After a person dies, he says, he or she goes underwater for a year and a day, then passes on to the next life.
"We believe that everyone lives 16 times — eight times we live as men, and eight times as women. And the purpose of life is to gather all kinds of experiences," says Beauvoir.
During those 16 lives, a person moves from body to body, country to country, attaining wisdom until he or she merges with God. nerds best sex

"Voodoo in a nutshell is about the idea that everything material has a spiritual dimension that is more real" than physical reality, she says. "So everything living — but even rocks and the Earth — is considered to have spirit and have a spiritual nature Hermeneutic phenomenology assume that the subjective intuition is a kind of an overarching, universal, transcendental ego, which operates different perspective on a unifying basis for our (hermeneutics, therefore, originally derived from the Kantian philosophy).
Structuralism (Note: caution - for example, Levi-Strauss) - well, at least poststrukturalismi - to assume that anything a subject does not exist, but the structural regularities of thought and logic can be enough to define and encode the open. actus
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