torstai 29. lokakuuta 2009

Reality has been following me around everywhere and it won't leave me alone. Stop. It's creepy. Get a hobby or something. FOCUS completely on seeing your negative situations as positive opportunities. Let good thoughts rain down upon U

keskiviikko 28. lokakuuta 2009

every secon there 1 or two tweets about this

maanantai 26. lokakuuta 2009

Please god above..try to bi social...

no sexual harrashment, no violance..relax /Up There. No sickness no death, ceep cool. What passes between light,sound and the heart is in focus here.The time has come to open the greatest gift of all.: feel peace, filled w..

Gurdjieff claimed that people do not perceive reality, as they are not conscious of themselves, but live in a state of hypnotic "waking sleep".

"Man lives his life in sleep, and in sleep he dies."[9] Gurdjieff taught that each person perceived things from a completely subjective perspective. Gurdjieff stated that maleficent events such as wars and so on could not possibly take place if people were more awake. He asserted that people in their typical state function as unconscious automatons, but that a man can wake up

lauantai 24. lokakuuta 2009

please bi more joyful, God above

is It time to question whether a bipedal, breathing body with binocular vision and a 1400cc brain is an adequate biological form. It cannot cope with the quantity, complexity and quality of information it has accumulated; it is intimidated by the precision, speed and power of technology and it is biologically ill-equipped to cope with its new extraterrestrial environment.

The body is neither a very efficient nor very durable structure. It malfunctions often and fatigues quickly; its performance is determined by its age. It is susceptible to disease and is doomed to a certain and early death. Its survival parameters are very slim - it can survive only weeks without food, days without water and minutes without oxygen.

The body's LACK OF MODULAR DESIGN and its overactive immunological system make it difficult to replace malfunctioning organs. It might be the height of technological folly to consider the body obsolete in form and function, yet it might be the height of human realisations. For it is only when the body becomes aware of its present position that it can map its post-evolutionary strategies.

It is no longer a matter of perpetuating the human species by REPRODUCTION, but of enhancing male-female intercourse by human-machine interface. THE BODY IS OBSOLETE. We are at the end of philosophy and human physiology. Human thought recedes into the human past. There, I fixed It

“We were all magicians once. Hidden away in the dusty attic of childhood memories lies a time when we stood astride of two worlds. When we could erect fairy kingdoms with a few sticks or wooden blocks. When ferocious animals would spring from the shadows of our bedrooms at night. When the fire trucks and tractors we commandeered could sweep through the towering infernos and utopias of our imagination. Then one day we gave up the notion that we could fly if given the chance, that trees and little girls in paintings could answer back when spoken to...”

tiistai 20. lokakuuta 2009

Slow food, good life

Consciousness is a potential technology; we are exquisite machines, nothing less than sentient patterns. As such, there's no convincing technical reason we can't eventually upload ourselves into matrices of our design and choosing. It's likely the phenomenon we casually call "intelligence" will cease to be strictly biological as we begin to merge with our machines more meaningfully and intimately. (Philip K. Dick once wrote that "living and nonliving things are exchanging properties." I suspect that in a few hundred years, barring disaster, separating the animate from the inanimate will probably be an exercise in futility.) Ultimately, we have two options: self-mutate by venturing off-planet in minds and bodies of our own design, or succumb to extinction.
Metzinger has teamed up with Blanke and his colleagues in an experiment that induces an out-of-body experience in healthy volunteers. They film each volunteer from behind and project the image into a head-mounted display worn by the volunteer so that they see an image of themselves standing about 2 metres in front. The experimenters then stroke the volunteer's back - which the volunteers see being done to their virtual self. This creates sensory conflict, and many reported feeling their sense of self migrating out of their physical bodies and towards the virtual one (Science, vol 317, p 1096).

To Metzinger, these experiments demonstrate that self-consciousness begins with the feeling of owning a body, but there is more to self-consciousness than the mere feelings of embodiment. "Selfhood has many components," says Metzinger. "We are trying to fill them in, building block by building block. This is just the beginning."

