tiistai 24. marraskuuta 2009

"how can the events in space and time which take place within the spatial boundary of a living organism be accounted for by physics and chemistry?’

5 kommenttia:

schrodinger kirjoitti...

1) I don't believe in any one model, map or metaphor to explain reality. I remain agnostic.

2) I think there is a high probability that most people claiming to be a psychic, specifically those attempting to gain a lot of publicity and make a lot of money, are probably charlatans or frauds.

Having said that, I'm going to defend psychic experience as something that should not automatically be discounted.

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

humans are able to establish contact with the extraterrestrials through radio waves, computers, through the power of thought.

Anonyymi kirjoitti...


dudivie kirjoitti...

A universe is a place... where you can't yet tell what would be useful to the outside world. CJames

dudivie kirjoitti...


this is perfect, from Norway spiral nightsky

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