Ricky refuse to go outside and help Charley. Jack, dizzy and nauseous, goes back out again to save Charley as the swarms attacks again. Using a motorbike found in David's car, Jack manages to get himself and the semi-conscious Charley to the safety of the airlock before he falls unconscious again.

During the evening, security cameras show another alarmingly more evolved swarm in the vicinity of the facility that can form into a 3D replica of Ricky. This swarm acts as a decoy while other swarms stealthily carry away the dead corpses of David and Rosie.

As night falls, Jack, Mae and Bobby set out to find the swarms. While searching for them, they discover that one of the swarms, now so evolved that it can operate without solar energy, is moving the now deceased Rosie through the desert. They follow the body to find the swarms nesting in a cave. As some of the swarms come out of the cave after them, a Xymos helicopter arrives and traps the swarms inside the cave using its powerful draft. Mae and Jack then venture into the cave and proceed to exterminate the swarm, their nest and their organic assembly plant (which looks very similar to the original Xymos assembly plant) using explosive thermite caps. They return to the Xymos plant, exhausted.

At the plant, Jack, Mae and Bobby are enthusiastically greeted by Julia, who was earlier discharged from the hospital and was brought in by the chopper. Julia's behavior seems to be extremely aberrant: She seems to heed to nothing else other than trying to entice Jack and kissing him, even when Charley is found dead in the locked communications room with a swarm flying around him and the communication links cut. Jack cannot understand how the swarm got inside the rigorously protected airtight building, why Charley would have disabled the facility's communications, or why Julia and Ricky seem to be coming up with various out-of-character ways of how he died.

Jack wakes up early the next day and finds Mae looking over a security camera's video. To Jack's horror, the video not only reveals that Julia and Ricky had an affair but also shows how Charley engaged in a vicious fight with Ricky and Vince. All of them end up in the communications room where Julia kisses a subdued Charley, injecting a stream of swarm into his mouth.

Eventually, Jack and Mae realize that everyone in the facility except themselves have been infected by a symbiotic version of the nanobot swarms. These nanobots, although evolved alongside the other swarms, do not show aggressive predatory behavior. Instead, while they seem to invigorate their hosts' physical statistics and their perception, they slowly devour and take over their hosts, initially affecting their decisions and then controlling them, while allowing them to travel and contaminate others.

Jack comes up with a plan to destroy this new strain. Mae and Jack drink vials containing a form of phage that kills the nanobot-producing E. coli bacteria. The phage would protect them from infection. Jack then proceeds to take a sample of the phage and pour it into the sprinkler system and drench everyone with it. He tricks Mae into alerting Julia and the infected team. They set out to stop Jack. In the vicious struggle that ensues, Vince is killed and Jack, who barely escapes death multiple times, finally manages to dump the sample into the sprinkler system.

In order to prevent the sprinkler system from triggering, infected-Ricky disables the plant's safety network. However, this is exactly what Jack wants, as Mae has already allowed the phage into the assembly line, causing the phage to reproduce rapidly. The assembly line is rapidly overheating because of the no longer active safety system. If Ricky and Julia do not turn on the safety system the assembly line will burst, filling the lab with the phage. The infected-team, who are now doomed either way, choose to re-activate the safety network and get drenched with the phage. Jack and Mae escape the facility in a helicopter shortly before the facility explodes due to a methane gas leak combined with thermite Mae has placed in the building. After returning home, Jack infects all his children with the phage to eradicate the potential nanobot infestation. Mae calls the U.S. Army and sends a sample of the phage to her lab.

Jack puts together all the missing links. The corrosion of the memory chip in Eric's MP3 player as well as Amanda's rash were caused by gamma assemblers. The MRI's strong magnetic field detached the assemblers from her. These assemblers were most likely brought home by Julia. Knowing this, Julia called in the Xymos special team to scan Amanda's room. The person who Jack spotted in Julia's car was in fact the cloud of nanobots.

Jack also discovers an e-mail on Julia's laptop that indicates that the release of the swarm in the wild was not accidental. Julia had authorized the release of the swarms in the first place in hopes that it would evolve and solve their problem, failing to realize the potential consequences of their actions. Consequently, one of the swarms infects Julia and then Ricky.

The story ends with Mae returning to Jack's house, with a bottle of the swarm.

tiistai 13. huhtikuuta 2010

: Sä lähdit mutta vitut mä siitä välitän! niin

Keskiviikkona paastin suustani sanat, jotka voisin nyt syoda takaisin.
Kehaisin nimittain etta sahkotkin ovat pelanneet verrattain hyvin.
Siita se lahti.
Eilisesta iltapaivasta alkaen sahkot tulivat vain ja ainoastaan generaattorilla, samoin tanaan.
Nyt kun valtion virtaa taas tulisi, pimeni sahkolinja meidan kadulta. Voltteja on jotakuinkin 100.

keskiviikko 7. huhtikuuta 2010

w h y theres so many other nice things in life than sex answer

stare this for 30 sec youll not forget



haha statistics was never friend to the science was it

but happily, wron options are not

torstai 1. huhtikuuta 2010


U.S. Caught Drafting Secret Proposal That Could Torpedo Climate Negotiations
Submitted by NBerning on Tue, 12/08/2009 - 12:40

* Global Warming
* International

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

For Immediate Release

Nick Berning (in Denmark), +45 30 48 31 73
Kelly Trout (in the United States), +1 202 222 0722

COPENHAGEN -- The Guardian is reporting that the U.S., Denmark, and a cabal of wealthy nations that are among the world's biggest polluters have produced a secret alternative to the draft text currently under negotiation at the UN climate summit in Copenhagen.

Friends of the Earth U.S. President Erich Pica had the following response:

"The Obama administration's role in what appears to be a secret plot to strong-arm through an agreement forcing poor countries to bear much of the cost of reducing emissions is despicable. President Obama cannot lead the world while wheeling and dealing from the back-room. These are supposed to be negotiations about how to solve a problem, not about how to appease the United States government.

"The 'Danish text' is grossly unfair and is a non-starter. The United States, which has already filled the atmosphere with far more than its fair share of greenhouse gas emissions, must reject this text and start listening to the proposals of developing countries."

More information, including a link to the full Danish text, can be found here:

Friends of the Earth U.S. and our international network of grassroots groups in 77 countries fight to create a more healthy. Our current campaigns focus on clean energy and solutions to global warming, protecting people from toxic and new, potentially harmful technologies, and promoting smarter, low-pollution transportation alternatives.
17 gamma-ray flashes associated with terrestrial storms — have contained a real signature of antimatter.

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