Anil Ananthaswamy is a contributing editor for New Scientist

tiistai 13. lokakuuta 2009

suit dreams

As the blur between sleep and wakefulness becomes more widely accepted, researchers are devising techniques for capturing the brain's fleeting lapses and vacillations. For example, neuroscientist Giulio Tononi of the University of Wisconsin, Madison, is eavesdropping on sleeping brains using EEGs with 256 electrodes rather than the more usual 32, to improve spatial resolution and help him catch the brain in the act of mosaic napping. Microsleeps are just the tip of the iceberg, Tononi says. He is particularly concerned by the possibility that parts of our brain might be going offline without us even realising it. "In many respects, it would be like having a temporary mental disorder without anybody, including yourself, being aware of it," he says. Forgetfulness and daydreaming could be examples of this, but so could bizarre and criminal behaviour
Des diplomates palestiniens et des représentants d'Etats arabes comptent utiliser le débat du Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU qui aura lieu mercredi à New York pour entreprendre des actions suite aux conclusions du rapport Goldstone.

torstai 8. lokakuuta 2009

Hiilihydraatti on yksi kolmesta perusravintoaineesta ja ihmisen tärkein energianlähde. Puhtaiden hiilihydraattien empiirinen kaava on (CH2O)n.

päätin jättää sokerin syomatta ja kiipesin sitruunapuuhun. voikohna sitruuna jotenkin korvata. Makea on yksi viidestä perusmausta. "Sokeri kaikissa muodoissa voi olla yhtä paljon riippuvuutta aiheuttavaa kuin kokaiini ja heroiini"Makea ärsyke saa aikaan mielihyvän tunnetta ihmisissä ja eläimissä. Aistimus saa alkunsa makean aineen kiinnittyessä makureseptorin G-proteiiniin yhdistyneeseen osaan, joka laukaisee alayksiköiden tuoton.[1] Alayksiköt aktivoivat edelleen uusia kemiallisia reaktioita, kuten toisiolähettejä tuottavia entsyymejä."Sokeri vaikuttaa haitallisesti aivojen välittäjäaineisiin" Luonnolliset makeat aineet aktivoivat kemiallisen polun, joka sisältää syklisestä adenosiinimonofosfaatista (cAMP) riippuvaisen K+-kanavan rajoittamisen. Sweetness perception may differ between species significantly. For example, even amongst the primates sweetness is quite variable. New World monkeys do not find aspartame sweet, while Old World monkeys, apes and humans all do.[20] Felidae like cats cannot perceive sweetness at all The multipoint attachment (MPA) theory assumes the presence, in the human sweetness receptor (probably a seven-pass transmembrane receptor), of at least eight fundamental recognition sites, namely, the B-, AH-, XH-, G1-, G2-, G3-, G4- and D-recognition.. series of chemical reactions is central to nearly all metabolic reactions, and is the source of two-thirds of the food-derived energy in higher organisms. Hans Adolf Krebs received the 1953 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for The series of reactions known by various names, including the citric acid cycle
The interplay among receptor specificity, diet selection, and food intake can be seen in the confluence of receptor specificity for sweet compounds and the preference shown for sweet stimuli. Several comparative studies on taste receptor specificity and receptor structure have shed light on the sometimes very subtle changes in amino acid sequence that can dramatically affect stimulus intake.
Published: October 5, 2009

In addition to assorted bad breaks and pleasant surprises, opportunities and insults, life serves up the occasional pink unicorn. The three-dollar bill; the nun with a beard; the sentence, to borrow from the Lewis Carroll poem, that gyres and gimbles in the wabe.

An experience, in short, that violates all logic and expectation. The philosopher Soren Kierkegaard wrote that such anomalies produced a profound “sensation of the absurd,” and he wasn’t the only one who took them seriously. Freud, in an essay called “The Uncanny,” traced the sensation to a fear of death, of castration or of “something that ought to have remained hidden but has come to light.”

At best, the feeling is disorienting. At worst, it’s creepy.

Now a study suggests that, paradoxically, this same sensation may prime the brain to sense patterns it would otherwise miss — in mathematical equations, in language, in the world at large.

“We’re so motivated to get rid of that feeling that we look for meaning and coherence elsewhere,” said Travis Proulx, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and lead author of the paper appearing in the journal Psychological Science. “We channel the feeling into some other project, and it appears to improve some kinds of learning.”

Researchers have long known that people cling to their personal biases more tightly when feeling threatened. After thinking about their own inevitable death, they become more patriotic, more religious and less tolerant of outsiders, studies find. When insulted, they profess more loyalty to friends — and when told they’ve done poorly on a trivia test, they even identify more strongly with their school’s winning teams.

In a series of new papers, Dr. Proulx and Steven J. Heine, a professor of psychology at the University of British Columbia, argue that these findings are variations on the same process: maintaining meaning, or coherence. The brain evolved to predict, and it does so by identifying patterns.

