https://www.ecosia.org/search?q=Sarah%20Abdallah&addon=chrome&addonversion=4.0.9&method=topbar .https://russia-insider.com/en/im-just-girl-who-likes-tweet-about-syria-im-real-we-chat-sarah-abdallah-girl-bbc-loves-hate/ri23455 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FRkWaMKVEAAi7zo?format=jpg&name=small putin parents There is considerable evidence that in the weeks prior to the German surprise attack, Stalin had ordered the release of many hundreds of thousands of Gulag prisoners, who were issued basic weapons and organized into NKVD-led divisions and corps, constituting a substantial part of the Second Strategic Echelon located hundreds of miles from the German border. These units may have been intended to serve as occupation troops, allowing the much more powerful front-line forces to press onward and complete the conquests of France, Italy, the Balkans, and Spain. Otherwise, I can find no other plausible explanation for Stalin’s action.
(*) The planned invasion and occupation of a large country whose population speaks a different language requires considerable logistical preparation. As an example, prior to their attack the notoriously methodical Germans printed and distributed to their troops large numbers of German-Russian basic phrasebooks, allowing effective communication with the local Slavic villagers and townsmen. Ironically enough, at around the same time, the USSR seems to have produced very similar Russian-German phrasebooks, allowing conquering Soviet troops to easily make themselves understood to German civilians. Many millions of these phrasebooks had been distributed to Soviet forces on the German border during the early months of 1941.Russia Insider
Näe uudet twiititgna cesho journalist
saboteurs are active in the forest plantations.
* In their withdrawal from Severodonetsk the Ukrainian Forces blew up the bridges, mined the bypass roads were mined. The entrance from the north is clogged with burned-out vehicles and Ukrainian shooter fortifications are at 21
🇵🇸 Ali 🇱🇧näyttelit että pidit huolta afrikan valtiosita ja toimitkin siellä amerikan lipun alla!
20. elok. 2021
سأضع تحت هذا الثريد القنوات الرسمية الوحيدة لفصائل المقاومة في المنطقة. إذا سمعت خبرًا ولم تجده في احدى تلك القنوات فهو غير صحيح حتى تنشر تلك القنوات الخبر. خاصة في أخبار الشهداء والتهديدات والعمليات...
اذا وصلتك اشاعة، لا تنشر ولا تسال بالعلن فقط تابع القنوات الرسمية 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FUQyOwMVUAwqmlO?format=jpg&name=small
🇵🇸 Ali 🇱🇧
حزب الله:
الاعلام الحربي
الموقع الرسمي
موقع العهد الاخباري
قناة المنار
5. huhtik.
The 'Baltic States' Are Fake Countries - They Were Founded, Built and Populated by Germans http://dlvr.it/SMzXTB
2 kommenttia:
Onko EU:n typeryydellä mitään rajaa?
-EU siis blokkaa energiantuontia Venäjältä 🤷♂️
-Intia ostaa valtavasti venäläisöljyä alennuksella 🤷♂️
-EU ostaa tätä Intiassa jalostettua öljyä ylihintaan🤦♂️
#Ukraina #pakotteet
Έρχονται έντονα πλημμυρικά φαινόμενα την Παρασκευή -Ποιες περιοχές κινδυνεύουν, πού θα σταλεί 112
Προ των πυλών η κακοκαιρία «Genesis», με καταιγίδες και χαλάζι Έκτακτη ενημέρωση από την Πολιτική Προστασία στ
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