Scientists have created a Robot Scientist which have independently discovered new scientific knowledge. The robot, called Adam, carries out each stage of the scientific process automatically without theneed for further human intervention. Using artificial intelligence, Adam hypothesised that certain genes in baker's yeast code for specific enzymes which catalyse biochemical reactions in yeast. The robot then devised experiments to test these predictions, ran the experiments using laboratory robotics, interpreted the results and repeated the cycle. The researchers used separate manual experiments to confirm that Adam's hypotheses were both novel and correct. Another robotic scientist tested pendulums and springs to figure out the physics laws that govern their movements. Simply by experimenting, the robot deduced the equations governing motion and the physical laws behind them for these simple machines.
Ultimately, teams of human and robot scientists may work together in laboratories. Because biological systems are complex, it is important to record as many details as possible."What does He do to a soul which He has chosen from all eternity to be His? In the great majority of cases 'He leads her into solitude to speak to her heart': Ducam eam in solitudinem et loquar ad cor ejus. Just as a vineyard is enclosed with a hedge to protect it, so the Spouse encloses that soul in the cloister 'in the clefts of the rocks': in foraminibus petrae; the mysterious sepulchre which becomes the cradle of life; He hides her 'in the secret of His face'; in abscondito faciei suae: He makes her dwell in silence, so that she may be recollected, may hear His voice more easily, may please Him alone. He gives the Rule which at each instant shows His will; for light, the Holy Scriptures, which recount His history and reveal His love; He gives the Church for Mother. He confides to her His praises so that 'her voice sounds sweet in His ears' Sonet vox tua in auribus meis, vox enim tua dulcis; He makes her live again the cycle of His mysteries, and by His sacraments gives her sovereign power. Such are the means by which the Spouse establishes safeguards, maintains and augments the love and fidelity of His elect."

7 kommenttia:
amazing yew hedge. In ancient times, the wood from the yew was used for archery bows. Yew is a slow growing evergreen
One of the following is true...
· Every breath you take contains an atom breathed out by Marilyn Monroe
· There is a liquid which can run up hill
· You age faster at the top of a building than at the bottom
· An atom can be in many different places at once, the equivalent of you being in New York and London at the same time
· The entire human race would fit in the volume of a sugar cube
· 1 per cent of the static on a TV tuned between the stations is the relic of the Big Bang
· Time travel is not forbidden by the laws of physics
· A cup of coffee weighs more when it is hot than when it is cold
· The faster you travel, the slimmer you get
No, I'm joking - they're all true!
The Al Azif (H.P. Lovercraft's famed Necronomicon) was a massive collection of the poetic hallucinations of its author. Similar in structure to other Sufic works of the period the Al Azif
speaks of unheard of eons before man walked the earth. Populated with demons and other creatures of questionable age who had come to earth seeking refuge from the emptiness of space.
Pemsky refers to students as “digital natives” who think and process information so fundamentally differently from ourselves. The way they relate to one another is fundament
basicly, reference
liian iso viitekehys.
Dorking appears in Domesday Book of 1086 as the Manor of Dorchinges. It was held by William the Conqueror.
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