Much ofD Davidson's early work was in decision theory (see Decision-Making: An Experimental Approach [1957]), and it was not until the early 1960s that the work for which he is best known began to appear in print. Indeed, Davidson's first major philosophical publication was paper ‘Actions, Reasons and Causes’ (1963). In that paper Davidson sets out to defend the view that the explanation of action by reference to reasons (something we do, for instance, when we refer to an agent's intentions or motives in acting) is also a form of causal explanation. Indeed, he argues that reasons explain actions just inasmuch as they are the causes of those actions.
a part, appears at a number of places in Davidson's work. The first and best-known presentation is that of ‘Mental Events’ (1970a) ... Imaging Signal Transduction in the Human Brain:: In vivo imaging methods involving positron emission tomography (PET) were developed to examine brain blood flow and arachidonic and docosahexaenoic acid metabolism at rest and during activation in healthy subjects in relation to age.. in which Davidson argues for the compatibility of three principles (all three of which are adumbrated in various ways in the argument of ‘Actions, Reasons and Causes’): (i) that at least some mental events interact causally with physical events — The Principle of Causal Interaction; (ii) that events related as cause and effect fall under strict laws
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