perjantai 30. lokakuuta 2009

Humans meet the ancestors

Physicists, because of their great intellectual honesty, were forced, kicking and screaming, across the divide. They really had no choice.
Transformation is all around us, and leading chip maker knows this very well. I employ you to take a minute to analyze with allegorical eyes all of this is truly about alchemy. First we begin with our prima materia which is clearly stated by with the word "Transform" next to DNA. It is you the viewer that will be transformed by the end , what you are seeing is actually symbolically technological alchemy. (TransAlchemy)

Whoever they once were and wherever they’re from, the Grays have suffered a cataclysmic schism between body and mind. Like the replicants of Blade Runner, they’re largely immune to empathy and look to us with a mixture of fascination and sadness. They’ve lost something pivotal and will stop at nothing to get it back — if, indeed, they remember what they’ve misplaced.

2 kommenttia:

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

pa ruskie, russian

gw kirjoitti...

im from a small country. maby i didnt understand

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