When those patterns break down — as when a hiker stumbles across an easy chair sitting deep in the woods, as if dropped from the sky — the brain gropes for something, anything that makes sense. It may retreat to a familiar ritual, like checking equipment. But it may also turn its attention outward, the researchers argue, and notice, say, a pattern in animal tracks that was previously hidden. The urge to find a coherent pattern makes it more likely that the brain will find one.

“There’s more research to be done on the theory,” said Michael Inzlicht, an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Toronto, because it may be that nervousness, not a search for meaning, leads to heightened vigilance. But he added that the new theory was “plausible, and it certainly affirms my own meaning system; I think they’re onto something.”

In the most recent paper, published last month, Dr. Proulx and Dr. Heine described having 20 college students read an absurd short story based on “The Country Doctor,” by Franz Kafka. The doctor of the title has to make a house call on a boy with a terrible toothache. He makes the journey and finds that the boy has no teeth at all. The horses who have pulled his carriage begin to act up; the boy’s family becomes annoyed; then the doctor discovers the boy has teeth after all. And so on. The story is urgent, vivid and nonsensical — Kafkaesque.

After the story, the students studied a series of 45 strings of 6 to 9 letters, like “X, M, X, R, T, V.” They later took a test on the letter strings, choosing those they thought they had seen before from a list of 60 such strings. In fact the letters were related, in a very subtle way, with some more likely to appear before or after others.

The test is a standard measure of what researchers call implicit learning: knowledge gained without awareness. The students had no idea what patterns their brain was sensing or how well they were performing.

But perform they did. They chose about 30 percent more of the letter strings, and were almost twice as accurate in their choices, than a comparison group of 20 students who had read a different short story, a coherent one.

“The fact that the group who read the absurd story identified more letter strings suggests that they were more motivated to look for patterns than the others,” Dr. Heine said. “And the fact that they were more accurate means, we think, that they’re forming new patterns they wouldn’t be able to form otherwise.”

Brain-imaging studies of people evaluating anomalies, or working out unsettling dilemmas, show that activity in an area called the anterior cingulate cortex spikes significantly. The more activation is recorded, the greater the motivation or ability to seek and correct errors in the real world, a recent study suggests. “The idea that we may be able to increase that motivation,” said Dr. Inzlicht, a co-author, “is very much worth investigating.”

Researchers familiar with the new work say it would be premature to incorporate film shorts by David Lynch, say, or compositions by John Cage into school curriculums. For one thing, no one knows whether exposure to the absurd can help people with explicit learning, like memorizing French. For another, studies have found that people in the grip of the uncanny tend to see patterns where none exist — becoming more prone to conspiracy theories, for example. The urge for order satisfies itself, it seems, regardless of the quality of the evidence.

Still, the new research supports what many experimental artists, habitual travelers and other novel seekers have always insisted: at least some of the time, disorientation begets creative thinking.

keskiviikko 7. lokakuuta 2009

Winch puolestaan mainitsee tällaisina kaikkia elänmänmuotoja rajoittavina käsitteinä syntymän, sukupuolen (sex) ja kuoleman:
Randomness is said to occur in numbers such as log (2) and Pi. The decimal digits of Pi constitute an infinite sequence and "never repeat in a cyclical fashion"[5]. "Numbers like pi are also thought to be "normal," which means that their digits are random in a certain statistical sense
Much ofD Davidson's early work was in decision theory (see Decision-Making: An Experimental Approach [1957]), and it was not until the early 1960s that the work for which he is best known began to appear in print. Indeed, Davidson's first major philosophical publication was paper ‘Actions, Reasons and Causes’ (1963). In that paper Davidson sets out to defend the view that the explanation of action by reference to reasons (something we do, for instance, when we refer to an agent's intentions or motives in acting) is also a form of causal explanation. Indeed, he argues that reasons explain actions just inasmuch as they are the causes of those actions.

a part, appears at a number of places in Davidson's work. The first and best-known presentation is that of ‘Mental Events’ (1970a) ... Imaging Signal Transduction in the Human Brain:: In vivo imaging methods involving positron emission tomography (PET) were developed to examine brain blood flow and arachidonic and docosahexaenoic acid metabolism at rest and during activation in healthy subjects in relation to age.. in which Davidson argues for the compatibility of three principles (all three of which are adumbrated in various ways in the argument of ‘Actions, Reasons and Causes’): (i) that at least some mental events interact causally with physical events — The Principle of Causal Interaction; (ii) that events related as cause and effect fall under strict laws

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